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US Airways CEO hints more airline consolidation may be ahead

You got that right. Last week I witnessed HP customers first hand. one word--YIKES! It is WN.

No, it is transportation on a common carrier. Maybe you just need to ride your corporate jet.

And you would think Vodka is Gold out West because you have to just about break their arm to give you a drink...and then you won't get the whole mini it...

The whole mini goes into the drink unless you have received more vodka then the FA deems appropriate under company policy and the FAR's. Some FA's won't cut you off but will rather start pouring less booze. The question becomes how much were you drinking to feel you were getting less then the whole mini and what made you think you didn't get the whole mini?

If you are chronically unhappy about the airline, don't fly it.
I wonder why the airline rated highest in customer satisfaction (JB) doesn't even have a first class? If more money can be made without FC, maybe it should be re-evaluated. There's more to offer FF's than FC, especially domestic.
The question becomes how much were you drinking to feel you were getting less then the whole mini and what made you think you didn't get the whole mini?

If you are chronically unhappy about the airline, don't fly it.

Oh, but you see, my non-stop choices are limited out of PHL, so I am stuck many times and I will complain. But, like I said, my transcons and as many other flights as possible will go to UA. I like the people on the east side of the operation. I just don't like the west philosophy. So, when I spend money and am unhappy I will complain...if you don't like it, don't take the time to respond to my posts. YAWN...

I hadn't even had one drink. Leave it to you to blame the customer. MANY of THEM (HP/WESTIES, etc.) do put 1/2 the mini in the drink...have witnessed it first hand and I can tell when I taste it. CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP and BRAINWAAAAAAAAAASHED
I guess it depends on the FA then. I dont really like the "whole" mini in my drink at one time. I like a little rum with my coke, not the other way around. I observed "Ray" pour the whole mini in another drink order and asked him to put a little rum in my coke. He poured about 1/3 in the cup and brought the rest to me with the cup so I could flavor to my liking. Both times I've managed to snag FC on West metal the FAs were more than attentive. But, then again, maybe its just me..... B) :up:
I guess it depends on the FA then. I dont really like the "whole" mini in my drink at one time. I like a little rum with my coke, not the other way around. I observed "Ray" pour the whole mini in another drink order and asked him to put a little rum in my coke. He poured about 1/3 in the cup and brought the rest to me with the cup so I could flavor to my liking. Both times I've managed to snag FC on West metal the FAs were more than attentive. But, then again, maybe its just me..... B) :up:

well, it has always been female FA's who skimped out. :shock: I would just prefer that they give me two minis and let me make my own drinks. Oh,I wanted coffee on a morning flight and was told they had no water. :blink: I'm sure that was my fault, too for not buying coffee before I got on the plane.

Some of you must have real low self-esteem if you think "the best reply way ever dude" hurts my feelings. I have therapy to help me deal with people like you. 🙄
Leave it to you to blame the customer. MANY of THEM (HP/WESTIES, etc.) do put 1/2 the mini in the drink...have witnessed it first hand and I can tell when I taste it. CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP and BRAINWAAAAAAAAAASHED

I didn't blame the customer and you inferring that I did does not make it so.
Some of you must have real low self-esteem if you think "the best reply way ever dude" hurts my feelings. I have therapy to help me deal with people like you. 🙄
Who's your therapist, whatever unlucky 1st FA that gets stuck with you on a transcon? Those UA people EARN their money. 😀
I didn't blame the customer and you inferring that I did does not make it so.

YOU SAID: The whole mini goes into the drink unless you have received more vodka then the FA deems appropriate under company policy and the FAR's. Some FA's won't cut you off but will rather start pouring less booze. The question becomes how much were you drinking to feel you were getting less then the whole mini and what made you think you didn't get the whole mini?

So, yes, you did suggest that I had too much to drink and that I was cutoff 🙄 Hopefully you are indeed no longer employed by HP because you seem like a real joy.... :up: Are you one of those, to steal another poster's terminology, one of those writy uppy FA's?

