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President Trump

You said "Obama ain't president any more...or did you forget that." Now you qualify it afterward, it figures. Your angry libtard whining about how the Trump government is "going to pay for it" is over the top. You snowflakes never worried about running up the debt during 8 years of Obammy, now your worried? I guess you'll have to wait and see cup cake.

Go stand on the corner yell profanities about Trump, or burn a flag. Its about all you people have.

You are right. Most lefties didn't seem to mind when Obama ran up the debt.....you righties didn't seem to mind running up the debt while fighting two wars....one buy choice...that we couldn't afford. Then Obama got elected, and all I heard for 8 years from YOU guys was - it was running the country into a ditch...it was ruining the country for your grandchildren. So - you voted the lefty liberals out.

So all I am asking is - will the debt still be important to you as it continues to rise - especially if Trumps plans are enacted? You have to remember that rolling back Obamacare will free up some money to build a wall and round up and deport illegals....but that is shifting spending, ,not cutting it. The debt will still exist. Toss in ramping up the military and that means spending will increase - even if Obamacare is repealed and replaced with ....'something great". Wait....I'm pretty sure that "something great" is going to cost some money too., so not ALL the money freed up by repealing Obamacare can shift over to wall building. So he immigration policies will most likely result in more than shifting - they'll be an increase in spending.

NOW...toss in a tax cut, which many have said will "actually increase revenues", but has only resulted in deficits each time it has been done...and there will be an IMMEDIATE reduction in revenues - while old obligations will still need to be paid, and new obligations (wall building, military building) will stay at their same levels. And even if I buy into the Laugher theory and believe that thousands of 'really great jobs' will be created - that won't happen in a year. Or two. Or even 5. So we will have REDUCED revenues for quite some time, but we will have not cut spending (remember shifting isn't cutting) and will have in fact added to the spending.

And let's not forget that ramping up the military does NOT include the costs of "kicking the sh!t" out of ISIS - so there most likely will be some increased spending on the sh!t kicking front. And considering that the president elect has mentioned in passing more than once the possibility of using nukes in this battle - we'll most likely incur some costs of another war...because I'm not so sure that many countries will appreciate us dropping a nuke into a schoolyard, so there will be some additional war spending that we don't currently have.

So the bottom line is that if many of Trump's plans are implemented - the debt will most likely rise FASTER than it did under Obama. Now..I know this is long - but could you answer with a simple yes or no, and try to avoid the tards and snowflakes - given that the debt WILL rise - will it still matter as much to you as it has over the past 8 years?
At least we don't have to worry about the "second amendment people" doing anything to Hillary anymore do we KC. Oh that's right they did. They VOTED!

YEs - the voted. It will be interesting now to see what they say when

1 their insurance costs don't come down
2 good paying jobs aren't created
3 the debt continues to grow
4 your paycheck is still stagnant
5 the costs of food goes up (illegal labor keeps costs down)

I think when you all see that none of that changes you might have the sudden realization that America was already pretty great.

Oh yeah...and it's a blessing that Hillary lost. Because after about 6 months of hearing "rigged", had Trump won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote (as Hillary did), blood would be running in the streets with people pointing that "more people voted for Trump but Hillary won.....it's RIGGED"
K.C. Go back in your closet and sulk!.......... Deal with it! Trump is the Pres.elect. There is no changing that now! Now all you have to do is worry about how much more damage Obama will do between now and Jan.!
I get it that your candidate lost, but trying to continue with the fear mongering is just poor sportsmanship, and shows the double standard that some of us have been pointing to for years when it comes to rhetoric.
Just a liberal being a liberal eolesen.

You didn't expect their libtard behavior to change post election did you?
So all that and I still have to ask - where do we get the money to beef up the military, build a wall and round up illegals .... and let's not forget...lower that debt. Obama ain't president anymore...or did you forget that. And remember...how many time was the left chastised for "blaming Bush". Put your money where your f---ing mouth is and stop blaming Obama. Where do we get the money to do all that?

Dodd-Frank has certain provisions for the gov't to confiscate 50% of your savings depending on how your savings institution is structured....all we need is a fiscal event.
Trump is the candidate of the white blue collar voter who lost their way of life and felt that nobody was looking out for them.

