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Alpa Update

Unfortunately, the executive salaries will never be discussed in court unless someone--creditors or employees--makes it an issue. The BK judge only looks at what is presented to him/her. And, we all know that the execs do not think that their salaries have anything to do with the current state of affairs.
well then i believe it is about time that the employees stand up to these inept mgmt team and their outrageously high priced salaries and see what the judge does then!!!
Management salaries are not subject to Sec 1113 motions because they are not subject to a collective bargaining agreement.

robbedagain said:
well then i believe it is about time that the employees stand up to these inept mgmt team and their outrageously high priced salaries and see what the judge does then!!!
USA320Pilot said:
No I have not been kicked off of the ALPA forum for lying.

Walmartgreeter, it appears you are a little emotional since the illicit efforts of the RC4, where two of their members are suing ALPA and the MEC, have being publicly exposed.

Keep it together man. It will be o.k. when ALPA and the other unions get their clocks cleaned in bankruptcy court if they do not have a new labor accord.

In his Executive Summary, ALPA Financial Advisor Michael Glanzer said, "Taking into account various assumptions made in the Transformation Plan, mplementation of the Transformation Plan requires that the Company’s total labor costs approximately be equal to (text omitted) a reasonably close range of those contemplated in the Transformation Plan. Only on such basis would such plan be potentially workable.

Based upon the financial analysis and our extensive experience in restructuring, the pilots’ have choices are as follows:

(i) Negotiate a deal with a low cost carrier cost structure and obtain various returns as part of that package.

(ii) Elect not to reach an agreement with the Company and be prepared to accept liquidation or, less likely, the imposition of contractual terms that will be more sever than those proposed (text omitted) with the Company in a gravely (and potentially fatally) weakened positions and forgo the prospect of obtaining any significant returns.

However, today in an email sent to a disenting pilot that was CC'ed to the MEC, Fred Freshwater said, "Send your drivel to someone who cares what YOU have to say in your typical manner of disrespectful discourse."




Would you like to post the ENTIRE letter that was sent to Freshwater and his ENTIRE reply or would you prefer that I do it? Just so all out there can see your out of context snippet and the tone of the letters as they originally were sent. You know, to show your credibility once again.

PineyBob said:
I for one Mr would love to read the letters in whole. To often rumor & innuendo are used to discredit the credible. Some use language to obfuscate rather than clarify which I thought was the primary purpose of the written word.

PLEASE publish and allow the conduct & character of those involved to stand or fall on the merits of their position.


I'm going to give you know who the opportunity to show us all his honesty and integrity by publishing them here first. If he chooses not to, which I fully expect, I will gladly put it here for all to see. You can count on it.

mr i am appalled by USA320pilots continued out in the public assault on ALPA union reps. its one thing to do this on the internal ALPA forum it is a completely differnet thing to put it for public consumption. it is disingenuous at best and highly unprofessional.
FlyingHippie said:
mr i am appalled by USA320pilots continued out in the public assault on ALPA union reps. its one thing to do this on the internal ALPA forum it is a completely differnet thing to put it for public consumption. it is disingenuous at best and highly unprofessional.

He doesn't get it. Never has. But his crowd is in a panic mode because of 4 brave men who are legally (according to ALPA bylaws and constitution) attempting to stop a land grab.

Professional? Not on your life. He does not know the meaning of the word or you would not see the character assasination attempts of fellow pilots. But you will see that very clearly as soon as he (or me if needed) publish the letter and response mentioned above. He's as credible as OJ or Scott Peterson.

mr ALPA needs to sanction him. i think when usa320pilot commutes from PIT to LGA he should get an earful from his collegues. if it were me i'd walk off the plane until he found another ride.
I did not receive a letter from Freshwater, just the email response that was sent to the MEC and other interested parties that had his comment.

Regardless, this topic was started to provide an ALPA update, not to throw stones. In regard to discussing this on the ALPA forum, that vehicle is no longer used by the MEC and is a forum where I understand only about 20 pilots post information and there are very few readers.

