What angers me the most about all of this is that I have no choice in the matter. You see, I am a member of another company group that does not have much negotiating power, yet I am going to lose my job, my income, everything just because a group of spoiled six figure earning clowns just HAS to have everything their way. You just CAN'T realize that the industry is in trouble and you can not possibly live on an income less than $100,000/yr. Well, here is a does of reality for you bozos.
Bronner is not going to waste time with a just a mere chapter 11 filing. He is going to liquidate the airline and sell the remaining assets to recover funds for himself and the majority stockholders. Get that mad fantasy of "we go with the equipment" out of your skulls. No airline wants you right now - they have people of their own on the street, they already have applicants waiting, and they sure as hell do not want lazy troublemakers signing on with them. The crap that you guys have been pulling at US Airways would get you fired from Southwest in a heartbeat. If a captain at Jetblue was found to be writing up hoax maintenance issues just before he times out on his duty day for a flight that was about to leave, he would be canned on the spot. Yet it happens at PHL all the time.
Under Chapter 7, you will have no job. You will also lose seniority, benefits, and others. The irony in it all is that you could get a job out there - Jetblue will hire you. They will offer you LESS than the pay that Bronner wants you to take, and if you give Jetblue any lip about how you don't like it, then get the hell out they will tell you. I know this myself that Jetblue will offer a starting wage that is 40% less that what I earn now. Bronner wants me to give 15% up.....hmmm what causes the less pain....let's see....
But hey, you are a bunch of skygods! Don't let Lakefield and Bronner push you around! Show them who is REALLY boss around here. Make him take us into Chapter 7, and then I want to see you idiots out there in front of Philly terminal holding up signs that say "ALPA - WE WON - DEFENDING THE PROFESSION". Meanwhile, the Airtran or Southwest captain who still has a job and doesn't have a hard skull like you can stride past and smirk in your face and say, "Jackass..."
Myself? I will get on with Jetblue or Southwest or maybe even that new Virgin outfit. Good pay, respect, no assclowns who want to put you out of a job just so they can feel good. And no PIT(thank god!)
Hey PITBull, are you gonna work for Independence Air when this is all through and over?