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Palin joins FOX NEWS

Fast forward to current times, when MORE people are backing away from Christianity, (BUT not from god/CREATOR), all you ever hear from the "fundy's" is "Judeo/christian" blah-blah-blah(like they suddenly reached a CODE SHARING like agreement, with the Jews(who have NEVER waivered from their " M O ")

The Liberal's have been chasing God out of everything for decades,what do you expect.
Did you have a Happy Holiday or a Merry Christmas....oops...I shouldn't have said that.

Liberals killed the Indians and now they're killing God.
How about back on topic:

I look forward to hearing her on Fox News. I hope they put her on Fox News Sunday where some of the smarter talking heads are at the table with her. I really think it will show her ignorance.

I have my doubts that Fox will put her in that situation until she gains some experience in talking politics.


Smart Talking Heads is an Oxymoron or should change that word to Oxycotin in honor of Rush?

Give me an example of where you or anyone else has been prohibited from expressing your beliefs in your church, home or any other privately funded location. If you are sore about being kicked off your free gravy train I am really sorry but given that I pay taxes as well, I have no interest in allowing you or any other religion to advertise on public property.

Believe it or not there are people on this planet who are not christian and who do not celebrate christmas. I have been working retail for the past 1 and a half. Everyone who told me to have a 'happy christmas' I told them to have a 'happy hanuka'. Some of them got it, most just looked at me and said "huh". I few I would tell that it is a jewish holiday. They told me that they were not jewish to which I replied I was not christian. Some got it, most did not. Point being, why is it so freaking hard for people to just say happy holidays and allow everyone to interpret it as they wish with out this paranoia of "OH, they are trying to take my religion away from me" BS? You are not being inhibited in any way shape or form from practicing your religion in any way you see fit IN PRIVATE. I think the really crux of the matter is that some people for what ever reason feel the need to have it all hanging out on public display.

The 14th amendment says that we all get treated the same. So as I have argued numerous times before, if you get your christian displays, don't get all ticked off when I want to put up my pentagram, occult, satanic symbols or what ever right along side yours. It's all or nothing. I prefer nothing on public property.

Give me an example of where you or anyone else has been prohibited from expressing your beliefs in your church, home or any other privately funded location. If you are sore about being kicked off your free gravy train I am really sorry but given that I pay taxes as well, I have no interest in allowing you or any other religion to advertise on public property.

Believe it or not there are people on this planet who are not christian and who do not celebrate christmas. I have been working retail for the past 1 and a half. Everyone who told me to have a 'happy christmas' I told them to have a 'happy hanuka'. Some of them got it, most just looked at me and said "huh". I few I would tell that it is a jewish holiday. They told me that they were not jewish to which I replied I was not christian. Some got it, most did not. Point being, why is it so freaking hard for people to just say happy holidays and allow everyone to interpret it as they wish with out this paranoia of "OH, they are trying to take my religion away from me" BS? You are not being inhibited in any way shape or form from practicing your religion in any way you see fit IN PRIVATE. I think the really crux of the matter is that some people for what ever reason feel the need to have it all hanging out on public display.

The 14th amendment says that we all get treated the same. So as I have argued numerous times before, if you get your christian displays, don't get all ticked off when I want to put up my pentagram, occult, satanic symbols or what ever right along side yours. It's all or nothing. I prefer nothing on public property.

Simple....all due to the liberal PC movement.

Tell me more about this free gravy train.....you lost me.

Give me an example of where you or anyone else has been prohibited from expressing your beliefs in your church, home or any other privately funded location. If you are sore about being kicked off your free gravy train I am really sorry but given that I pay taxes as well, I have no interest in allowing you or any other religion to advertise on public property.

Believe it or not there are people on this planet who are not christian and who do not celebrate christmas. I have been working retail for the past 1 and a half. Everyone who told me to have a 'happy christmas' I told them to have a 'happy hanuka'. Some of them got it, most just looked at me and said "huh". I few I would tell that it is a jewish holiday. They told me that they were not jewish to which I replied I was not christian. Some got it, most did not. Point being, why is it so freaking hard for people to just say happy holidays and allow everyone to interpret it as they wish with out this paranoia of "OH, they are trying to take my religion away from me" BS? You are not being inhibited in any way shape or form from practicing your religion in any way you see fit IN PRIVATE. I think the really crux of the matter is that some people for what ever reason feel the need to have it all hanging out on public display.

