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PHL - Management Deployment

Well use examples that are factual, apparently you did not know if you posted as such.
Well use examples that are factual, apparently you did not know if you posted as such.

Examples don't necessarily have to be factual, that is why they are called examples. There goes your tunnel vision again!
Bring back Sabre...we cant say that enough..you have no idea until you have worked a shift(partime) from 3:00 in the afternoon til 3:00am on a bad night...misconnex up the yin yang and you are hamstrung writing FIms and yes I try the invol reroute but it doesnt work for all airlines...
Sorry, but we are not able to bring back Sabre. It is critical that a very user friendly overlay be developed, in order to accommodate the very transient customer service agents that are at the core of our labor strategy in the future. Think it more like McDonalds.
Reading these replies clearly highlights the reason why PHL and the airline in general have so many personnel problems. It just amazes me to see how an employee (of any substantive value) can have such a miniscule understanding of their company's business and in many cases business in general. For example - and there are MANY, this specific referenced reply contains a wealth of fabrication and erroneous assumptions with no basis whatsoever and yet it is posted as though it where fact. I for one wish the company would implement just half of these absurd suggestions and after 4 loosing quarters, downsize the workforce either through merger or route reduction, including PIT - which incidentally is a major reason for US's original downfall. If I was Parker and/or his management team, I'd look to 80% of the posters in this thread as a strong indicator of what is wrong with this airline. Personally, i actually wish - as long as I had plenty of notice, that Parker would transfer all of US's international and even domestic flying to PIT just for the chance to see the resultant unemployment line. One thing is for certain, Pittsburgh is NOT Philadelphia. If US left PHL, 40+% of the company's Revenue and a significant amount of profit would be quickly picked up by another airline. For those MANY uninitiated, annual PHL Domestic O&D is now 20M, while PIT is 7.3M. International O&D for PHL is slightly more than 4M - PIT is less than 200K (Sources - DOT). PIT's international O&D has changed very little over the past 7 years, which goes to illustrate how much local PIT traffic contributed to its glory years - essentially very, very little.

My observations here are obviously not directed at the few who provide constructive, reasonable suggestions to improve their employer's and consequently their own future. The simple, almost academic, solution for the disgruntled employee is to find work with another (supposidly better) company. The questions, of course then become why the disgruntled employee is still here and what truly is their worth to any company?
But you seem to forget that PIT puts up those numbers with less then 1/4 of the flights of PHL or CLT and less then 1/4 of the seats...all with little or no conx traffic...So get off the PIT bashing campaign take a few days of your off time go to PHL and see the nightmare for yourself...
All these managers are going to be using up a lot of seats flying to/from PHL.

Why do I expect that they will fly in, "work" three days of 12-14 hour days, then fly home to be with family on their time off?
Burn down the entire facility...bulldoze the remains into the sea and build a new airport.

Send all the traffic into PIT/CLT/LGA/DCA/BOS/EWR until said airport is rebuilt.

Once a state-of-the art infrastructure is in place, start the new service in the newest and most tech savvie airport in the nation!

Whoops! I fell asleep on the sofa and was having a dream.
Reading these replies clearly highlights the reason why PHL and the airline in general have so many personnel problems.
Personally, i actually wish - as long as I had plenty of notice, that Parker would transfer all of US's international and even domestic flying to PIT just for the chance to see the resultant unemployment line. One thing is for certain, Pittsburgh is NOT Philadelphia. If US left PHL, 40+% of the company's Revenue and a significant amount of profit would be quickly picked up by another airline. For those MANY uninitiated, annual PHL Domestic O&D is now 20M, while PIT is 7.3M. International O&D for PHL is slightly more than 4M - PIT is less than 200K (Sources - DOT). PIT's international O&D has changed very little over the past 7 years, which goes to illustrate how much local PIT traffic contributed to its glory years - essentially very, very little.

My observations here are obviously not directed at the few who provide constructive, reasonable suggestions to improve their employer's and consequently their own future. The simple, almost academic, solution for the disgruntled employee is to find work with another (supposidly better) company. The questions, of course then become why the disgruntled employee is still here and what truly is their worth to any company?

Wow your not bitter are you....Its old AWA people trying to fix the problems.After all you just said that makes we just want to bust my butt to help.

