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Pilot Negotiations - The Truth

"At this point, I don't see anything that indicates that they're moving ahead,'' increasing the chance of bankruptcy, said Ronald Kuhlmann, a vice president with R2A, a San Francisco-based airline consultant.

Kuhlmann said the only way US Airways can transform itself into a low-cost carrier without the benefit of bankruptcy protection is to earn the cooperation of all four unions, a likelihood that seems to be fading in the face of confusing signals the company is sending.

US Airways announced yesterday that it was expanding operations in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. -- less than a week after Chairman David G. Bronner said the airline might be liquidated.

The pilots' union tweaked the company's expansion announcement, saying "management must first reach agreements with its labor unions ... before US Airways can confidently proceed with upgrading Fort Lauderdale to a hub.''

Kuhlmann said US Airways' confusing signals have baffled him, too.

"It's just gotten to the point where everything seems incredibly bizarre.''

From this article.

It seems apparently simple: The company wants to go into chp. 11 with no agreements/or 13 letters so they may do as they wish. Why is this so hard to understand? The company is lowballing in negotiations with no willing to budge. They are dragging out meetings with a week in between. What is frustrating is that they are telling the media that the unions won't negotiate. Bottom line: They want control...total control of the employees and if the employees don't like it they hope they will hit the street. I hope they realize this can cripple even their best laid plans.
jack mama said:
So you are a union employee are you:

a) thinking the judge will impose a more favorable contract


b] thinking the company is bluffing about CH11?
hey jack...judges do not impose "favorable contracts"...they only abrogate existing ones and impose what the company wants... 🙁
so maybe at the end of the day and all the dust settles...they might just say "MAYBE IAM WAS RIGHT AFTER ALL " 😉
El Gato said:
What angers me the most about all of this is that I have no choice in the matter. You see, I am a member of another company group that does not have much negotiating power, yet I am going to lose my job, my income, everything just because a group of spoiled six figure earning clowns just HAS to have everything their way. You just CAN'T realize that the industry is in trouble and you can not possibly live on an income less than $100,000/yr. Well, here is a does of reality for you bozos.


Let me tell you about bozos. 2,000 of the Bozos have been fuloughed and have since received a call back by the company to offer the Bozos the opportunity to come back to USAIR and fly Little Rat Jets on the same routes with the same passengers for a lot less money than they made when the flew the 737s. How much less money you ask? (assuming you may like some accurate pay figures for Bozos. Try 20-30K. 20-30K for 25 days on the road and 15 hour work days.

These Bozos that are flying for peanuts are the reason you still even have a job. If you want more Bozos to fly Rat Jets for peanuts then maybe you can keep your job a little longer so that you can work in the Rat Jet Division too.

But as painful and scary as it is to leave and get a better job, if one stays at USAIR to work a Rat Jet, then it is my opinion that the Pot is calling the Kettle black.

If you get the chance to work the Rat Jet Division you may finally wake up an realize that the Bozos are not the enemy.
jack mama said:
So you are a union employee are you:

a) thinking the judge will impose a more favorable contract


b] thinking the company is bluffing about CH11?

Mr. Burns... You forgot answer "C". Had enough and ready to move on elsewhere?"
Phoenix said:
Let me tell you about bozos. 2,000 of the Bozos have been fuloughed and have since received a call back by the company to offer the Bozos the opportunity to come back to USAIR and fly Little Rat Jets on the same routes with the same passengers for a lot less money than they made when the flew the 737s. How much less money you ask? (assuming you may like some accurate pay figures for Bozos. Try 20-30K. 20-30K for 25 days on the road and 15 hour work days.

These Bozos that are flying for peanuts are the reason you still even have a job. If you want more Bozos to fly Rat Jets for peanuts then maybe you can keep your job a little longer so that you can work in the Rat Jet Division too.

But as painful and scary as it is to leave and get a better job, if one stays at USAIR to work a Rat Jet, then it is my opinion that the Pot is calling the Kettle black.

If you get the chance to work the Rat Jet Division you may finally wake up an realize that the Bozos are not the enemy.

So you think that a $30,000/year wage is "too low" for someone flying a "rat jet". Tell me, what is your definition of "peanuts"? $30k, $50k, perhaps even $60k a year? What, is it so low that your gonna weep and cry at home that you can't afford that new benz like all the "big shot" pilots at the carriers who are losing money? Tell me what is you version of an "acceptable" wage, because I am 100% certain I can point out a fellow at JetBlue or AirTran or America West who is doinbg your job for half your pay. And he is winning - you are losing. C'mon, show me how deep your greed for excessive pay runs! Because if you show me a figure of what you deem proper pay, I will show you someone(maybe even myself!) who is willing to do your job for less than what you demand. Maybe not at US Airways, perhaps even at the carrier that slits you job's throat so to speak and puts you out of business. And that guy - believe me when I say that he is going to be smirking his ass off at your misery.

Oh, and those "Rat Jets". Let's not forget that at one time in the past, YOU may have flown one. Do you remember it? It was the F-28, the first regional jet.

And there are many who would do your job for minimum wage or less. Sounds to me like you are unhappy with the choices you have made with your life. This is a bad time for everyone and no one needs a knife in the back from a fellow employee.

quote edited by moderator
i agree hula...and all this BOZO crap?? give it a break.it infers you once were a BOZO.
i am not any happier with my upcoming prospects.....
RAT JETS thats a funny euphemism... :lol:
BoeingBoy said:
"At this point, I don't see anything that indicates that they're moving ahead,'' increasing the chance of bankruptcy, said Ronald Kuhlmann, a vice president with R2A, a San Francisco-based airline consultant.

Kuhlmann said the only way US Airways can transform itself into a low-cost carrier without the benefit of bankruptcy protection is to earn the cooperation of all four unions, a likelihood that seems to be fading in the face of confusing signals the company is sending.

US Airways announced yesterday that it was expanding operations in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. -- less than a week after Chairman David G. Bronner said the airline might be liquidated.

The pilots' union tweaked the company's expansion announcement, saying "management must first reach agreements with its labor unions ... before US Airways can confidently proceed with upgrading Fort Lauderdale to a hub.''

Kuhlmann said US Airways' confusing signals have baffled him, too.

"It's just gotten to the point where everything seems incredibly bizarre.''

From this article.


it'll be hard for the unions to agree to new cuts (if they even do so) since the last two sets of clowns have walked away from their jobs with their golden parachutes and the millions that went with them all for the failure on their part to do the job the way it should have been handled. and now with the new minihub at fll it sounds as though the ch11 will be used to transform this airline into the new lcc type and the mgmt will try to get rid of the contracts in the ch11 but i hope the judge will see that they have failed to negogiate the fair and the right way as the unions have tried to do so in great faith
El Gato said:
Tell me what is you version of an "acceptable" wage, because I am 100% certain I can point out a fellow at JetBlue or AirTran or America West who is doinbg your job for half your pay.


hey Gato,

Try looking at "airlinepilotpay.com"........

Then pull your foot out of your mouth!
El Gato said:
Tell me, what is your definition of "peanuts"?

Rat Jets at a salary that works out to $6.50 an hour will get you peanuts. Maybe choclate covered peanuts if you are real cautious with your budget.

Take a look around and wake up. You obviously hate the people you work with at USairways. Polish up your resume and start fishing for a better place. You will be surprised that there are a lot better places to work.

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