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Nov 11, 2002
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Ok everyone is it me or not, check your paystubs.....
Since payroll has been relotated to PHX theres has been more errors on my paycheck then ever.....CCY never made 1 mistake in all my years at "U".....Now it seems every time I open my check I have to hold my breathe..(another deduction)...plus I've been told 4-5 agts in my station were taken out of the payroll system altogether last pay period, and they had to sramble with some phone calls to get these people back in so they could get payed.......
But the reason I'm writing is seems like more federal and state taxes are being withheld then previous, when working the same amount of hours over the past few months...taxes couldn't have gone up that much....I'm talking an average $50 more fed and $20-30 more state just since the cutoff??
And don't even try to call....seems they can't be bothered.....Just wondering if anyone else noticed...
So just fill out a new W-4 and claim another deduction or two. That should fix the problem.
They don't want a solution ...they just want to hear themselves complain.

If things havent changed why should anything "Have to" be done? I've personally seen some of the payroll errors from Tempe (thank goodness mine werent big enough to make a noticeable difference in my takehome), but you shouldnt have to wonder each paycheck whats going to show wrong now. You dont mess around with peoples paychecks, plain and simple. My taxes havent been noticeably different so this isnt to corroborate that they have changed the taxes as questioned in the first post, but there have been errors in several paychecks that I'm aware of recently. Anyone who blindly accepts what their paycheck shows without verifying it is only asking for trouble.
This has been an on-going problem with corp for years and now you can see what we have been putting up with for years. Not only are we paid peanuts but many of those peanuts get dropped before they even reached us. Then we had to prove that peanuts were lost. You may want to keep a paper log of your hours worked as you may need it. Payroll has always been a step up to different jobs so turnover there is constant. This problem will never be fixed.