Come on out at my invitation,and show us how you would do it.Oh thats right you cant get a badge either... :up: :up: :up:
Wow your not bitter are you....Its old AWA people trying to fix the problems.After all you just said that makes we just want to bust my butt to help.

Come on out at my invitation,and show us how you would do it.Oh thats right you cant get a badge either... :up: :up: :up:
What ever this dream ream does,and I wish them well ( food for wolves ) they better get er done before winter... :up: :up: :up:
Wow your not bitter are you....Its old AWA people trying to fix the problems.After all you just said that makes we just want to bust my butt to help.

Come on out at my invitation,and show us how you would do it.Oh thats right you cant get a badge either... :up: :up: :up:
I don't believe zethya is "bitter", but instead realistic. As much as employees love to bash PHL and everyone involved with it, the reality is that it is our LARGEST revenue generating city in the system. Period. It needs to be fixed, but the multiple threads about pulling connecting traffic, putting flights in PIT, etc, are simply not realistic. Don't you think mgmt would have LOVED to have PIT as it's predominant facility over PHL? Don't you think they would LOVE to send all connecting traffic thru Wichita? Do you think they are focused on PHL for growth because they love a challenge? Wake up.
OUTSTANDING you can never have too many managers!!! How about just hiring a few more folks and paying them a decent wage so they come to work and actually work hard and care about the company .....
I don't believe zethya is "bitter", but instead realistic. As much as employees love to bash PHL and everyone involved with it, the reality is that it is our LARGEST revenue generating city in the system. Period. It needs to be fixed, but the multiple threads about pulling connecting traffic, putting flights in PIT, etc, are simply not realistic. Don't you think mgmt would have LOVED to have PIT as it's predominant facility over PHL? Don't you think they would LOVE to send all connecting traffic thru Wichita? Do you think they are focused on PHL for growth because they love a challenge? Wake up.
I never said a word about pit.Im sure theres no bitterness it just seemed so.Sorry Zethya...sometimes its like watching your life be wrecked through a window with no power to fix it. :down:
But you seem to forget that PIT puts up those numbers with less then 1/4 of the flights of PHL or CLT and less then 1/4 of the seats...all with little or no conx traffic...So get off the PIT bashing campaign take a few days of your off time go to PHL and see the nightmare for yourself...
EXACTLY! ! ! !

I don't believe zethya is "bitter", but instead realistic. As much as employees love to bash PHL and everyone involved with it, the reality is that it is our LARGEST revenue generating city in the system. Period. It needs to be fixed, but the multiple threads about pulling connecting traffic, putting flights in PIT, etc, are simply not realistic. Don't you think mgmt would have LOVED to have PIT as it's predominant facility over PHL? Don't you think they would LOVE to send all connecting traffic thru Wichita? Do you think they are focused on PHL for growth because they love a challenge? Wake up.
This management team would NEVER admit to a mistake as big as taking as much of the PIT flying away as they did. They cut flights were there was absolutely NO COMPETITION. They continued to have good load factors but cut them. PIT-AVP-PIT for instance. Everyone who works out of the AVP airport will say the same thing. It was done for no reason. If there were a slight chance this company could do better with sending a few flights back to PIT the wouldn't admit it. CVG works, CLE works yet PIT couldn't due to the miles between PIT and PHL. Never will buy it along with thousands upon thousands with me. But it is what it is. I don't wanna be accused of being an "armchair CEO" again. I just point to exits and pour you a drink. 😉
My view on the operational issues is this. At this point PHL is being operated with two strategies to capture traffic. On the one hand you have a domestic/international network that is supported by a high # of O&D passengers, on the other you have a high # of flights were PHL is used as a connection point. Given PHL's infrastructure all of these flights lead to inevitable gridlock. Why not shift some of the PHL flights supporting connecting passengers to PIT? The best way to leverage the airport assets that US Airways has is to use them the way they were intended. Does PIT go back to 500 flights/day? No, but I could definitely see 300-350. Who knows, if PHL can be optimized to run the "right" # of flights the shift may pay for itself?
If you would have read my post completely, you would have noticed that I wrote in it, just for you I might add that they were examples. Do you understand EXAMPLES? Examples that were not meant for you to disect, because everyone knows about the LGA and DCA situation. Everyone else got the point, but not you. I can see why you get in so many verbal altercations on this board. You have too much tunnel vision.
BINGO :up:

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