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New Non-Rev Policies

Not for nothing, but this policy has got to be one the best actions this mgt. has made. While some of you are complaining keep in mind that most of us who commute almost never get to use our pass benifits for anything but commuting. With this new policy it now makes it just a little bit easier to get to work and get home to my own bed.

I''m sorry you guys/gals are out on furlough, be it voluntary or not, but I''m still working my arse off and this new policy will help make the lives of those who are here now just that much easier.

If I were you I would just be happy that you kept your benifits at all. Could the real reason your all P.O.''d be that now you''ll be below a WO''d Express person on that next flight thats only got a few seats?
My understanding is the date of involuntary furloughed flight attendants is only at 1999 due to the number of voluntary furloughs. Without the vol. fur the date of invols would be mid 1988. A simple solution would be to recall the voluntary furloughs and send furlough notices to flight attendants between 1999 and 1988 seniority (totaling about 3,500 f/a''s). A ballot could also be included, "do you want to continue receiving a paycheck, or do you want to honor seniority for pass privileges?" Somehow I think traveling with seniority would be restored!
If you are an INVOL-FURLOUGHED Flight Attendant your pass priv remain in effect for the enitire duration of your furlough. So if your gone for 10 years then my understanding is you fly free on U for 10 years.
On 5/5/2003 6:14:29 AM USAirBoyA330 wrote:

If you are an INVOL-FURLOUGHED Flight Attendant your pass priv remain in effect for the enitire duration of your furlough. So if your gone for 10 years then my understanding is you fly free on U for 10 years.

That I believe is the understanding. And if it is for one group it should be for all groups.
So that you get it, if you are fuloughed , laid off from your job your medical coverage would be availabe for a specific amount of time, then you would be given the opportunity through COBRA to continue with the services you were accustomed to.
therfore if you are laid off in this industry your flight benefits are also extended as a courtesy for all the crap, cutbacks and give backs we have to endure.
Do you get it now???
Wow people, everyone is making this harder than it is....

Simply put......Are you or your spouse active? Well then you are an S3.
Are you on a leave, voluntarily or not? Well then you are an S4.

1,2,3,4 what comes first?
Within that category S3 or S4 you still have your seniority.

If you are in-active for any reason(S4).........All ACTIVE employess(S3) and elegible family members (regardless their seniority) will go before you. Unless you are retired with 20 more years of service.

If anyone is still confused I strongly suggest you contact the travel department.

Hope this finally shines the light.
""...CWA agents who were in the first round of furloughs, 10/01, we were given flight benefits until Dec 2003 and recall until Dec 2004. So for many of us, we are about 1/2 way through our recall rights and still no sign of anyone being brought back to the airports - only more furloughs who will also have 3 years of recall rights. Most of us have realized that we will never get recalled and moved on but can still enjoy the flight benefits as long as they last. I believe that the length of both pass benefits and recall are what each union negotiated with the company.
I wish they would have given unlimited recall at least, given the state of the industry. What would it cost the company -- all they need to do is keep the list of names on file and you never know they might even bring some back once the industry has turned around as it is sure to do. This has always been a cylindal(?sp) industry more so since deregulation and things will look up again. To me it would be smart of management to keep a list of people who have proven themselves in this industry instead of having to go back to the street and get hit or miss with the quality...""

I thought we were granted an extension of both recall rights and flight bene''s durring the first round of "give backs"..... like another year or something. I could be wrong but I was under the impression that being furloughed in 02/02 I had flight bene''s until 02/05.. can anyone confirm that or correct me?
On 5/4/2003 3:39:47 PM A319FA wrote:

The flight benefits are agreed upon by the labor unions and usairways. I do not understand your problem with this concept. Why buy a ticket when we fly for FREE

I can think of two good reasons to buy a ticket:

1. You''ll get there.
2. You''ll get back.

My parents live in LAX and you''re competing with a plane full of people who can walk up to the counter, plunk down $79 and fly off into the sunset. If you''re trying to non-rev with 3 people on your days off, you have about the same chance of getting on as the sun exploding.

Sign me,
Tired of Sleeping in Airports