The 14th amendment says that we all get treated the same. So as I have argued numerous times before, if you get your christian displays, don't get all ticked off when I want to put up my pentagram, occult, satanic symbols or what ever right along side yours. It's all or nothing. I prefer nothing on public property.

Could killing Abortion doctors be considered a christian ........J I H A D ??
The Liberal's have been chasing God out of everything for decades,what do you expect.
Did you have a Happy Holiday or a Merry Christmas....oops...I shouldn't have said that.

Liberals killed the Indians and now they're killing God.

"This one" I've got to hear !!! (The Indians)

When Col. John Chivington Butchered all those women and Children at Sand Creek, he was moonlighting as a "Reverand", nicknamed the "Fighting Parson".(Notice I didn't say a moonlighting Rabbi)

Hardly a flaming liberal.
"This one" I've got to hear !!! (The Indians)

When Col. John Chivington Butchered all those women and Children at Sand Creek, he was moonlighting as a "Reverand".
Hardly a flaming liberal.

Obviously doing God's work then.
Could killing Abortion doctors be considered a christian ........J I H A D ??
Well...we're fixin' to find out. The judge is going to allow the jury to consider "voluntary manslaughter". And if this killer gets off on that, then I would demand that the anti abortion, pro-life (except when it comes to war or the death penalty) should change their signs to read "Abortion is voluntary manslaughter". After all...if shooting a guy in the face at point blank range in church only qualifies as " voluntary manslaughter", then a guy performing an operation that is legal in his state couldn't possibly be any worse.
Simple....all due to the liberal PC movement.

Tell me more about this free gravy train.....you lost me.

I ask you to give me one example of religious rights you have lost or anyone for that matter and you come up with some BS about the PC crap? That has nothing to do with anything we are talking about. I suspect the PC stuff you are angry about to the fact that religion is being taken out of the public domain and put back where it belongs, in the privet sector such as churches and homes. I'm really sorry that inconveniences you but I have no interest in being confronted by any religion on [public grounds which I pay taxes for. So tell me exactly how liberals are killing god?

The gravy train is christians being allowed to place religious symbols on public grounds with out having to pay for it.
Obviously doing God's work then.

I have seen a lot of crap on this board but Dell, this has got to be one of the worst. I expect garbage like this from Dapoes/Airbud? but for you to imply that the slaughter of people is considered gods work is beyond vile. I am not religious but I am pretty sure that no god would condone the slaughter of innocent lives in it's name.

I respected you but this crosses the line. I can only hope that what you wrote is not what you meant. I don't care if you were trying to bait joanne/bear or not. That is not the way to do it. If you want to have an argument, do it fair and square.

And no Joanne, killing abortion doctors is not the work of christians. Sparow strikes me as a 'good Christian'. He has deep rooted beliefs and lives his life accordingly. I can pretty much guarantee he would never condone such violence. The killers are are no more christian than the terrorists are true muslims. They are terrorists. They have no value for human life. They have no understanding of the COTUS. They have no understanding of what this country was founded on. They are misguided delusional psychopaths.
Killing Abortion doctors, The Spanish Inquisition, 9/11, the Crusades.................

Religious Fanatics.

Be Afraid !......................Be VERY Afraid !
Perhaps this is wrong but I think I will take a play out of the Fox play book.

They are not religious fanatics. They are murderers. Religion has nothing to do with their actions. They are psychotic murderers who should be put away. There is little difference between them and Manson, Dahlmer, BTK and the rest of all the nut jobs.
Killing Abortion doctors, The Spanish Inquisition, 9/11, the Crusades.................

Religious Fanatics.

Be Afraid !......................Be VERY Afraid !

Indeed be very afraid............ Beruit Bombing, USS Cole Bombing, WTC Bombing, Pentagon Bombing, 1st WTC attack, Two embassies. Need I go on?

Care to share the time frame between the Crusades and Killing abortion doctors? Then perhaps contrast it to the length of time between the 1st WTC attack and 9/11?

Notice any difference?

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