
LiveInAHotel said:
US doesn't have the money or the resources to go one on one with SWA. I don't know how long you have been with US but, they failed big time with MetroJet and couldn't compete with SWA in BWI!
Never say never. WN is going into U's hometurf. We are inovative but they are fighting for their survival. I don't know how long you have been here at WN but don't think it will be easy.

They are established at that airport which means we are already going in at a disadvantage. How easy do you think it's going to be for the person in a WN uniform getting on the employee shuttle when you have a whole bus load of people who don't want you there.

If we have a broken aircraft there how willing do you think they are going to be to help us out?

If a pushback or belt loader breaks down do you think they'll loan us one?

There's a lot to say for being humble and just getting the job done. Patting yourself on the back for a job that hasn't even been done yet is counterprodutive.
LiveInAHotel said:
US doesn't have the money or the resources to go one on one with SWA. I don't know how long you have been with US but, they failed big time with MetroJet and couldn't compete with SWA in BWI!
17 years and time will tell!
Most folks at WN do not relish in the tribulations USAir employees are suffering through. Unfortunately, if it weren't WN moving into PHL, it would be someone else. It all comes down to business & economics. Sure, some USAir die hards will refuse to fly us, but most will kneel down and bow before the almighty dollar. Price is king and I don't think anyone would argue that USAir can match WN's fares for any sustainable amount of time....
LiveInAHotel said:
US doesn't have the money or the resources to go one on one with SWA. I don't know how long you have been with US but, they failed big time with MetroJet and couldn't compete with SWA in BWI!
I think there will be one major difference between BWI and PHL. In only a decade, BWI has grown to be WN's third-largest "don't-call-it-a-hub", now with 161 daily departures.
I really doubt that they intend to build PHL up to that extent, given that it is so close to BWI.
Auuming US gets their financial house in order (not a given assumption by any means), I think they could coexist at PHL much as WN coexists with NW at DTW.
I would not be surprised to see PHL become as big as BWI. It is already starting out wih enough staff to handle 50 flights a day, as well as having Cargo & Provisioning. BWI is the only station in the Northeast to have Provisioning. From what I've been told there are more people in the area around PHL (to include Atlantic City & Trenton) than around BWI & Washington. While PHL won't become as big as BWI overnight I won't be surprised when it happens.

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