real world said:
Excuse me it was Rick Dubinsky of ALPA, however don't miss the point on a technicality.
Now seeing as you want to challenge statements what revenue intiatives are you refering to that could have been done, that have not been done?
Don't roll in here and blast the unions if you don't have the facts with which to blast the unions. It's not about killing the golden goose--in this case it's about not giving away further concessions to a bunch of losers who cannot lead a horse to water. Just like the "plan" coming out of BK, those who have some degree of skill don't need a "do over" to get an inflammatory slam involving a rather well known quote correct on the first shot (this all ignoring the fact that Woerth is much more pro-management than Dubinksy ever would have been).
As for the revenue side, several folks here have already listed off a laundry list of items. The one's I would have done last year:
1. Roll PHL.
2. Fix the friggen website. Hire more than one programmer.
3. Run the sane first sales more often. I've been on a couple of trips to Vegas since that sale ran, one of which was paid F. Next time, don't yank seats out of the only type you run to the markets in question as you are runnning the sale.
4. Rationalize the fares in non-LUV markets. You guys could generate a few hundred thousand extra boardings at PIT alone with a sane fare structure (I can't tell you how many thousands of dollars you have lost from me alone going PIT-DFW on OAs). This does not have to be a LUV rationalization, however, you will generate many more $800 trips to LAX than you will $1800. You don't have to lower the bottome end to the LUV levels. You need to cut the top to something reasonable. It's no secret that LUV sells many more of those $300 walkups (or whatever their full-Y is) than anyone else. There is a reason for this.
5. Put F back into the 701s and EMB-170s. All differentiation is lost on these birds without it, and you will lose the solid middle.
6. Put silverware and real glass back into F. Get music back on the planes. You won't differentiate US from Adam in it's current state. The product (sans the frontline folks, who rock) is in a sad state.
On the non-revenue, yet not banging labor side:
1. Take the ALG/PDT entity, lease up some Q400s, and have at it.
2. Stop litigating high risk items. The AFA VF fight was stupid. The IAM-M dispute is not only stupid, if you lose it the paycheck to the IAM will shut the doors.
3. Stop screwing with PIT. It's a fortress market that just offered to cut $25 million/year off the debt. You won't run 200+ more flights/day thru PHL, depeaking or no depeaking. There is no other non-LCC airport with that much O&D available to hub.
4. Stop screwing your best customers. Since folks are not buying Envoy in droves, give out SWUs to US2 and US3s again. Thanks to that particular move, US has lost $5,000 of revenue from me to BA
thus far this year.
5. Stop cutting your reservation centers to the bone. If you have 100 calls in queue at any given time, you are preventing people from buying your product.
6. Take the PHL initiative, and apply it systemwide. Trim the levels of middle management and eliminate the fiefdoms.
7. Ditch the attitude with the unions. Even if your plan sucks (which, thus far, no reason has been given
not to believe), cordial relationships with the unions would allow for a bit more breathing room. I firmly believe that even if the current plan was a guaranteed winner, 2 or 3 unions on the property would cut off their nose to spite Jerry's face. This is a failure of epic magnitude, and when the current round of concessions goes nowhere, you will know why.
8. Don't write another business plan that's predicated on being able to continually screw "the business traveler" out of exhorbitant fares. Perfect pricing information is here--you lose.
9. Empower your employees to actually solve problems, and listen to what they have to say. If you take nothing else from LUV, take this.
Lead by example. Don't talk about it. Do it. Any/all of the things that have been mentioned here (Save perhaps an all-out fare rationalization) should have happened before US employees were asked for another dime.
Oh, and realize that every idea being thrown about here has been floating around for at least a year.