Obama was the candidate of the black, blue collar voter (plus more). They were a group who did not have the white, middle class, and/or white blue collar way of life, and felt like they were left behind. So they came out for Obama's hope and change. They were promised great things, and were delivered mediocrity.

Racial spin Glenn.

You libtards just can't help yourselves can you?
Dodd-Frank has certain provisions for the gov't to confiscate 50% of your savings depending on how your savings institution is structured....all we need is a fiscal event.
Then I'm assuming you are okay with this, since implementing an immediate cut in revenues with increased spending may well trigger that "fiscal event". Are you cool with that?
K.C. Go back in your closet and sulk!.......... Deal with it! Trump is the Pres.elect. There is no changing that now! Now all you have to do is worry about how much more damage Obama will do between now and Jan.!
I'm not sulking. I'm just asking. Will the debt still be as big an issue in the coming 4 years as it has been for the past 8 years - particularly since it will (not might) increase rapidly - especially if many of the president elects plans are implemented. But...instead of addressing that, it's apparently easier to "tard" up the place. And I guess I must be one of the rare few - I have heard on right wing talk radio and news how crappy the US is... I've heard from my brother how the country has gone down the crapper for the past 8 years. I have heard for the past year how we need to "make America great again", yet looking back, the past 8 years have been among the best I've ever had. Go figure.
Then I'm assuming you are okay with this, since implementing an immediate cut in revenues with increased spending may well trigger that "fiscal event". Are you cool with that?

Like my other thread post about an impending recession next year, your party, for some strange reason, wrote provisions into Dodd-Frank where banks won't be the only ones taking it in the shorts much like it was in 2007/2008. You and I will be the ones who will bail them out, not the gov't. It all depends on the bylaw structure of your savings institution.
Easy way to raise cash, eh? Good people, those democrats.

Can you hear me now?
where do we get the money to beef up the military, deport illegals, build and wall AND lower the debt.

Finding the money without borrowing it is not the problem. It never was.

What America has is a libtard problem pushing wasteful socialist agendas that are wrecking our economy.

Here is a fine example.


Bring up welfare reform though and watch the libtards lose their minds.
I'm not sulking. I'm just asking. Will the debt still be as big an issue in the coming 4 years as it has been for the past 8 years - particularly since it will (not might) increase rapidly - especially if many of the president elects plans are implemented. But...instead of addressing that, it's apparently easier to "tard" up the place. And I guess I must be one of the rare few - I have heard on right wing talk radio and news how crappy the US is... I've heard from my brother how the country has gone down the crapper for the past 8 years. I have heard for the past year how we need to "make America great again", yet looking back, the past 8 years have been among the best I've ever had. Go figure.
Listen K.C.......Realistically speaking . We all are concerned about the debt, but the reality is that we didn't get there overnight. And Trump because he does come from a business background, can only point this country in what he believes is the right direction. Now, no matter what he does, that debt well not come down overnight. In fact, I expect we can expect it will still go up before it can level off and start coming down. The bottom line is, you can't turn a ship, the size of this economy, around overnight.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Trump is the candidate of the white blue collar voter who lost their way of life and felt that nobody was looking out for them.

Obama was the candidate of the black, blue collar voter (plus more). They were a group who did not have the white, middle class, and/or white blue collar way of life, and felt like they were left behind. So they came out for Obama's hope and change. They were promised great things, and were delivered mediocrity.

Obama got elected by Soros who rolled the dice on whimpy whites who would fall for the premise that it was time to elect a blackman to the presidency. If the MSM would have put half the effort into Obama's background as they had Trump, he wouldn't have been elected.

Dr Martin Luther King put it all into perspective with his words America should have heeded regarding content of character over color of skin.

Former KKK leader David Duke: 'Our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!'

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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

This is one of the most exciting nights of my life -> make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump! #MAGA

I see you jump on the KKK bandwagon against Trump, have you bothered to look into some of the left wing radical entities who backed HIllary Clinton?

Know who John Bachtell is? He backed HRC.

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