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Proselytizing Pilot

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JS said:
100% of Christians, on the other hand, are converts. It is not possible to be born into Christianity. Everyone is born a sinner, yet everyone can be born again.

The overwhelming majority of Americans were "born into christianity" just as moslems and others were. I was raised a catholic because my mother, with my non-catholic father's approval, raised us that way. And somehow I survived 18 years of it without ever using the expression "born again."

I left when I grew up enough to realize that morals and ethics do not depend upon religious dogma. I find it much easier to be a good person without all the mumbo jumbo.
You don't have to go to church every week, and you don't have to be perfect, in order to save your soul. All you have to do is ask for forgiveness for your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour. It's that simple.

He was beaten, crucified, died on the cross and then burned in hell just for you. Take AAdvantage of it while you can! 🙂
All this stuff is simply your view of the world. I feel much the same about your proselytizing here as I do about Capt. F. using his airplane for that purpose. I don't get on an airplane to hear someone preach to me, and I don't come here for that either.

kirkpatrick said:
I don't get on an airplane to hear someone preach to me, and I don't come here for that either.
Hear, hear.


As always, you are right on the mark.
kirkpatrick said:
All this stuff is simply your view of the world. I feel much the same about your proselytizing here as I do about Capt. F. using his airplane for that purpose. I don't get on an airplane to hear someone preach to me, and I don't come here for that either.
On an airplane, you can't just get up and leave. Here, if you don't like the topic, all you have to do is hit the back button, and -- poof! All gone!
Hey everybody. Let's just declare JS the winner; so, maybe he/she will go back to doing the Lord's work--deciding which of the rest of us is going to hell (evidently all of us who disagree with him/her).
JS, is it comforting to know that even though according to www.adherents.com and http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~samkong/mission/real.php that only 33% of the world is “christianâ€￾ and 66% of the world will burn in hell. Are you really that arrogant to believe that “Christiansâ€￾ have the market on what is right? The real kicker is that the other 66% believe just as strongly that they are right and that everyone else is wrong.

I agree with what someone else wrote here. I lead my life just fine with out the burden of abiding by any single dogma or cult. I am biased against no one. I condemn no one for their belief or life styles. I would find it very interesting that any god would condone anyone for condemning anyone else for believing something different. I would hope that if there does come a time when we are judged, that we will be judged on our life and or actions, not what god we happened to believe in or how we displayed that belief. If that is the case, JS, I would be worried if I were you but then again what do I know. I am part of the 66% who do not believe as you do.
Garfield1966 said:
that only 33% of the world is “christianâ€￾ and 66% of the world will burn in hell.
And that assumes that 100% of that 33% will go to heaven, which I find highly unlikely.

Here's a factoid I found interesting. If you want to be around christians, the best place for you is...prison. That's right, adherence to christianity is higher in jail than in any other American institution.

JS has an agenda. He (she?) will continue his "ministry" on this board as long as you keep responding to his posts. Ignore him, and he will have to take his act somewhere else.
Garfield1966 said:
I would hope that if there does come a time when we are judged, that we will be judged on our life and or actions, not what god we happened to believe in or how we displayed that belief.
We will all be judged, and the only way to avoid eternal damnation is to either be perfect, or ask for forgiveness for your sins. Since no one is perfect, the latter is your only option.
I'd rather go to hell. I'll have plenty of friends there and I won't have to deal with you and your other cult members. Besides, if christians are the only ones who get a pass, I’ll just see if a muslim can loan me 1 or two of his virgins. Woooooo hooooo paaaaaarttttyyyyyyyy!!!!!


It’s fun to mess with clowns like him. Cheaper than renting a porn flick. Lol!
Thanks for praying, I mean playing, but this is no longer about the pilot.
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