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Paychecks incorrect

Back on topic. I have a few friends in rez who did not receive ANY paychck. They should have been direct deposited. It happened 2 paychecks in a row and due to the employee having direct withdrawal for utilities had to pay overdraft fees. It took 4-5 days to have a live check printed and even at that point the amount was wrong. The employee cld to make sure 2nd payperiod would be correct and although assured it would be done correctly and direct deposited, ran into the same situation again. At least the employee was smart enough not to trust the company and transferred money from savings in case her paycheck was not there. We need to wait for this next pay period to see if things have been corrected. Anyone know why all of a sudden the meltdown? Its very difficult to pay bills when you have not been paid. This should be a priority. Does anyone know if the company is paying overdraft fees for the employees that bounced checks?

I would ask the company to send a letter to the bank and the utility companies to get the fee waived. If they won't waive the fee, I would ask the company to pay the fees. If they won't do that, I would report them to the Department of Labor where you live and get them to help resolve the problem.
What a lovely gesture on the companies part. They are going to ATTEMPT to correct this problem. Which problem are you addreessing, sir? The several months of incorrect pay checks, the lack of interest in correcting the problem, or are you focusing only on this most recent snafu where checks were deposited to wrong accounts, if they were even issued??!!

As I stated before....27 years, never an error that wasnt MY fault. How difficult can it be to run a PROGRAM??? Oh, I forgot. IT isnt HP/US's specialty. Keep it in house with underpaid under educated green card holders and EVERYBODY is happy, right? WRONG. You've destroyed an award winning customer website, destroyed the Employee Travel website, cant merge mail systems, issue incorrect email addresses to employees, why oh why would I expect to have a correct pay check??? I mean, after 27+ years, it was bound to catch up with me, right?

Pitiful and disgusting
I would ask the company to send a letter to the bank and the utility companies to get the fee waived. If they won't waive the fee, I would ask the company to pay the fees. If they won't do that, I would report them to the Department of Labor where you live and get them to help resolve the problem.

What US1YFARE said............
Morgan I really hope you all are getting ALL of this corrected & we will not see this next pay period.
Now is that really called for? Or productive?

Perhaps not, but did he feel good typing it...heck yes...with all the lies being spewed by Tempe it is no wonder that people feel that way...it doesn't matter how many feel-good videos they produce, until their actions represent their words, they will have no credibility.
Hello Everyone,

For your convenience, I'm posting the US News Now that we distributed to employees this morning. I'll let it speak for itself.

Morgan Durrant
Corporate Communications


February 6, 2007

We had a few unfortunate issues in the payroll run on Friday and wanted to bring employees up to date on what we’ve done about them. We know that nothing is more important than paying our employees appropriately. Thanks to the employees who pointed out these problems quickly so that we could get them resolved quickly.

There were actually two separate issues:

The first involved last week’s transfer of payroll records from the old East payroll/HR computer system to the West payroll/HR system (affecting checks for East customer service, fleet and reservations employees).

The second involved deductions for voluntary benefits such as vision, voluntary LTD, and Hyatt Legal. Some employees are reporting either no deductions for these benefits, or incorrect deductions.

Here are the fixes on both.

1) Problems with the payroll/HR payroll: Employees reported errors in a small percentage of the 9,000 checks issued Friday to customer service, reservations and fleet service employees. Some employees said they didn’t get checks at all; others had problems with direct deposit.

Payroll immediately started writing checks manually and Fed-Ex’d about 240 new checks Friday night for Saturday morning delivery to the stations. Another 60 or so were written Saturday and Sunday for Monday delivery. Payroll is also writing new checks for a handful of employees who are reporting problems to their payroll administrators.

It’s small comfort that the number of errors was quite small – about 300 out of 9,000. (We should note that we need to hand process about 100 checks out of every payroll run for inconsistencies with overtime or hours, so the number related to the payroll migration is even smaller). However, when it’s your paycheck, it’s important, and we take it seriously.

We apologize to our employees who were affected and hope that we have minimized the impact of these issues.

If you still have questions, please see your payroll administrator first. This is the best way to get it resolved (the exception is any kind of problem with garnishments in last Friday’s check – you should call Payroll directly at 480-693-3435 for a garnishment issue).

2)Benefits. The second problem went to deductions for specific voluntary benefits (noted above). Benefits is already working with the necessary parties to ensure that corrections are made to your next paycheck. Please contact employee.benefits@usairways.com or call 888-860-6178.

