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Us To Add 15% At Phl

Aug 30, 2002
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Dear USAirways PHL customer,

I am very sorry that you flew with us today and did not receive your luggage. You are learning the hard way what many already know: You have a better chance with your luggage if you book away from the PHL hub. Let me say right away that the PHL employees are doing the best they can with what they have. This problem has been reported to our management over and over and over. We get responses like "PHL is 10lbs of sand in a 5lb" (regional director), or, "We have operational challenges in PHL" You have come here for a funeral, or important business meeting. Maybe you paid big bucks to play golf, and your clubs are not here. The above excuses probably don't mean much to you. They don't to us either. A service recovery would help this problem greatly. Most times there is NONE. I don't where you bag is, and will not know when it will get here until I see it going around on the baggage claim. You are furious. You should be. This happens a lot. You think we don't care about your problem. Just the opposite, after YEARS of the same problem we are numb. We agree with everything you say to us. We expect for you not to have bags. We don't have to wait long until our expectations are met. In your anger today it is hard for you to understand that we like to be proud of the service we provide, not embarrassed. This problem has been getting lip service from our management for Y-E-A-R-S. Some folks are not accountable.
In closing, I say the next time you miss your bag we really do care. We are just numb.
Finish or Ignore said:
Dear USAirways PHL customer,

We are just numb.

Take these “facts" sprinkle them system wide to all managers who only worry about making sure employers are punished and forget about operations and you have the people who needed to be awarded with bonuses to stay because they are such great talent. We have these facts and the fact management wonders why things are falling apart while employees are showing them their middle finger on new and more cuts. Ice Holes the whole bunch.
This is just one of the MANY MANY problems that management refuses to correct. Money is thrown out the door daily to resolve baggage problems. Multiply that by cities across the system with bags dont arrive with customers and thats some BIG BUCKS. We were told locally it's just the "cost of doing business". It's also the cost of bad decisions and lack of care for the customers. The company tries to do too much with not enough staffing. But we're told to get the planes out on time, forget the bags, passengers and non-revs. When it's departure time, the plane leaves.