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Profit made


Oct 13, 2003
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US made a profit to the tune of 106 mill before the special items thing and after deductions of it it was a profit of 92 million
Unbearable really? So did you quit or collapse?

Another Tempe cheerleader...... I have heard what's going on out in the system...shame on you.....your profits and bonuses were made on the backs of people like Harry, and by gouging us customers with unnecessary ancillary fees because you can't price your fares logically......

Before you bash another employee, take a deep look in the mirror.
Another Tempe cheerleader...... I have heard what's going on out in the system...shame on you.....your profits and bonuses were made on the backs of people like Harry, and by gouging us customers with unnecessary ancillary fees because you can't price your fares logically......

Before you bash another employee, take a deep look in the mirror.

Then let a former ramper bash him. Go cry somewhere else. Better yet quit. There was multiple reasons the old US Airways went into two BKs. One of the reason was unsustainable wages the unions demanded and the company agreed to give. All you union people want to go back to the good old days and have high wages and put the company back into BK. Well it's not going to happen.

As for you Art your song is old and needs to be changed. This is the new reality. If you and your cohorts do not like the fees you can always fly Southwest or try Amtrak or Greyhound.
Your song is getting old as well Malikie, or are you just another mismanagement apologist as well. Every airline has fees, we accept that. Most others, however, exempt their best customers from many of them, which this crew does not.

The issue is not so much wages, as it is cutting staffing to unworkable levels, and putting employees at risk of physical exhaustion and injury. When does someone realize that it is probably more cost effective to staff a little better than to pay for delivering missed bags and customer compensation?

As for me, I don't fly US except as a last resort, although we still advocate for many who do-and we are quite successful to date.

We're not asking for more than other carriers already offer...so if and when Tempe realizes that good employees and happy customers are important to the bottom line rather than being liabilities, nothing will change.
I guess you dont realize the unionized employees gave back $1.2 billion per year in concessions during the first chapter 11 and much more in the second.

Dave failed, it wasnt the employees fault, the employees on the east back then saved the company, so Dave could walk away with $6 million in cash and lifetime flying benefits, off the backs of the employees and retirees.

Better go educate yourself on history, oh by the way we gave concessions back in 1992 to save the company the first time.

Dont let the facts get in your way.

Why is WN the highest paid, highest percentage of unionized employees and the most successful and profitable airline over the past 30 years?
I guess you dont realize the unionized employees gave back $1.2 billion per year in concessions during the first chapter 11 and much more in the second.

Dave failed, it wasnt the employees fault, the employees on the east back then saved the company, so Dave could walk away with $6 million in cash and lifetime flying benefits, off the backs of the employees and retirees.

Better go educate yourself on history, oh by the way we gave concessions back in 1992 to save the company the first time.

Dont let the facts get in your way.

Why is WN the highest paid, highest percentage of unionized employees and the most successful and profitable airline over the past 30 years?

And if employees had to give all those concessions to "save the company" can we turn it around and say if the employees and their unions would have gone with
reasonable wages instead of needing industry leading wages would the old US Airways been in the position it was in?
We had industry standard wages, ranked accordingly to the size of US.

How did Siegel squander $2.4 billion in two years just from employees? That's not counting what was saved by vendors and other creditors.

Last time I checked the rank and file employees dont make the decisions to run the company, we just follow the company's business plan.

No go back to Doug's office, your late with his lunch.

Employees dont set fuel prices, dont pick what cities we fly too, dont pick what planes to buy, etc.....

Assign the blame where blame belongs.

The employees didnt tell Wolf to spend $1.5 billion on buying stock back right before 9/11, gee just think how much things would have been better if they didnt throw money away, which they were great at doing.
Folks, stay on topic, bashing previous and current management has little to do with the profit that was announced today.
Unbearable really? So did you quit or collapse?

NO! But he does have automatic weapons suitable to adjust your attitude! Perhaps someday he will get to use them to the betterment of society :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Remember PROFIT is not a dirty word. In fact the more of it there is then the better bargaining position Labor is in. Also remember that management may have made the plan but it's the everyday worker slinging bags in +120 & -30 degree heat, the on duty for 12 hours F/A who scrapes out 6.5 block hours, Pilots, Mech's & G/A's that execute the plan day in and day out.

Good job everyone.
If you go to the Wall Street Journal Cheat Sheet(sorry new computer) and look at US, US fell to 92 million from 272 million from last year!

Your revenue rose 10.5% to 3.5 billion from last year. It still fell short of the 3.51 billion that analysists predicted. Still Doug looks at the positive in that the airline made a profit and that a spike in fuel prices may have been why you fell short of your goal.

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