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PHL - Management Deployment

A few thoughts come to mind, though. I wonder if these TDY "managers" will get to stay at the dumpy Holiday Inn that the crews have to endure? Unlikely. And this would be the first indication for me that little is likely to change. Why? No respect for the employees. This undermines everything that Tempe tries.
Agree with your post. While I am no fan of Walmart, when their executives have to "go on the road", they not only stay in the cheaper hotels/motels, they have to share a room with someone else. No wine & dine at the nice hotels for them, they get to experience what the regular workers have to endure.

Anthony Mule will be in Phl to fix the problem the next couple of months???????

Isn't he the one who started this mess with sabre? Isn't he the one who started the East v. West war? Isn't he the one who found the IT employees?

Talk about stupid ! :down:
My view on the operational issues is this. At this point PHL is being operated with two strategies to capture traffic. On the one hand you have a domestic/international network that is supported by a high # of O&D passengers, on the other you have a high # of flights were PHL is used as a connection point. Given PHL's infrastructure all of these flights lead to inevitable gridlock. Why not shift some of the PHL flights supporting connecting passengers to PIT? The best way to leverage the airport assets that US Airways has is to use them the way they were intended. Does PIT go back to 500 flights/day? No, but I could definitely see 300-350. Who knows, if PHL can be optimized to run the "right" # of flights the shift may pay for itself?
Your name speaks for itself....now if only you were running the airline.. :up:
It's Anthony Mule pronounces (moo-lay)

Sorry where I come from Mule is synonomous with Jackass, no matter how you pronounce it.

YO!!!! "Ant Knee" if the shoe fits dude 😛 😛 😛 😛

So,any idea who this Dream Team is Bob.

Or anyone else for that matter,any body have a list of directors...lol :up: :up: :up:
Piney, you hit it right on the head. They will interview employees and nothing else will be gained. The sad part is they CAN fix the problem but WON'T, its all a horse and poney SHOW!
The fleet service and CWA group should show Mule and his band of directors the door out of PHL. No penison for the CWA and low wages for the fsa.
And just think, even at this point the Company won't abolish the 60 day furlough clause that could/would bring back some well trained & qualified workers. As long as they keep the hiring circus in town, PHL will never change for the better. MAYBE someday they will learn the lesson of "You get what you pay for". Keep hiring a bunch of goofballs for $9 an hour off the street, and they get what they deserve. :blink:
Chris Doan is a buffon, he was Vice President of Maintenance and the maintenance department went downhill, we had planes parked out of time due to lack of hangar space to accomplish the overhaul checks.

I was in a meeting with Rakesh and other senior officers, with us IAM reps and everything pointed back to Doan and Rakesh called him out and soon after Doan was gone.
Chris Doan is a buffon, he was Vice President of Maintenance and the maintenance department went downhill, we had planes parked out of time due to lack of hangar space to accomplish the overhaul checks.

I was in a meeting with Rakesh and other senior officers, with us IAM reps and everything pointed back to Doan and Rakesh called him out and soon after Doan was gone.
I remember it well,so hes the one who cost us millions in lost pax revenue.
Well with the sewer computer system maint has we will do it this time.
I dont thing the company understands that the system that worked for little airline that had the time to use it,wont work for a big fast paced operation. :down:
what gets me is the john q public that keeps flying on them, they have to be nuts. I cancelled the ff card and the usai visa card
that the wanted 80.00 buck a year for.
what gets me is the john q public that keeps flying on them, they have to be nuts. I cancelled the ff card and the usai visa card
that the wanted 80.00 buck a year for.

That's one of the best ways to send a message. Well done!

$80/yr for a VISA card? Absurd! Who in their right mind pays a annual fee? That goes for AMEX, too.
LOL stop you are making me LOL.. Many companies offer a EAP program i suggest if you have not already called them you must and asap to discuss your problem. i never said i was an armchair CEO but we have feelings and have every right to vent to make things better if anyone wants to hear. yur reply only reminds me of my buddy Charlie Brown and the rest of the gang..... BLAH.... BLAH..... BLAH.... try to have a GREAT day i know i will

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