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Planned Pilot sick-out on Friday

This sick out will only end up hurting the other workgroups and our customers not the management of US Airways or ALPA.

It cost American Airlines an estimated $200 Million and canceled 6,600 flights. http://www.bls.gov/opub/cwc/archive/winter1999art3.pdf

Those two statements appear to be mutually exclusive. I'm guessing that a $200 million loss did little beneficial service to American management. It must also be noted that their pilot group isn't treated like rubbish at present. and has a pretty decent wage scale and working conditions.

PS: Of course..they're not Alpa members 😉
This is a sickout by the East group who are protesting pay parity or lack thereof. Yes, we have heard the rumors throughout phoenix and tempe.

Why isn't ALPA calling all pilots to abide by the rules?

In our view, the suggested No-Fly Day would be both a violation of the Railway Labor Act and contrary to the interests of the pilot group.---USAPA

If there is a sick out, watch ALPA condemn the East afterwards.

ALPO will stop at nothing to get people "in-line". Maybe they should use a taser.
but whenever i hear of so called pilot sick outs or slow downs this comes to my mind... nothing is ever gained.. someone will ultimately... lose

Sorry to hear about your friend, but didn't/don't the FARs say anything about a pilot self-judging whether they are "fit" to fly? I agree with John Donne, but to imply the stand down had anything to do with your friends death is stretching it, pretty much.

Also, would US lose more from a one-day safety stand down than they did with the Sabre changeover? Could they possibly lose more revenue?

Why isn't ALPA calling all pilots to abide by the rules?

In our view, the suggested No-Fly Day would be both a violation of the Railway Labor Act and contrary to the interests of the pilot group.---USAPA

If there is a sick out, watch ALPA condemn the East afterwards.

ALPO will stop at nothing to get people "in-line". Maybe they should use a taser.

That's what I would like to know. Where is ALPA putting out any info to not sick out? Tacit approval maybe?

At least USAPA posted on their website condemning the job action. Whoever (Maybe ALPA) is trying to tie USAPA into this is not very bright. But I have to say NWA showed the way. IMO. I would guess more of the same is coming in the near future.

As for ALPA National, it might be the opening they are hoping for. Put Stephan and the rest of the MEC into trusteeship. Actually I hope they do. Then, when the campaign for a representative begins, we can see how National will defend themselves to stay as the rep. This is going to be interesting to say the least.
he was not just a friend.. i have always been in customer service.. he was a friend of the piot group of ANE .. what happened.. happened.. it made TIME magazine July 1979 .. you know back 30 years ago things were different just that over the last 30 years the pilot group and maint have called the shots.. heh its a republican administration for the last 8 years. i worked the summer of the reagan years and PATCO.. notice .. reagan is in small print and patco is in bold print.. the unions of this country are in such a disarray that they either it each other within the same group or just tell you.. heh if you dont do this they are going to do this... you trust them.. what it does for the senior folks.. hardly.. sad to see how inflight crews belonging to the SAME UNION cant agree.. whats that all about? the CWA for the customer service folks.. well we could have done better.. even the TWU would have been better they have aviation exprience.. the last big time cutback in 1992 everyone kept their benefits etc.. the frontline folks.. big time cuts.. when the frontline folks Voted for union even as Wolf said... oh we will promise you everything if you dont go union... yeah right.. the CWA isnt the best believe me .. we members get newsletters in the mail from them how the great things they do for Bellsouth... Bellnorth.. Bellwest.. Bell north pole.. nothing about US. we just get it in the mail and toss it in the circular file.. but bottom line if we did not have them what the company would have done to us at the last BK2.. man a total slaugther... the west folks are getting raises because of the east contract.. the unions of this company need to take a stance .. TOGETHER... believe me if the customer service agent union group ever threatend to do a slow down of walk believe me.. that would close the airline not some pilot sick out... when you look at what is what the frontline folks call the shots.. but you will never see that... we are toooooooooooooooo loyal.. and there is nothing wrong with that..
good let them show management they will not work for nothing, the iam and cwa should be right with them
... believe me if the customer service agent union group ever threatend to do a slow down of walk believe me.. that would close the airline not some pilot sick out... when you look at what is what the frontline folks call the shots.. but you will never see that... we are toooooooooooooooo loyal.. and there is nothing wrong with that..

Why not?

17 Oct 07 is a nationwide strike. Everyone is invited. Give the administration a 2x4 up the head.

I know the agents are understaffed in a grievous manner. You can count at least one employee to support you, and I know where all the skeletons are for most of the others, if you know what I mean.
I understand that everyone is unhappy with the way the company is running, I am the first person to say things are screwed up, but rumors are flying around that the pilot group is planning to have a “sick outâ€￾ this Friday the 21st.

Having a sick out will only drive away business, upset the customers who have stuck with us through all the crap in the past and give OUR Company more bad press, which is the last thing we need.

If this happens, you are only giving the other airlines like Southwest the business and strengthening the argument for the union busting factions. This sick out will only end up hurting the other workgroups and our customers not the management of US Airways or ALPA.

Its illegal and anyone who participates should be fired.

Use the legal process to solve the issues. If you are unhappy with the job your Union representatives are doing, then move to recall them. However, illegal job actions accomplish nothing. :down:

It cost American Airlines an estimated $200 Million and canceled 6,600 flights. http://www.bls.gov/opub/cwc/archive/winter1999art3.pdf

If it is going to happen, WHY did you have to alert EVERYONE!!!

I say f*&k it and DO it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unless you work for the company you wouldn't understand. And if you DO, you should support your own.'

The pilots have my 100% support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
While I support the employees and agree that things are not right between management and labor, an action such as this will only hasten the demise of the company, or its breakup.

If that is the ultimate goal, on you go......

I won't even venture a guess as to whether it is legal or not, but again, you will hurt the customers and fellow employees much worse than you will management.

My BEST to you all....

Oh stop..you're scaring me!!!!

Dramitic aren't we???

That would NOT put the company out of business. Look at NWA with their hundreds of cancelled flights...did they go under???? NO!!!!!

All employees and passengers must support their airline employees. Whether you agree or not, it will benefit everyone in the long run.

i.e. happy employees makes happier customers
Yeah , that’s it , show the company how bad you are by having a sick out while the loads are light …… that will teach them … I bet the company is scared at the prospect of sick outs now that the summer rush has passed and BEFORE the holiday season has started …

My advice to you is to wait a little longer , thanksgiving will be here soon enough …..
I can't help but think that this would be the last straw for any pax who was stranded or screwed.
to SHARKTOFF thes story is real and we had and still have ex Air New England pilots flying for us and those who have since retired. they know the story .. ive always been in customer service back in 1974 when i started in this business you know things were different . lets not go that way... just that sick outs.. slow downs.. etc etc.. enough is enough... the pilots union is in a total disarray. hey you folks get it together.. finally after 15 years.. we dont have to dispatch you and remind you folks making over 100.000 per year to make sure... the following... you have 135 folks on board.. 2 infants.... no GSI and your FUEL is ......... sad when customer service agents making the least amount of cash has to remind at captain making over 100,ooo per year .. oh do you have enough fuel to get to where you are going .. remember back in 1994 when in well publizied media.. usair captian diverts due to not having enough fuel .. so now we dont have to do that as long as they have their fuel slip... . sad.. wonder where that captain is now.....

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