Y'all complain on an hourly basis that management is wasteful, yet when they try to finally stop incurring the costs associated to supporting a program which officially ended five or more years ago, y'all act like they cut your left nut off...
Most incentive certs given to customers have a use it or lose it date. What's good enough for your customers should be good enough for you...
It's much more than my left nut.
17.5% in pay
5 Vacation Days
5 Holidays
1/2 Pay upon getting sick
Unlimited increases in medical payroll deductions
less pay for overtime
reduction is sick leave accrual
No more payout for money saving ideAAs
and production improvements without a return value
and now
loss of use of Perfect Attendance Certificates
Left Nut my ass! It is more like $150,000.00 plus while management takes a position is negotiations that a return of anything we lost has to be a quid pro quo agreement whereby we have to give up an equal or greater value for every gain. Pfffttt, strike the worthless jerks and bring 'em all down!
ME personally, I have bigger problem with my piece of crap union that management spent thousands to defend and protect. SO since they protected the worthless union, now management is just as much my enemy. If management didn't seek this attitude then thy should have followed the law and stayed out of my rights to choose representation. They didn't choose that path, thus they will be subjected to my complaints for the rest of my carreer or until the TWU is gone whichever comes first.
You on the other admit our union sucks yet defend the worthless union defenders just as hourly as complaining is submitted. Management made their choice, and now they want out of the fray. Can't stand the heat...
they should have stayed out of the Kitchen.
I am no longer excited about management efforts to stop incurring cost at my loss while they pocket millions in bonus awards and stock. Maybe they should look at the cost associated with 100's of my co-workers having to manage the maintenance base for them while they are still overpaid and over awarded for the fact they cannot manage without us. Paying two people to do one job cannot be superior management and has to be more costly than this simple attendance certificate program.