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Division starts at the top!

safety stud

Apr 6, 2006
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I have posted about this before but didn't get the info I have now. This is a very simple thing. The division of East/West starts from the top. If you ask a West employee what name appears on their paycheck and they are honest to you, you will find the paycheck still states America West.... Not USAirways....

This might not seem like a big deal to many of you, but in reality it is. By dong this it does not allow the simple things of payroll deduction to take place for say uniforms and such. The simple fact of the matter is that only about 1 quarter to 1 third of the employees of the combined company get the privilagee to payroll decduction for material items. Sure they will deduct Insurance, Taxes, 401k deductions, but heaven forbid you need another shirt or pair of pants.

For an East flight attendant, you must use your own credit card to make a purchase. I have been around this company for going on 27 years now. I have already been throught many a merger, and each time "ONE" unified name appeared on the paycheck. I was further hampered by calling to see about payroll deductions and was asked if I was EAST or WEST. I asked why did that matter... She said that only the West have the authority to payroll deduct for material purchases... When asked why... She said it was the way the company does the accounting... I then asked when this would change.... She said it wouldn't... There is nothing in the works to change the accounting policy for the company....

I said that really isn't fair to the people on the EAST that have always had the ability to payroll deduct for uniforms and that the EAST far out numbers the employee's of the WEST. She said Soooo... and abruptly hung up on me....

This my fellow brethern is what we are dealing with at "SAND CASTLE"... We have all dealt with the incompetance of a CEO that runs this airline like a regional, yet the most important part of a merger of "ONE airline, ONE name" doesnt even exist. This fall directly on DP....

As far as I know....
And I might be wrong here...
Don't think I am...

AMERICA WEST doesn't exist anymore.....

It's a name thing.....

DP can't even get that right...

Just my opinion...
Have you tried to track a flight on either Flight Aware or Flight Explorer? The flights are noted as AWE rather than USA since the call sign change to cactus. Flight Explorer even shows the flight operated by America West. America West is gone and that is not the name on the planes or even Hdqts in Tempe. The name on the company operating certificate is USAirways !
This likely has to do with tax implications. The company I work for has approx. 150 different legal entities, each with their own taxpayer identification number. Many of us receive multiple paychecks each week, depending on which specific legal entities we work for. We're all "one company", but as we move around the company we may (unknown to us) actually be working for a different legal entity. All roll-up to the same parent legal entity.

The "America West, Inc." legal entity surely still exists in some form. We are always buying facilities around the country, but we never change the tax ID or legal entity name (operating name yes, legal entity name no). It's way too much trouble as then we would need to send new W-9s to all vendors, which is a considerable amount of work for us.
AWA still exsist for tax purposes only and this is the LAST year your paycheck will say AWA. AWA is long gone, but some reminents that have no real ralvance to operations or employees and def. not the customer still linger and paychecks in a VERY large group... IAM upcoming intergration which I believe already happended there paychecks will say US Airways very soon.
Thats no surprise, its been 3 years since "merger" and there are still pages after pages in the DRS system that still say America West policy is...... So, after 3 years, is this still "America West" policy or is it now the new US Airways policy too or have things changed totally and no one knows what the correct policy is? If you cant get the company to go through and update all the pages that the agents at the ATO and REZ read to interpret the policies (some have 04 as the last update), why should we expect anything else to be updated? Every single page should have been updated after merger to at least let people know that XYZ is the policy (be it old or new). I realize that it would take a while to get things merged and updated, but 3 years is more than enough.
***** And to the Tempe lurkers.... I've sent a quickfix in 3 times so far to get the DRS page --- CREDIT CARD --- updated. Its one from 2004. It still says America West Merchant Numbers and policy. Are these even still in use? Did we switch totally to the HP numbers and not the US numbers? At least get someone to check out the page and change the wording and update the changed date so we know that the info is kind of correct please...

(Sorry to hijack the thread, but I thought it was appropriate given the jist of the thread)