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Possible Company Proposal

The lower pay scale than HP and others is designed to offset US's higher seniority. Not saying whether I agree, just stating a fact of what management believes.
Light Years said:
I still dont understand what they achieve by getting rid of the VF program. Doesnt it just raise thier costs by just doing it by pure seniority? If there was no VF program the most junior ML F/A, like the pilots would be around 1989 or 1990 seniority- they would have a workforce of all topped-out people. Why do they want that? I'd think they would rather let people take a few years off, some that may never come back, than invol. PITbull, whats the logic behind the company's position against VFs?

On the 10K report there was a $6 million savings associated with the VF program. On that stand point, the company's position doesn't make sense.

The company states that the administarative headache, they can do without. Also, for the VF there are pension credits of up to 3 years still accruing. Company frowns on that. That was given from Gangwal on VF1, and all sideletters had to have that, otherwise, senior folks wouldn't take a furlough that would cost them pension credits.

So, if the company alters the VF program to not only reduce the medical coverage but also eliminate pension credits....we will be back to INVLOUNTARY FURLOUGHS OF JUNIOR FOLKS.
USFlyer said:
The lower pay scale than HP and others is designed to offset US's higher seniority. Not saying whether I agree, just stating a fact of what management believes.

HP f/as are in section 6 negotiations. Their MEC President told us that they have not had any increases since 1998, and they will get increases.

Their top out is close to $38 per hour, therefore they are only a few dollars behind us currently.

That gap will close soon.

Then what? My opinion....U is going after the pension for f/as because that is the "real worth" in our contract. The duty riggs are "me tooed" to the pilots and AFA won't have a say if ALPA caves. There are 13 "me too" provisions that will drag AFA into ALPA, if ALPA concedes.

Where the $116 Million comes from for AFA is the Defined pension and retired medical. That is where the real cost savings to the company . Not that the pension is in any kind of "distress"; its just the company wants us to give it up. As far as the retired medical, well, because the SEC requires it to show up on the Balance sheet as a "liability", company will wants it gone as it may effect the stock price by showing up. That has more to do with a "balance sheet" issue than anything else. And that's sad.

Again, they can go pound salt in the deep blue ocean with a "snorkel".
f any concessions are granted that brings mainline in line with JetBlue or America West, then ALL of the EJets should be brought back under the new mainline contract- just like JetBlue! They dont have a MidAtlantic division for the Embraers.

Uhh, hate to break it to u, but...

America West has 90 seaters, BUT, they belong to Mesa, So even if MDA is just a B Scale, it is still OURS, not. John Ornsteins. True they could sell it, but IMHO if they were going to do so, they already would have.

As for jetBlue, I have yet to see what they will pay their EMB-190 pilots, I would assume that it will be less than the A-320 pilots, and as such will be in line with what US would pay if they were to bring the larger EMB airliners onto US.

One point, if they were to offload the 737's, 757, and 767's, and replace them with more airbuses and a larger number of EMB-190s, we would essentially be down to a two aircraft (family) fleet, ranging from the EMB170/190 to the A319/320/321/330.

Many of the other changes make good business sense, just because you dislike them does not make any of the ideas invalid or illogical.

Or, we could keep everything exactly the way it is and just pretend away our problems...
Rico said:
One point, if they were to offload the 737's, 757, and 767's, and replace them with more airbuses and a larger number of EMB-190s, we would essentially be down to a two aircraft (family) fleet, ranging from the EMB170/190 to the A319/320/321/330.
Thats exactly what they need to do. I just dont see why the 70 seater would need to operate in a needless division if they had the equivalent 90 seater on mainline. Its redundant, like everything at Airways. They should just have rates/contract differences for the three families (EMB, A320, A330). This would simplify operations by having a single group.

I know the flight attendants would love to get JetBlue EMB pay to work the 170. Its the same as the 320. Heck, the MidAtlantic F/As would take the JetBlue contract lock stock and barrel to fly anything on the property as its better with what thier stuck with now. They know that they will never see mainline again. The pilots probably feel the same way. The active mainline folks may have created thier own worst enemy by voting thier own junior counterparts into a cheaper alter-ego 'division'.
:angry: This is so BOGUS. Can someone back this up???? We just need to wait and see what the company wants. Really getting tired of the RUMORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me get this right. Some magical e-mail appears in your inbox spilling the beans for concessions from every group.

1. I don't know any pilots that are going to let the 737's slip out of their control.

2. The company is pushing hard for the "work at home" idea possibly tagging it with a pay cut if you elect to work from. Reservations call volume right now is too high to take 680 agents off the phones today or tomorrow. I could believe this number perhaps 2-3 years down the road.

3. ATO/CTO agents are not going to go for 13 dollars an hour. Be realistic 13 dollars an hour is not even a living wage in most of the cities we serve. The cost reductions associated with Kiosk/Gate Reader implementation may impact some agents but case in point you will still need agents. (see the post about one agent on the Pittsburgh ticket counter last week. and the company's lame explanation about inexperienced travelers.)

4. Mechanics not mecanics will not agree to loose any more work to outsourcing. Look for more creative ways to bring outside work in. Example low cost carriers outsource mtc to US Airways (usa300).
The original poster made it very clear that these are rumoured and that they arent responsible for the info. None of it is really surprising, I'm sure most of it is what the company wants or at least has been discussed.
MECANICS: Fewer changes than the rest of the work force.. with the exception of possible outsourcing of some maintenance. Possibility of terminating CLT and PIT as major overhaul centers. But keeping PIT/CLT for other maintenance.
Possibility of terminating CLT and PIT as major overhaul centers
800 mechanic head count and no ute's or rampies...fare exchange ,right?
no 'c' checks...no 'q' checks...only RON line....duh....lets see now we have about 3800 mech's on board as of today......sure we'll bend over for the company...sure we will..........
if this is the case...you can rest assured we will close this popsicle stand ,baby! 😉
Talked to our president last night just back from DCA.

13.20 an hour was best of 3 company proposals.

Sorry to break the news to all the yes voters but I

will see them in court.
USAirUnited: Don't emails usually just magically appear in your mailbox??? Also, it was a typo error on Mechanics. But I would like to know, did you mean "loose" or "lose". Just wondering. :blink:
Bad news for all, the rumor is true ..... :angry:

Started working on my résumé today, and praying for the buyout. There’s still a chance for it.

On thing all retirees past, and future need to keep in mine, they can cancel your retirement healthcare bennies while in BK.
Rumor or not, I posted it on another thread that I thought was appropriate to share, and it was hijacked to here.

In any case, the email said the company wanted agents pay to go from $20hr. to $13hr. Read what CS Agent just posted above.

Rumor or not....we'll find out soon.
It's true heard it from the CWA, something should be sent out to member later today. If a yes vote on this by the CWA is the only thing that will keep U out of BK again, then get ready it's coming (BK).

And $13.00 is coming also..... but it will have to be done in BK.

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