Who's your therapist, whatever unlucky 1st FA that gets stuck with you on a transcon? Those UA people EARN their money. 😀

Oh, you are a riot. I bet you just crack yourself up. It's healthy to laugh.

And, not only do the UA FA's earn their money, so does UA. Unlike US, they give me something for my F fare.

No, I can afford to pay for therapy. Jumpseat therapy is not my style.
So, yes, you did suggest that I had too much to drink and that I was cutoff 🙄 Hopefully you are indeed no longer employed by HP because you seem like a real joy.... :up: Are you one of those, to steal another poster's terminology, one of those writy uppy FA's?
Oh, you are a riot. I bet you just crack yourself up. It's healthy to laugh.

No, I asked a question based on the "fact" pattern you provided in order to address your statement that you didn't receive a full mini's worth of vodka.

Also, I never wrote up another FA for any violations of policy. We may have had a few chats, but never a write up.
No, I asked a question based on the "fact" pattern you provided in order to address your statement that you didn't receive a full mini's worth of vodka.

Also, I never wrote up another FA for any violations of policy. We may have had a few chats, but never a write up.

First, so based on the fact pattern, you would have to agree that they were just being CHEAP!!!!

Second, I would love for you to have a "chat" with a senior momma on the East Side....Your pooker would be in a sling.
First, so based on the fact pattern, you would have to agree that they were just being CHEAP!!!!

Second, I would love for you to have a "chat" with a senior momma on the East Side....Your pooker would be in a sling.

If there were no issues that caused the FA to not serve a full mini, then you should have been served a full mini. Cheap has nothing to do with it because the liquor would not have been otherwise used and I never saw a FA take a partial mini off the plane.
Cheap has nothing to do with it because the liquor would not have been otherwise used and I never saw a FA take a partial mini off the plane.

Actually, the guy next to me was drinking vodka so she gave half the mini to him. We were both like :shock:
After talking to a few f/a's from the west side of the operation and nonreving on them to work I must say there IS a big difference in the way we operate. YES we are different airlines with procedures taught but I have seen on a few occasions the strict almost brainwashed way of some of the folks there. I think the difference on the east side is that though some are more junior, we have always worked with some very senior people. These people as they retire leave a great bit of flight attendant style that hopefully rubs off on us. We don't write each other up, we do service and go with the flow. On long flights I can say that MANY a flight attendant automatically give the can and a double so the customer can doctor their drink the way they like and relax. Not so they don't bother the f/a. Things are VERY relaxed for the most part as far as enforcing procedures. I rarely use names in f/c due to the fact that folks move all around the place. When I sometimes attempt to do it hardly anyone is in the right seat. Mr. Smith is now next to Mr. Jones and Susie Snowflake is next to Mr. Whomever to talk business during flight. Agreed the food is better now but the service is still cheap, cheap, cheap at best. If you have f/c DO IT CORRECTLY. Meet standards set by other carriers...How about this...Go above and dont be a follower as US has always been as far as service and ameneties. I do agree that there should be a pursor program. Nothing like seeing a not so people friendly "A" or "CSD" up front only because their seniority held the position. Uggggg.
Go above and dont be a follower as US has always been as far as service and ameneties.

I agree with the majority of the post...because the East people do try, that is why we stay. But this Tempe garbage is ridiculous.

Anyway, I must correct you on one point TP72, you are very young, so I do not fault you, certainly not the old man that I am 😉 , but anyway, in the late 80's and early 90's I was a very loyal UA FF out of PHL...Loved the DC-10 and DC-8's and 76's. Loved the egg nog at Christmas. Loved getting bottles of wine when I would deplane...BUT, US started targeting other carriers' FF's and I started getting First Class upgrade coupons in my Dividend Miles statements so that I could experience FC on US. Let me tell you, I used those coupons and US offered the best domestic FC service in the industry--yes, better than UA. UA quickly upped its service (and the Beluga caviar and Dom Perignon on International First flights) and did much more than US offered, but at one point, I remember US being the leader in domestic FC service--with the ice cream sundaes and the foot rests in FC on the 76 transcons. I recall being on a 76 to LAX in FC and FA's were everywhere doing the service...it was very impressive.

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