No need to worry about Freshwater and his future. Between he, his wife, and his law degree, I am sure he will do just fine with or without US Airways. Flying has become a hobby to him, something to do when he gets bored, sitting around the house. That is why he loves this MEC stuff. He gets to go, "Mano a Mano" with the boys from Harvard and the Naval Academy. It is a full day massage for his ego.
Lest I forget, there are other people involved in ALPA with the same credentials. One that comes to mind is the SEC/TRES for PHL. He enjoys spouting off about his home office and how much money he makes day trading. In fact, he says he makes more day trading than he does flying. He loves to talk about candlesticks, harami lines, piercing line reversals, yada, yada, yada.
I truly think these people could give a damn about the DC plan. They don't need the money.
Are they going to sacrifice the US Airways Alpa pilots and the APL pilots to gain a spot in ALPA's Hall of Fame? Is this what drives them? Are they taking the hard stand for the "good of the profession." I can see the future for former US Airways pilots at other airlines: "You guys at US Airways did the right thing, we could not have the profession emasculated. Now, go to the bottom of the seniority list and shut up. You are lucky you got hired."
Lest I forget, there are other people involved in ALPA with the same credentials. One that comes to mind is the SEC/TRES for PHL. He enjoys spouting off about his home office and how much money he makes day trading. In fact, he says he makes more day trading than he does flying. He loves to talk about candlesticks, harami lines, piercing line reversals, yada, yada, yada.
I truly think these people could give a damn about the DC plan. They don't need the money.
Are they going to sacrifice the US Airways Alpa pilots and the APL pilots to gain a spot in ALPA's Hall of Fame? Is this what drives them? Are they taking the hard stand for the "good of the profession." I can see the future for former US Airways pilots at other airlines: "You guys at US Airways did the right thing, we could not have the profession emasculated. Now, go to the bottom of the seniority list and shut up. You are lucky you got hired."