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Alpa Update

No need to worry about Freshwater and his future. Between he, his wife, and his law degree, I am sure he will do just fine with or without US Airways. Flying has become a hobby to him, something to do when he gets bored, sitting around the house. That is why he loves this MEC stuff. He gets to go, "Mano a Mano" with the boys from Harvard and the Naval Academy. It is a full day massage for his ego.

Lest I forget, there are other people involved in ALPA with the same credentials. One that comes to mind is the SEC/TRES for PHL. He enjoys spouting off about his home office and how much money he makes day trading. In fact, he says he makes more day trading than he does flying. He loves to talk about candlesticks, harami lines, piercing line reversals, yada, yada, yada.

I truly think these people could give a damn about the DC plan. They don't need the money.

Are they going to sacrifice the US Airways Alpa pilots and the APL pilots to gain a spot in ALPA's Hall of Fame? Is this what drives them? Are they taking the hard stand for the "good of the profession." I can see the future for former US Airways pilots at other airlines: "You guys at US Airways did the right thing, we could not have the profession emasculated. Now, go to the bottom of the seniority list and shut up. You are lucky you got hired."

I think you are confusing the reps and their degrees. The last guy who gave away the defined benefit plan was the pilot with the law degree.
USA320Pilot said:

Two wrongs do not make a right, but regardless of the email sent from a line pilot, a MEC Rep has the fiduciary responsibility to listen to all constituents and not tell the their opinion does not count.

Any responsibility that an elected MEC member has is to his constituents, and I don't believe that any such responsibility arises to the level of a fiduciary duty. Read the definition below. You appear to be someone outside of his district.

con·stit·u·ent ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kn-stch-nt)
1. A constituent part; a component. See Synonyms at element.
2. A resident of a district or member of a group represented by an elected official.
3. One that authorizes another to act as a representative; a client.
4. A functional unit of a grammatical construction, as a verb, noun phrase, or clause.

USA320Pilot said:
Nor do they have the right to use vulgar language in a MEC meeting or walk out of the room while the meeting is in session, just because the Rep does not want to hear what another MEC Rep has to say.

Have you asked Dick Cheney about the use of vulgar language?

You seriously need to get over yourself. You posted a response from Mr. Freshwater without bothering to provide us the reason for that response. Do you think your communication to him or any of the other things you seem to believe may have caused that response?

I'm going to stop here because I think I am on your ignore list and am therefore preaching to the choir. Do me one favor though. Do not apply to HP. Thanks.
320 or anyone else that cares to reply. Were not the DC plan contributions for each pilot determined assuming a certain progression from f/o to c/o? If the NC hinders the ability of any f/o to have a normal progression to the left seat (using the assumptions which determined the DC contributions for each pilot), then would not that be favoring one pilot group over the other? Is this being discussed by our union?
lindy said:
I truly think these people could give a damn about the DC plan. They don't need the money.

Your post is filled with envious presumptions. Unless and until you've looked at their ledgers and have witnessed the actual balance owed versus the real balance earned, you have no right to determine whom needs money regardless of their choices of hobby or educational background. Nor should you believe, simply based upon your presumptions, that their motives are not sincere, pure nor honorable.
lindy said:
No need to worry about Freshwater and his future. Between he, his wife, and his law degree, I am sure he will do just fine with or without US Airways. Flying has become a hobby to him, something to do when he gets bored, sitting around the house. That is why he loves this MEC stuff. He gets to go, "Mano a Mano" with the boys from Harvard and the Naval Academy. It is a full day massage for his ego.

Lest I forget, there are other people involved in ALPA with the same credentials. One that comes to mind is the SEC/TRES for PHL. He enjoys spouting off about his home office and how much money he makes day trading. In fact, he says he makes more day trading than he does flying. He loves to talk about candlesticks, harami lines, piercing line reversals, yada, yada, yada.

I truly think these people could give a damn about the DC plan. They don't need the money.

Are they going to sacrifice the US Airways Alpa pilots and the APL pilots to gain a spot in ALPA's Hall of Fame? Is this what drives them? Are they taking the hard stand for the "good of the profession." I can see the future for former US Airways pilots at other airlines: "You guys at US Airways did the right thing, we could not have the profession emasculated. Now, go to the bottom of the seniority list and shut up. You are lucky you got hired."


WAY off base sparky. Not even close. So far off it doesn't warrant a rebuttal.

FlyingHippie said:
mr i am appalled by USA320pilots continued out in the public assault on ALPA union reps. its one thing to do this on the internal ALPA forum it is a completely differnet thing to put it for public consumption. it is disingenuous at best and highly unprofessional.
What?? 320 is not alowed to share his OPINION??????? I have been reading these posts, and all this talk about 320, and managements' salarys!!!! What the hell people!!! #1: EVERYONE is soooo worried about 320! He has an OPINION, if you disagree with his thoughts, provide info to back up your rebuttal. 700 is a master at this... follow his lead!! This attack strategy is not serving any damn purpose whatsoever, except that it makes you feel better because..."I told him". And, it is DISINGENUOUS!!! #2: Concerning managements' salary. Don't ANYONE misconstrue what I am saying, but how in the hell can we control what they do?? We need to do what we can do. As employees, we will NEVER change the corporate mindset!! Class envy will not get any of us anywhere! As I said, don't misunderstand what i'm trying to say. Is their compensation way out of line?.....yes! Are they doing what they need to do as far as cost-cutting on their end?..NO!! If you people are so worried about "class envy", then go out and make another life for yourself! "The Company" doesn't "owe" you or me anything! I am well on my way to making a transition for me and my family. I think EVERYONE better start thinking, because this game is over, and guess who loses? Not the corporate guys, the employees!!!! REMEMBER..... THERE IS LIFE AFTER USAIRWAYS!!!!! Corrrect CAV?? GOOD DAY!!!!!!!
EyeInTheSky said:
Good God with that post I am beginning to wonder if the call sign NeedForSpeedNFS is about flying or something else. Geeze.
Eye.... deleted by NFS in response to your deletion!! GOOD DAY!!!!
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
Eye.... I understand that sometimes the TRUTH is hard to accept. get in touch with reality, and you will soon undertand. I hope your prepared. good day

NeedForSpeed, I apologize for my remark; I'll take it out. As for being prepared I am thanks for asking. But, I am not about to brag about being prepared like some folks on here.
EyeInTheSky said:
NeedForSpeed, I apologize for my remark; I'll take it out. As for being prepared I am thanks for asking. But, I am not about to brag about being prepared like some folks on here.
No apoligy needed, thats why this is a "message board".... to speak whats on your mind. But, thank you for being gracious!! GOOD DAY!!!!!

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