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Us Airways Wants More Concessions From Unions

I am hearing from strong sources that PIT Maintenance is 'done' around Labor Day (Early Seprember) and that 40 plus 737's from the mainline are going to FedEx. I do know the leases on the hangars are three year leases with a clause to get out of them in one year being this Labor Day. Also the credit union was told they no longer will be able to share medical insurance plans with the company. The company is self insured and the credit union pays a certain rate plus an administration fee. The credit union also was told they will no longer have flight benefits extended to them.
lakefield told the IAM today he would take the airline into BK and not sure if it would be 11 or 7, seems he does not like it when the employees dont bendover for him.
ALPA thinks Lakefield is their savior. Lakefield told them in one of the slides that was presented that fairness will be demonstrated and that one labor group should not have to subsidize for the other groups. However, that slide WAS NOT presented to AFA.

LOL...just what ALPA wants to hear. That is why Lakefield wants everyone to bend over, so ALPA "feels good" about emptying their pockets again. ALPA is not telling any group their number, but I am sure their return on investment is phenominal.

Pacemaker asked: Based on early reports of pilots contributing 1/2 of all concessions in an amount equal to as much as $400,000,000/yr., what are your thoughts usa320pilot?

USA320Pilot: ALPA is encouraged about the Transformation Plan and recognizes their contribution will be the America West contract. Most of the pilot changes will be in the area of work rules, since ALPA was the only work group to give up its pension and meet its cost cut targets (twice).

I expect the pilots to sign an agreement and if the other labor groups do not participate in the process, then I expect the company to file a pre-packaged bankruptcy where the airline preserves the equity and seeks to reject contracts of those stakeholders who refuse to participate in the process.

Separately, at last week's Labot Advisory Council meeting, US Airways chief executive officer Bruce Lakefield emphasized that fairness would be a key part of the upcoming negotiations, saying that "one employee's group cannot subsidize another's uncompetitiveness, nor can employees subsidize waste or mistakes made by management."


Just what is the limit on "pre-packaged" BK??????? Let see there are what about 5 unions on the property...they have gone in once they still have 4 left???? I cannot see the government allowing a company to enter BK each time they wish to break a contract or rid themselves of a liability.
AP Tech,

And I can't see that either. It appears abusive of the BK laws.
PITbull said:
AP Tech,

And I can't see that either. It appears abusive of the BK laws.
Its ok. They will, one day, have to stand before a JUDGE that cannot be swayed by double talk and answer for the things that have been done.
With all the recent corporate scandals (ie Enron, Aldelphia, Tyco, World Com, ect) and what has come to light in all the trials with the goings on in corporate board rooms it kind of makes you wonder anymore if justice can still be served........
I never thought I would be ashamed of a pilot group, but I am. U ALPA is like a terminal cancer patient bargaining with the doctor. It won't help, but in this case you are going to take the entire industry with you.

Since this is a case study in human behavior, it is fair to say that this is what I could expect if UAL comes back to labor for more concessions. I would like to say that UAL ALPA would spit in the company's eye, but they probably won't. I, on the other hand, have started a business that has become self-sustaining, so there won't be any bargaining with the doc on my end. I like my job, but I refuse to whore myself out. When it gets too crappy, I'll vote no and then take my ball and go home.

Good luck folks.
737nCH11, Welcome to the club. I have been on leave from UAIR for over a year now, running my business (making a very confortable living). I miss flying, but I don't miss the childish behavior of airline employees and inept management. I don't know if I will ever go back, but it is nice to have the option. So much for all of those naysayers who say that pilots can't do anything else,etc. Good luck living the real "American Dream". 🙂
USA320Pilot said:
I expect the pilots to sign an agreement and if the other labor groups do not participate in the process, then I expect the company to file a pre-packaged bankruptcy where the airline preserves the equity and seeks to reject contracts of those stakeholders who refuse to participate in the process.
You do realize that U is in the shape that it's in largely because CCY screwed up a "pre-packaged" "fast-track" bankruptcy, right?

Further, your assumption about what has to happen in order to get a 1113 contract abrogation is clearly underestimated, as is the operationally fatal impact that would occur when all represented groups but ALPA walked away.

It also assumes that creditors would approve a POR, which for many is not a likely scenario.
USA320Pilot said:

Pacemaker asked: Based on early reports of pilots contributing 1/2 of all concessions in an amount equal to as much as $400,000,000/yr., what are your thoughts usa320pilot?

USA320Pilot: ALPA is encouraged about the Transformation Plan and recognizes their contribution will be the America West contract. Most of the pilot changes will be in the area of work rules, since ALPA was the only work group to give up its pension and meet its cost cut targets (twice).

I expect the pilots to sign an agreement and if the other labor groups do not participate in the process, then I expect the company to file a pre-packaged bankruptcy where the airline preserves the equity and seeks to reject contracts of those stakeholders who refuse to participate in the process.

Separately, at last week's Labot Advisory Council meeting, US Airways chief executive officer Bruce Lakefield emphasized that fairness would be a key part of the upcoming negotiations, saying that "one employee's group cannot subsidize another's uncompetitiveness, nor can employees subsidize waste or mistakes made by management."


I expect the pilots to sign an agreement and if the other labor groups do not participate in the process, then I expect the company to file a pre-packaged bankruptcy where the airline preserves the equity and seeks to reject contracts of those stakeholders who refuse to participate in the process.
i believe if you do some research,abrogating union contracts through BK was perfected by your hero ,FRANK LORENZO.
and i also think,with a little research you will find MR.LORENZO'S actions spawned a bunch of labor laws that now prevent companies using BK to circumvent existing contracts...that is unless they wish to do it via chapter 7......

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