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Piecing Together The Us Airways Puzzle

USA320Pilot said:
United Airlines

USA320Pilot comments: The two carrier's are talking about a M&A again, but this time US Airways could be the surviving business enterprise with a venture capitalist or RSA funding the transaction. Prior to leaving US Airways, Ben Baldanza the former exeuctive vice president of marketing, told a colleague of mine that he thought US Airways to be the survivor, the US Airways management team would remain in place, the combined headquarters could be located in Crystal City, and the name of the combined business entity would changed to United Airlines.



Finish or Ignore comments: Are there actually people with money that are stupid enough to do this?
Everyone wants to own an airline.
Look at Hughes, Trump, Lorenzo, Ichan, etc...
It's an ego thing.
Light Years said:
Wexford also runs Shuttle America... now there's quality. :unsure:

Sort of like the high-quality service my family received from US AIRWAYS in PHL during the Christmas Nightmare of 2004. Honestly who are we today, the pot or the kettle?

If my bankrupt company was looking for funding, I don't think I would knock a possible source. It would be like complaining that you were being hung by a new rope.
Light Years said:
Wexford also runs Shuttle America... now there's quality. :unsure:

So let's say US is 25% owned by AirWis, 25% Mesa, 25% Air Paducah, whatever... how on earth would there be any sort of direction agreed upon when they would all just be competing with each other for the best interests of thier own rinky regional jets?

Excellent question Light Years...

Question 2 is this... If US Airways has to guarantee profits for all these RJ's, how do they make a profit themselves... They cannot do it today. How does that change tomorrow?

Seems to me that if these RJ operators want to run the show, they should take a page from FlyI and Orenstein and do it themselves...

I am not a fan of FlyI's strategy, but it seems with the right mix of mainline to RJ (FlyI isn't there, but getting closer... notice they are dumping RJs and adding A319's, where US Airways is doing the opposite) this could be successful.

Look at Orenstein considering a 737 operation

Look at the rumored reason for DAL acquring ASA and Comair a while back... DAL was supposedly concerned that if Comair and DAL parted ways, that Comair was 15 737NG/A320 family aircraft away from a new national airlines (like FlyI).

So if AirWis, Mesa, Wexford, et al want to run a major airline, they would probably be better off acquiring parts of US Airways (like some gates, and a fleet of mainline aircraft) rather than the whole thing...
PineyBob said:
Well Midway just for the record. I've flown your little slice of hell airline. TTN-PIT several times on the illustrious Saab 340 and with ONE exception the F/A's dressed like unmade beds, another time ONE had BO so bad I mentioned it to Consumer Affairs. I'll grant you it was difficult to tell if she had BO because the rest of the plane stunk so bad it was hard to seperate the smells. Should I mention the trim falling off the in the aircraft interior?

The saddest day I've ever had flying was on Shuttle America when I met up with a young male F/A impeccably dressed and we started chatting about my cockroach pin. I asked him if he was a furloughed F/A from US and he said "Yes I only had 5 years in with International" To see that proud young man delivering world class service on one of your flying dung heaps made me extremely sad.

I wonder how he's doing? Maybe with some of the changes and resignation/retirements he can get back to M/L where he belongs instead of on your third world chicken and pig hauler of an airline. Best thing your company ever did was stop flying for US Airways Express. Now you're UA's issue.

If we're thinking of the same person (Irish?), he took the MidAtlantic offer, based in DCA. Great with the passengers, and fun to fly with.
USA320Pilot said:

It has nothing to do with who told whom first, it’s about what is occurring. Will a deal occur, maybe, maybe not, but it's being actively worked on within the exeuctive suite. There are multiple parties involved, but both US Airways and United are "in play" according to investment bankers who have been contacted.



Did none of these people take Algebra in High School or College????

A negative and a negative is STILL a negative. And it always will be.

Now...a positive and a negative could be either a positve or a negative depending on which is larger (more stable)...like America West. 🙂
mwereplanes said:
I can't figure out why all of you don't just ignore his posts.
It's like a car crash. You know it's going to be horrible, but you look anyway. You don't want to, but you have to......
USA320Pilot said: “Former chief executive officer Dave Siegel and exeuctive vice president of marketing Ben Baldanza made the comment that UAL would not be the survivor too...â€￾

Funguy2 said: “Interesting...1. If I were either of these guys, I would claim the company I am running would be the survivor too. 2. These guys are no longer running US Airways... What does this tell me? That they did not believe US Airways would be the surviving entity in a merger... Hence they found other jobs before they found themselves without one.â€￾

USA320Pilot comments: Dave Siegel was terminated by David Bronner after Bill Pollock sought his removal. Ben Baldanza resigned when he realized he would not become Bruce Lakfield’s replacement as CEO.


USA320Pilot said: “Former chief executive officer Dave Siegel and exeuctive vice president of marketing Ben Baldanza made the comment that UAL would not be the survivor too...â€￾
hey bucko....things have changed quite radically since then...or didn't you take notice?
Twicebaked said:
Did none of these people take Algebra in High School or College????

A negative and a negative is STILL a negative. And it always will be.
This comment illustrates the dangers of oversimplifying the finances of businesses.

As was discussed elsewhere, two losing businesses can merge and become a profitable business.
mweiss said:
This comment illustrates the dangers of oversimplifying the finances of businesses.

As was discussed elsewhere, two losing businesses can merge and become a profitable business.

It's a joke...lighten up.. 🙂
PineyBob said:
How about "RCI" (Recto-Cranial Inversion) would that be acceptable in lieu of UVN?? Just checking, wouldn't want to be insulting.
I find this comment by Bob quite amazing.

Being a "preferred" customer of US Airways Bob (and many others) think they can come onto this forum and ridicule the very people that get them from point a to point b in a safe timely manner BUT if that very same employee were to call Bob a scab and a snitch that he is said employee is all but stoned by his/her fellow coworkers for abusing the customers.

Hard to believe Bob's had chest pain when he's proven time and time again that he doesnt have a heart. :shock:

Let the flame's begin 🙂
USA320Pilot said:
USA320Pilot comments: Dave Siegel was terminated by David Bronner after Bill Pollock sought his removal. Ben Baldanza resigned when he realized he would not become Bruce Lakfield’s replacement as CEO.

And now I am supposed to think that Pollack is running the show? Doubtful... If Seigel wanted to stay, and had a good argument, I bet Bronner would not have dumped him. Seigel did not want to stay, he was incentivised to leave with $4.5mil, and it was played in the press in a manner to appease the troops. Not exactly the same.

At least you agree with me that BBB left on his own.
funguy2 said:
And now I am supposed to think that Pollack is running the show? Doubtful... If Seigel wanted to stay, and had a good argument, I bet Bronner would not have dumped him. Seigel did not want to stay, he was incentivised to leave with $4.5mil, and it was played in the press in a manner to appease the troops. Not exactly the same.

At least you agree with me that BBB left on his own.

Pollock is definitely not running the show (if evidenced by nothing else than the pilots keep getting hammered), but USA320Pilot is correct that Siegel was fired. I know this to be fact, and besides how else do you explain his rapid departure?

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