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Piecing Together The Us Airways Puzzle

UAL fragmented and UAL not the surviving entity. Does anyone see a pattern here? Can anyone from UAL give some details for all this negativity? Savy
USA320Pilot said:
Bear96 , US Airways expects to be prfitable by the end of the year. Earlier his month at the Labor Advisory Council meeting, executive vice president of marketing Bruce Ashby and chief financial officer Ron Stanley discussed the company’s position in an industry plagued by high fuel prices and below-cost ticket prices due to overcapacity. They anticipated that US Airways will continue to lose money the first quarter but should see a modest profit by end of 2005.


I know you always want to be the messenger and be the first to post something but don't go trying to say I told you so when you post so many messenger conflicting stories. Didn't you just recently post something regarding the spike in oil prices hurting usairways? Now post and quote a dated article, before the spike in oil prices, to support this argument but you will spin right back to another position to support your opposite opinion on the same issue.

Your comment about oil/fuel prices is valid and it is definately a wild card that is effecting everybody, just not US Airways.

In regard to posting something first, I do not need to do that and if I see or hear of something, I post it because people including me come to this and other message boards for additional information.


USA320Pilot said:

You are right about the "then again"... We know you don't regard anyones opinion on here worth anything but ask anyone on here how your opinion are so all over the place that know one can go by what you said in the past but rather by just your latest and greatest post.
USA320Pilot said:
In regard to the two companies, they will not go public with any details per SEC guidelines until they have completed their work, if then.

That includes telling line pilots with a penchant for internet bulletin board use, you know.

But I can tell you this, I personally do not want to be involved with a company in a corporate transaction that continues to post enormous losses,

Time to resign that AAA seniority number then, eh?
Well, I have found that you can get a better perpsective on a situation if you look at it from two different perspectives.

1. What has history shown: Well, in this regard, with Pan Am, Eastern , and TWA as exapmles, there was really no such thing as a merger, rather instead, assets and routes were sold off. People were an afterthought. DAL, AMR, and yes, UAL each grew into new roles by assuming the remaining valued assets of the former industry leaders...

2. Why are people saying what they are saying: People "in the know" either remain quiet so as to not place themselves at a disadvantage, or they make public statements for a very good reason and with a certain intent in mind. Why would the ALPA president call for mergers to occur...? Because IMO he would prefer that for his union over another Pan Am situation. Why would Mr Tilton prefer a merger with his company as the survivor...? Because IMO he would prefer that over what happened to TWA.

At this point, all we can do is just wait and see what happens. Like the article said, there are so many players in this, that no one can forsee what will occur. Our best bet is to hope for the best, for everyone involved.

Time will tell.
Rico said:
At this point, all we can do is just wait and see what happens. Like the article said, there are so many players in this, tht no one can forsee what will occur. Our best bet is to hope for the best, for everyone involved.

Time will tell.

I think there is one one here who would say he can foresee what will happen not that he won't change his position a few hundred times.
USA320: lets say if the 21 or more cities are outsoruced, then a merger with ual happens lets say, what would happen to the cities that were outsourced? would the affected employees be able to have a shot at coming back or what? also what would the deal be with ual's employees? also would the class 2 disappear and just have all the cities as the way it was prior to 9/11/01?
USA320Pilot said:
Bear96 , US Airways expects to be profitable by the end of the year.
I think the "plan" was to be profitable after BK #1 as well, wasn't it? D'ohhh!

By the way, I believe a UAL aset sale and fragmentation similar in socpe to what happend between UAL and Pan Am is the likely outcome, but we will see.
That's nice, but doesn't affect me, and in any case what does it have to do with U? Is U going to get another Express carrier to finance its acquisition of UA's Pacific routes so you can start bidding PIT-HKG?
I have a better idea..

Lets all say USA320 is talking out is ass again?

He posted more messages about the UAL/US merger the last time that it was a done deal blah blah blah.. We read his crap for months, months!!! He full of crap.

Not one of his predictions came true.. Not one.. Right up until the day justice said "NO" USA320 was saying done deal.. After the deal was made USA320 didn't post a message for weeks because he had sore ass..

Now he's starting it up all over again.. US Airways is going to be the survivine company.. Yeah right!! Thats crap..

The entire world knows who United Airlines is.. US Airways who?

What does US Airways offer beyond the east coast operation? Nothing.. Europe routes, meaningless. Carribean, nice but nothing UAL can not do on their own. So what does US Airways bring to the table? Nothing!!!!

This is nothing but USA320 cheerleading again hoping and hoping he can finally get to fly the 777 or the 747.. Thats all it is.. It must be awful for him to be the right seat guy in the E170..

He's full of crap.. Full.. He's also full of himself.. And remember he loves to tell the world how excited he gets when people lose their jobs.. He's a company stooge to the 10th degree.
AAviator said:
An analyst said that, as in "Tilton put a for-sale sign up," said local airline analyst Bill Lauer.

You are such a waste of time.......

An analyst who is not on his "approved" list for "informed" opinions.
USA320Pilot said:
Former chief executive officer Dave Siegel and exeuctive vice president of marketing Ben Baldanza made the comment that UAL would not be the survivor too...
1. If I were either of these guys, I would claim the company I am running would be the survivor too.
2. These guys are no longer running US Airways... What does this tell me? That they did not believe US Airways would be the surviving entity in a merger... Hence they found other jobs before they found themselves without one.

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