Again, we understand how important it is to ensure the accuracy of your paychecks. We apologize for any inconvenience and plan to have this resolved by the Feb. 16 checks.

If you have incurred banking fees as a result of this payroll error, we will reimburse the costs. Please send documentation of the fees to Payroll at CH-RWE or send via fax to 480-693-3400.
If you have incurred banking fees as a result of this payroll error, we will reimburse the costs. Please send documentation of the fees to Payroll at CH-RWE or send via fax to 480-693-3400.

Not that this doing anyone favors because you have to, but I think it is great that you are informing the employees without making them ask.
I would ask the company to send a letter to the bank and the utility companies to get the fee waived. If they won't waive the fee, I would ask the company to pay the fees. If they won't do that, I would report them to the Department of Labor where you live and get them to help resolve the problem.
and-for what it is worth-get your union involved!! I know I may get blasted for that but....understandable that they are now merging payroll but---for gods sake---get it right!!! Put some people on OT til you get it right---we should not have to wait til the next pay due to the companies ineptness to get it right....how does one survive 3-4 weeks without the correct pay? What is a savings account?
hows this....no paycheck, no work?
Now is that really called for? Or productive?

No, it's not productive but it is called for. Dog Porker is a low-life mangy cur that has thrown his former AWA employees under the bus. Is paying members of the same workgroup totally different payscales uncalled for or unproductive? How about engaging in a hostile takeover while there is still so much to do labor-wise with your own merger that isn't even complete.

If you want the company to treat you with dignity and respect, I would submit to you that posting a comment like the one above is most likely NOT the way to go.

Is the company treating me and other employees with dignity and respect, now? Never have, never will. They only respect a bat upside the head.

Morgan has a pair of Iron Balls to come on here as himself. Try to extend him a little of the respect you want.

If you read my post, I wasn't hammering Morgan. I said "Hello Morgan" and asked him to do me a small favor by relaying a message to Dog Porker.
No, it's not productive but it is called for. Dog Porker is a low-life mangy cur that has thrown his former AWA employees under the bus. Is paying members of the same workgroup totally different payscales uncalled for or unproductive? How about engaging in a hostile takeover while there is still so much to do labor-wise with your own merger that isn't even complete.
Payscales are different on the US/AWA sides within different labor groups because we do not yet have merged, ratified contracts. DP cannot go in and arbitrarily change payscales to match AWA with the old US. This comes through negotiations.

Now, having said that, am I frustrated by the pace of negotiations, as well as the time AND MONEY wasted on the love affair with DL? Sure! I think you should be emailing your department VP's and DP and telling them you are frustrated with the slow pace of negotiations, which is the real problem here, not "matching up" payscales....
Now for Barbietantrums, I too have some VERY strong feelings that I would love to share directly with certain members of management and I assure you I have a few choice words.

But in the end what would it accomplish? YOU feeling better? Perhaps. But the long term damage will have been done. Sometimes in life what you don't say speaks volumes.


If I don't say anything, I will never be heard.
Morgan, I just want to add my two cents and also Thank You as already well stated for "stepping upto the plate" re this very important issue. :up: I hope this can be a start of future "positive" dialogue between Tempe and the two main groups on this board, concerned employees, and concerned customers, both of whom for the most part want to see this company improve and prosper. Welcome aboard usaviation.com


What US1YFARE said............
Morgan I really hope you all are getting ALL of this corrected & we will not see this next pay period.

Very Good Suggestion Coach. :up:

I agree. Since it was not the employees fault that the checks did not make it to their accounts and etc.

The Company certainly should be accountable for the service or overdraft fees in this case.

Cannot believe that a huge company like US Airways could mess up this bad, more than once, from all the messages I read.

Maybe if they would pay more attention to payroll of present employees instead of trying to buy other airlines, they would not screw up like this.

Bet if the Big Shots, Parker and Company had this happen to them , they would get their money ASAP and not have to wait till another pay period.

Remember this," If it were not for the employees in all dept. and etc of the airlines,there would be no company".

It should not be the employee's responsiblitly to check every time they get paid to see if it is correct.

If the people in payroll cannot do their jobs correctly then they should be replaced with competent people.

And they wonder why the moral is so low....Not enough that all of the people have given so much back to the company, now it is time for the Company to give back to the employees and if nothing else make sure they get their checks on time and the Direct Deposists should go to the correct accounts and that the checks are CORRECT !!!!

You can mess with people in a lot of ways but DO NOT MESS WITH THEIR MONEY. THEY WORK TOO HARD FOR IT.

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