The decorum is pitiful and thus many pilots no longer use it as an effective communication tool.

Yesterday the company received ALPA's next proposal, which was basically the same as August 21 with some minor productivity changes. The RC4 have not come off of the pay and DC Plan issues and some MEC members believe ALAP is still about $80 million short of the $295 million target.

Today the NC met with Bruce Lakefield and other company negotiators. The company provided a counter proposal similar to their last offer, but provided some different and interesting retirement options. The MEC has received the document and is reviewing the information.

The MEC will reconvene around 8:00 p.m. tonight when the NC is expected to join the meeting.

The key issue remains the DC Plan and the RC4 offering only a 10% cut. It's my understanding the MEC officers, 8 members, and advisors have a plan, one that they believe is acceptable. The plan drops all of the onerous scheduling issues, major productivity, and furlough problems, etc. ALPA's financial advisor's have placed an economic valuation on the proposal and they believe that it will work and the company will agree to the plan.

However, as of now, the RC4 are only concerned about the DC Plan and as of yet, have not agreed to the plan devised by the majority of the MEC and its advisor's.

It remains the RC4 that will not let the NC come off of the 10% reduction of the DC Plan that is preventing a deal.


Is the DC plan basically 401k? or the combination plan to meet the $1 million?

The NC won't come off the 10 % reduction, what is the company asking for?
320's response to my challenge was a tap dance and included the following:

"I did not receive a letter from Freshwater, just the email response that was sent to the MEC and other interested parties that had his comment.

Regardless, this topic was started to provide an ALPA update, not to throw stones."

Yet throw stones is exactly what he did. And continues to do. So he thinks it appropriate to publicly put a response to a letter on this site not knowing what elicited that response. Do you folks see this? Then he states he was not throwing stones after attempting to disparage a sitting MEC member. That's precisely what he was doing. And what he continues to do at every turn. Simply because these men do not agree with him and his agenda. True class. True character. A true professional worthy of wearing an ALPA pin. For that matter pilot wings. So since he chose to print the response I will share the letter that prompted that response:

John, Fred, Don, John:

Like I e-mailed you earlier, you guys are the worst enemies of this pilot group. Why don't you just resign and go get that great job you seem to think will exist out there for you when this company shuts down. That great deal you morons seem to think is going to drop out of the sky for us is non-existent. The deals will only get worse. A bankruptcy judge will not hesitate to gut our scope, pay, scheduling, retirement.... and every other aspect of our contract. Please do yourselves and the rest of the pilot group a favor and resign.

This letter was sent to the 4 brave MEC members by a pilot who is not based or represented by any of the 4. In fact, he is with MDA. Note the true professionalism and the name calling. " worst enemies, morons" And the urging of resignations from 4 properly elected men who are attempting to salvage what they can from a land grab of epic proportions. I personally think Freshwater's response was quite tame.

Credibility does not come from being a Captain. Nor does respect. Those are earned. I leave it to you folks to decide whether or not 320 deserves either of those two.


Two wrongs do not make a right, but regardless of the email sent from a line pilot, a MEC Rep has the fiduciary responsibility to listen to all constituents and not tell the their opinion does not count. Nor do they have the right to use vulgar language in a MEC meeting or walk out of the room while the meeting is in session, just because the Rep does not want to hear what another MEC Rep has to say.

We are not talking about a rank-and-file member here; we are talking about one member of the RC4 dictatorship whose group controls every pilot’s future at this airline.

I believe there is a difference here and if not, then a MEC Rep should resign if they do not want to hear another view.


All I can say is: I was blasted in the past for getting on the captain, and I didn't make it my mission in life the likes we are witnessing here. The Mod men must feel this is relevant by their actions of not intervening with this frivolous battle of who said what why and so forth. Is this going to change anything or accomplish anything? I don’t think so unless you count macho egos being massaged on the score card.

It’s obvious each individual has their personal agenda in the ranks of ALPA and they had the nerve to call the IAM membership Neanderthals when Neanderthals had more sense than what is being displayed here.

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