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Palin joins FOX NEWS

Palin already explained why she resigned -- she had no intentions of running for re-election, and didn't think it was right to be a lame duck for two years. It's a pretty transparent excuse, but it does have some merit to those who believe in "lead, follow, or get out of the way"

Personally, I think taking the commentator role is a pretty safe bet for a politician with limited national exposure.

Huckabee's ratings went up when he started his talk show, and now he's a known commodity nationwide, whereas he was a "huh?" candidate when he ran in 2008. Fred Thompson was already pretty well known, but his time on "Law and Order" didn't hurt his presidential campaign at all.

Likewise with Palin. Two years of being able to control the message is going to give her a lot more credibility with *her* base. And this time, there won't be any reporters trying to trip her up.
And she is under the magnifying glass, warts and all. She will have to explain why she quite her job, why she and her daughter got knocked up before marriage, why there is a fight for sole custody when two parent families are better than one...... etc.

Nothing is impossible in this country. People with no experience have been elected to office for a long long time not necessarily a bad thing. I do not believe that Palin will ever see the inside of the Oval Office other than as a guest but stranger things have happened.

You mean stranger things than a community organizer becoming POTUS? :down:
Just so we are clear.

Assemblies of god

I especially like #8, #12 and #15.

And then there is the issue of demons.

Can we call the Charmed ones?

Not all publicity is good publicity. Ask Hart, Edwards, Vitter, Foley, Haggard ... etc.

Palin will be in a controlled, safe environment where she can say what she wants with out being called out in person for it. She will do great on Fox because that is her environment.

She quit the governorship half way through her term. She belongs to a religious group that makes the baptists sound mellow and laid back. Unfortunately she does not have the oratory skills that Reagan had to make that back ground work. Then again, at least Reagan finished a term to the end.

Palin is taking her 15 min of fame and making the best of it. Good for her. The RNC better look for a real candidate if they hope to oust Obama from the WH. I am willing to bet she will not be doing any campaigning for any one. That will seal her fate as a TV personality as opposed to a candidate.

Focus your energy on #15.
If they actually gave her a show, wouldnt that be a way being able to see what she is really made of? Instead
of the media during the campaigns portraying her in a way, that may have simply not reflected who she is as a person?
Would she have bowed?
Would she have apologized?
Would she have claimed America isn't a Christian country?
Would she have called Ft Hood dude a rouge?
Would she have waited thirteen days to make comment on the undie bomber?

Think not.
Would she have bowed?
Would she have apologized?
Would she have claimed America isn't a Christian country?
Would she have called Ft Hood dude a rouge?
Would she have waited thirteen days to make comment on the undie bomber?

Think not.

Perhaps she would have held his hand like G Bush did.

I think it takes more to apologize than pretend nothing happens.

Hmmm. You would think that a christian country would have mentioned god/jesus in the COTUS or DOI at least once. I don't think creator counts seeing as that is very generic.

Why give him the notoriety he wants?

Nah, she would have pulled a Bush and lied out of her butt or made something up. The issue was being addressed in every form of news out let. It's not like you want to hear anything from him anyway so why would you want him to make a comment that you have no interest in hearing? I know I have no interest in anything he says. I am more concerned with what someone does.


You actually believe what you see on TV is an accurate reflection of who they are? If Palin is in control of the show then she will display her self in a manner that she believes is appealing to the viewer. The same would apply to any host. If anything, catching them off guard in a 'got'ya' type interview will be more reflective of who they are. Get them when they are not in control or in charge. Let me see how they can think on their feet. Let me see if they know what they are talking about or just reading off of notes all the time. That is the main reason I don't watch speeches. They are reading off of a script. I like to see them under the gun getting peppered with questions.
Hmmm. You would think that a christian country would have mentioned god/jesus in the COTUS or DOI at least once. I don't think creator counts seeing as that is very generic.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness


* Creator deity, a deity responsible for creating the universe


Garfield and KCF, I really surprised at you "two" for not (yet) pointing out the 2 most obvious things about that Alaskan NUT JOB, that will happen !

1. She will "super solidify" exactly whats already destroying the GOP, that being the far right wing Nut Jobs.
(No Log Cabin republicans need apply)

2. Tina Fey will get a Huge raise from NBC/SNL !!!

While some INDY's may be unhappy with BO, they are not ready now, nor never will be embracing SP "any century soon" !!
You mean stranger things than a community organizer becoming POTUS? :down:
What do you have against community organizers?

From Wikipedia:
Obama moved to Chicago, where he was hired as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland (Roseland, West Pullman and Riverdale) on Chicago's far South Side. He worked there as a community organizer from June 1985 to May 1988. During his three years as the DCP's director, its staff grew from one to thirteen and its annual budget grew from $70,000 to $400,000. He helped set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization in Altgeld Gardens. Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.

Besides, he left his job as a community organizer at age 26 to attend Harvard Law School. He held many other positions since.

