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President Trump

Really? What candidate might that be? Just to let you know there wasn't one as you describe on the liberal side.
How do you know I voted liberal? I tend to prefer that my government stay out of bathrooms, bedrooms vaginas and avoid church influences.
The point is no attempt was made to secure employment because he CHOSE not to make an attempt due to generous welfare benefits with no accountability.No YOU are the one that missed the point. The point is to have policies that encourage private sector growth not assure it.At the end of the day all most people care about is price. If your only defense is they use a voice automated phone reservation system then that is pretty weak. Most large companies today use a self automated phone system. I mean honestly, when you use an example like that it is hard to take anything you say seriously.Maybe. Maybe not. With a flat tax there would be no sales tax and no property tax. No taxes of any kind except the 20 percent the government takes from your income.

I am glad to see you are enjoying those loopholes you hate so much.
Come back to reality please. You are being very much a libtard right now.
That does not change the fact that the left points the finger at wealthy conservatives using tax loops while doing it themselves. Kind of like.... well..... you for instance. Oh yeah and the Clinton's.
After showing us his fine home, KC proves he's a hypocrite, racist couch warrior that is just a low life like any other leftie!
Hey Xut how is this guy a scab? Did he refuse to go over the cliff with the lemmings? You know if someone told me to jump off a bridge.... Personally I would do what best for my family I could give a rats a$$ what some union buttwipe told me to do

Hey Albert,
JMHO, the NWA strike, if it succeeded, would have sent a message of solidarity to the industry.
The 'only' tool in your toolbox was the ability to withhold your labor.
Now, after the NWA strike failed, companies have no respect that you will take action to ensure a decent contract.
You call me a 'lemming', that's quite interesting.
Hows that working out for you?
Not to worry as there is a national right to work bill coming soon.
Then you don't have to pay dues if you don't want to.
Good Luck Albert!
Hey did you hear this one...


Of course the silly left is blaming Trump for a failed mission, even though it was in the works during Odumma's reign.
Well it's obvious al-Qaeda was waiting for us meaning a leak from the top. Somebody warned al-Qaeda and it was obviously someone in OBAAA-Ma administration. The story is developing and Trump WILL drain the swamp!
LOL. As I you xUT. I see you are still here spewing your liberal ideology. This country is caving in from within and you're still backing your rethoric. It's obvious I voted for Trump, just curious who you voted for. It's time for you to quit believing in the pot at the end of the rainbow and unicorns. Hop on the Trump Train it's going to be a Great ride.

How has your union been treating you lately? What has union members paid in in the past twelve years? About fifteen thousand a member? Plus you guys are still hating them? I see Delta/ScabAir A&P's are out performing their Union counterparts. Of course we knew that was going to happen didn't we? You AMT's just don't get it do you just like you still don't understand why Hillary lost. By the way how is Ken doing and what ever happened to Hackman?

I voted for Trump.
I have never been a DemoRAT or a RepubliRAT.
I only have One GOD that I follow.
I can't speak for anyone else but myself.

But you, as a SCAB, has set your profession (not mine anymore) back to the stone ages.
Hey Albert,
JMHO, the NWA strike, if it succeeded, would have sent a message of solidarity to the industry.
The 'only' tool in your toolbox was the ability to withhold your labor.
Now, after the NWA strike failed, companies have no respect that you will take action to ensure a decent contract.
You call me a 'lemming', that's quite interesting.
Hows that working out for you?
Not to worry as there is a national right to work bill coming soon.
Then you don't have to pay dues if you don't want to.
Good Luck Albert!
That was a big "if" as outsider on the employee bus passing by the few strikers who were in a remote area of the airport I knew it was doomed for failure.I have seen enough union failures in my time. On one or more more occasion where they outsource the strikers work the very same union tried to organize the replacements. That is why I'm so cynical For your info while with US I have worked at the Pan am and TWA terminals and have listen to many stories and heard many opinions
That was a big "if" as outsider on the employee bus passing by the few strikers who were in a remote area of the airport I knew it was doomed for failure.I have seen enough union failures in my time. On one or more more occasion where they outsource the strikers work the very same union tried to organize the replacements. That is why I'm so cynical For your info while with US I have worked at the Pan am and TWA terminals and have listen to many stories and heard many opinions

Well, when UA had their BK, I went to the break room. I had a friend of mine that worked for Eastern, them PAN AM, then TWA.
Finally got a position at UA, when we went BK, and he cried, I will never forget that.
He never crossed a picket line and always supported his union.
JMHO that will never happen again.
Sad for me as he was a hard worker that didn't screw off like some union workers that feel that they are 'entitled' and screw the pouch.
Just my 2 cents
Well, when UA had their BK, I went to the break room. I had a friend of mine that worked for Eastern, them PAN AM, then TWA.
Finally got a position at UA, when we went BK, and he cried, I will never forget that.
He never crossed a picket line and always supported his union.
JMHO that will never happen again.
Sad for me as he was a hard worker that didn't screw off like some union workers that feel that they are 'entitled' and screw the pouch.
Just my 2 cents
In the end what does he have to show for it probably a failed marriage a personal bankruptcy and living in a basement apartment. In all those cases the facts shows there was nothing he could do but ride it out. I would have thought UAL was safe but.... Glad you and others landed on your feet but don't be pissed at the people who are cynical because they have every right to be. I know many employees from failed airlines they have just as much hate for their unions as the companys

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