Give me an example of where you or anyone else has been prohibited from expressing your beliefs in your church, home or any other privately funded location. If you are sore about being kicked off your free gravy train I am really sorry but given that I pay taxes as well, I have no interest in allowing you or any other religion to advertise on public property.
Believe it or not there are people on this planet who are not christian and who do not celebrate christmas. I have been working retail for the past 1 and a half. Everyone who told me to have a 'happy christmas' I told them to have a 'happy hanuka'. Some of them got it, most just looked at me and said "huh". I few I would tell that it is a jewish holiday. They told me that they were not jewish to which I replied I was not christian. Some got it, most did not. Point being, why is it so freaking hard for people to just say happy holidays and allow everyone to interpret it as they wish with out this paranoia of "OH, they are trying to take my religion away from me" BS? You are not being inhibited in any way shape or form from practicing your religion in any way you see fit IN PRIVATE. I think the really crux of the matter is that some people for what ever reason feel the need to have it all hanging out on public display.
The 14th amendment says that we all get treated the same. So as I have argued numerous times before, if you get your christian displays, don't get all ticked off when I want to put up my pentagram, occult, satanic symbols or what ever right along side yours. It's all or nothing. I prefer nothing on public property.