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Perfect Attendance 2005

HP has NEVER understood how to use positive reinforcement.
I've heard of luncheons in the past, and attendees were given a little pin. I've seen ONE on a FA lapel, and asked what is was for. He told me the story of the gal who was scheduled to work, and so was unable to attend the luncheon. When she went to the supervisor to ask for her pin, she was told she should've gone to the luncheon, otherwise she was S.O.L., no pin for her.
Sick time for FAs dosen't roll over, and you can't even use the sick pay if you are over 75credits, which most usually are.
FAs frequently fly sick rather than lose hundreds of $$.
Most save their sick time for emergencies, "must-have-off" occasions, or sick children.

There is no worth-while reward at West for perfect attendance. Even the fee waived upgrades would be something.
I think our whole concept of sick time needs to be reconsidered.

Here's an example: Say you have an accident and are unable to work for six months. During the recuperation, you "burn" all your sick time. It's nearly impossible to rebuild that bank since rapid reaccrual is gone (I think).

So, do I come to work when I have a cold or another type of contagious illness in order to save up time for a more serious, lengthy illness/injury? Is it right for me to expose my coworkers and customers to an illness that might be minor for me but could cause them much more harm?

The last few years, I've had more colds and flu-type illnesses. In each case, I worked with someone who was sick but came to work! And yes! I resented it to bits!

I don't abuse sick time. If I call off sick, you can bet I'm too ill to be at work.

Flight attendants cannot come to work with broken arms, legs or other injuries which might impair their ability to perform 100% in the event of an emergency. If I sat at a desk or worked behind a counter, instead of the kitchen at Hooters, it probably wouldn't matter as much.

Surely, we must be able to find a better solution.

East F/as would receive 2 first class round trip up grades for perfect attendance.

Since Dougie is the new CEO, he doesn't believe in giving employees any space positive seats...except senior execs who receive space postive, first class travel for themselves and their familes anytime they fly.

He had written in an email to me that it is a "revenue issue"; potential lost revenue.

Now that's a joke. If he was sincere, this concept would apply across the board including senior execs...don't ya think?
We have a surprisingly large number of people entitled to free space positive (generally first class), personal and vacation travel on our airline. The current number of people in this exclusive club is 721, including a whole gaggle of current and retired executives, executives of other airlines, members and former members of the Board of Directors, and "director level" US Airways management...and their children and family members! Many of these 721 people work for other corporations or airlines, yet they remain members of the US Airways "Old Boys Club", entitled to free premium seats for their personal travel - seats that could otherwise be sold and generating revenue.

How much does it cost us? – try $86,600 in one 6-day period...

It is not uncommon for paying customers to be denied boarding while these 721 occupy premium seats for personal travel. A recent example occurred when the free-riding president of another airline bumped two first class passengers from an oversold flight to Florida, or a similar situation involving three seats to Rome (Italy - not NY). In one recent 6-day period this group of 721 people grabbed $85,600 worth of free, space positive, personal travel for themselves – an amount equal to the annual salaries of 2 agents. How much longer can we afford to give away our product when others are willing to pay for it?

And are these people grateful for their free travel privileges? Here are some comments I’ve heard from employees who actually deal with these folks:

Mr. ________ is constantly rude and demanding with our agents over seat assignments.

Mr. ________ calls from the ___ tkt counter and asks our agent if they can tell the tkt counter agent how do their job.

Mr. _______ was disputing the fact that he should be paying taxes on a free international ticket.

Retired executive – currently employed by ________ corporation. Most likely uses space positive benefit to fly on business. Spouse is also still working. We must be the laughing stock of this successful family.

Mr. __________ - executive of ___________ airline. This person is, "Not to be removed in an oversale situation." We would much rather give out DBC's than inconvenience this important man.

Mr. _________ - executive of ____________ airline. Recent flight was overbooked – we were forced to seat his party of 2 in first class and deny boarding to revenue passengers because he wouldn't budge.

We should never give away seats, particularly premium seats, when customers are willing to pay. These 721 select individuals should not be flying free positive space for personal leisure travel, period. If they are entitled to personal travel privileges on US Airways (which is dubious for many of these people), then it should be on space available basis, just like the US Airways employees.

Goldman Sachs got it right...

Employees from all US Airways labor groups have suggested numerous revenue-generating and cost-cutting ideas to management. But, somehow, the only cost-cutting management seems to focus on is employee pay and benefit cost-cutting.

Goldman Sachs analysts "US Airways Management insists that every aspect of the company's operations is under review, but the non-labor cost problem is more complex and amorphous, and we have heard no clear strategy for limiting the non-labor gap."
I have perfect attendance for 2005 and have been invited to "chairmans luncheon". This is long been the norm for the west side. Give them some time to come up with an incentive for the combined company. Incidentally my attendance has been almost perfect for over 20 years, and all I ask is recognition..no handout needed.

Why do you need "recognition" for something that you were hired to do?
East F/as would receive 2 first class round trip up grades for perfect attendance.

Just for reference, US East F/A's received 2 "first class,space available" upgrades. They were not space positive. I know this because I did 4 years of perfect attendance.
"Do you own a suit" he gets a YES the replies, "Good put it on and be here tomorrow at 5AM you're going to spend the day with the Boss so you can see what it is we do all damn day"
And he'd be the only one all day wearing a suit.
Still, I don't think perfect attendance should be equated with or rewarded by being a "good employee."

Maybe a reward should be made on a different scale or model?

You get the point! Don't be a recto cranial inversion. It's part of team building.

I think we all know wearing a suit doesn't make you an executive any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

Bob, some people will never get the fact there is no "I" in "team". Good analogy on the "standing in a garage..." :lol:
Still, I don't think perfect attendance should be equated with or rewarded by being a "good employee."

Maybe a reward should be made on a different scale or model?


I never thought I should get anything for just coming to work and doing the job I was hired to do. I looked at the 2 Space available upgrades as a bone they were throwing to us. They were only space available, so most of the time they went unused. If they were really going to reward you, they would have made them space positive. No biggie though, I still had a great job to go to and great people to work with, that was the true reward.
I never thought I should get anything for just coming to work and doing the job I was hired to do. I looked at the 2 Space available upgrades as a bone they were throwing to us. They were only space available, so most of the time they went unused. If they were really going to reward you, they would have made them space positive. No biggie though, I still had a great job to go to and great people to work with, that was the true reward.
I agree that no one should think just because they show up and do their job they should get anything extra, we already get paid. But it is nice to know that someone has noticed. I also think that management shouldnt get big bonuses because they do their job. We all get paid to show up and do what we were hired to do.
In previous years, employees who didnt call in sick for the year, ie, perfect attendance record received FREE upgrades to first class. Why has the "program" been abandoned for the employees who PRIDE THEMSELVES with this achievement? Did West Coast employees receive anything for their efforts in 2005?
For the EAST, not even a letter of congratulations was sent out? WHY NOT? :down:
The company will reward (thank you very much) ON-TIME efforts...........WHY NOT employees who have PERFECT ATTENDANCE RECORDS? :up:
its been found discriminatory to those who use up all their time.
This is something I have always had a problem with. Call it arrogance, call it a perk, but I do not think you can build a true team if you have several different sets of rules.

On his weekly DCA-RSW commute, Bruce Lakefield almost always flew coach. He would accept F/C only if all upgrades (US1,2,3, firstup, NRSA) had gotten F/C.

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