Obama's complete job history timeline:
Business International Corporation, 1983
New York Public Interest Research Group, 1984
Community Organizer, Developing Communities Project (Chicago), 1985-1988
Student, Harvard Law School, 1988-1991
Editor, Harvard Law Review, 1988-1989
President, Harvard Law Review, 1990-1991
Summer Intern, Sidley & Austin law firm, 1989
Summer Intern, Hopkins & Sutter law firm, 1990
Illinois Project Vote, 1992
Lecturer - Constitutional Law, Chicago Law School, 1992-2004
Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland law firm, 1993-2004
Illinois Senator, 13th District, 1996-2004
U.S. Senator, Illinois, 2005-2008
President of the United States, 2009-Present

What did Palin accomplish by age 26?
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them,
So...where's Jesus mentioned? Allah also means God. In order for us to be a "Christian" nation, we might expect to see a reference to Jesus CHRIST. Now God....he's a little different story. Allah is God. Vishnu is God, and to the Jewish people, God is God. To the Native Americans, the earth itself is God. Heck even agnostics don't necessarily disbelieve in God...they just have a problem with religions saying "My God's better than your God". Jesus ain't mentioned, and CHRISTIANS are follower of Jesus...God is just his dad. Not all religions follow Jesus. So how can Sarah say that we ARE a "Christian nation"?
What he said. Christianity is a sub set of religion, not the other way around. While the US may haven been founded on some principles that were found in religion (among other places) no where in the COTUS/DOI/Bill of Rights is christianaity mentioned.
Focus your energy on #15.

Ever stop and think about how MANY "normal" people living in democracy's, who have NEVER waivered ever from there belief system(think for example Japan/Israel/Indian reservations in the America's) find Palin's # 15 Idiotic ?

Religious Fanatics. Be afraid ! Be VERY Afraid !!
The framers of the Constitution and Authors of the Declaration of Independence were so concerned with NOT appearing to favor one faith or another they wouldn't even use the word "God" in the Declaration. Instead they chose "Creator". Even the word "Sacred" was replaced in the document.

For me I happen to embrace the tenets numbered 12 & 15.

Today, many turn their back on the traditional version of God for a great many reasons. Conversely many like myself during times of crisis cling to the vision of a God that never fails. A friend of mine often says, God answers ALL prayers it's just that sometimes the answer is no.

The higher power approach of AA/NA is rock solid in my view as I've always believed that a God that is omnipotent, omnipresent & omniscient would give his children many paths to seek his love & guidance. For me that is the traditional God of our youth, the one who saved Jonah from the belly of the whale. The one who guides me & gives me strength. For others, the path may be totally different.

The right to pursue God on your own terms is fundamental to our way of life. To act in a manner contrary is IMO an insult to the very God we champion and hopefully seek to emulate in our daily lives.
The framers of the Constitution and Authors of the Declaration of Independence were so concerned with NOT appearing to favor one faith or another they wouldn't even use the word "God" in the Declaration. Instead they chose "Creator". Even the word "Sacred" was replaced in the document.

For me I happen to embrace the tenets numbered 12 & 15.

Today, many turn their back on the traditional version of God for a great many reasons. Conversely many like myself during times of crisis cling to the vision of a God that never fails. A friend of mine often says, God answers ALL prayers it's just that sometimes the answer is no.

The higher power approach of AA/NA is rock solid in my view as I've always believed that a God that is omnipotent, omnipresent & omniscient would give his children many paths to seek his love & guidance. For me that is the traditional God of our youth, the one who saved Jonah from the belly of the whale. The one who guides me & gives me strength. For others, the path may be totally different.

The right to pursue God on your own terms is fundamental to our way of life. To act in a manner contrary is IMO an insult to the very God we champion and hopefully seek to emulate in our daily lives.

I don't disagree...but Palin and the right wing of the GOP believe that we should champion CHRIST. There are many, and a LOT of them who aren't hateful Muslims, who don't BELIEVE in Christ. I don't believe that God ever fails either...but does the God who never fails for a lot of people have a kid named Jesus? Which means that number 15..."#

WE BELIEVE...A Final Judgment Will Take Place for those who have rejected Christ. They will be judged for their sin and consigned to eternal punishment in a punishing lake of fire...

I guess that means that there are no Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Native Americans or many many others who believe in an all good and never failing "God" are still condemned to a punishing lake of fire because they do not believe in "Christ"...and are therefore, not Christians? The truly funny thing to me is that a LOT of folks on the "Christian" right tend to cite the OLD testament, which doesn't mention Jesus. In fact, the OLD testament is pretty much the Jewish bible. Yet according to the tenets laid out, those Jewish folks who read and follow the SAME 'old" testament are doomed to hell because the didn't subscribe to bible 2.0. I kind of hope that when they get to the pearly gates, God and St Peter are out attending a bar mitzvah.

Firstly, having never meet Ms Palin I have no earthly idea if what she says is what she believes. Afterall she is a politician and they pander to their respective base. Which is why I'm glad she has a show. Sooner or later she will slip and show her true colors just as most politicians do.Then we make our personal judgements on her ability to govern the most powerful nation in the world.

I generally don't do theological debates on line as I am probably one of the most conservative Christians on here. I know what I believe and no internet blog is going to alter my view.

Where we get into a problem is when you or I try to impose deeply religous or agnostic views on our fellow citizens through political activity. For me I got "cured" of organized religion many years ago and oddly the longer the "Cure" lasted the more devout I became. Preferring instead to seek the God of my youth on my terms as opposed to succumbing to the dogma of any one group.

Where the country loses is when the dogma overides common sense. In that regard the Left and Right can share the blame equally

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