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WE BELIEVE...A Final Judgment Will Take Place for those who have rejected Christ. They will be judged for their sin and consigned to eternal punishment in a punishing lake of fire...

I guess that means that there are no Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Native Americans or many many others who believe in an all good and never failing "God" are still condemned to a punishing lake of fire because they do not believe in "Christ"

With respect to the Jews....

They hung Him out to dry the last time He stopped by didn't they? 😱
With respect to the Jews....

They hung Him out to dry the last time He stopped by didn't they? 😱
Yet the most "devout" of the Christian right cite the old testament and totally forget about Jesus or what he taught.
So...where's Jesus mentioned? Allah also means God. In order for us to be a "Christian" nation, we might expect to see a reference to Jesus CHRIST. Now God....he's a little different story. Allah is God. Vishnu is God, and to the Jewish people, God is God. To the Native Americans, the earth itself is God. Heck even agnostics don't necessarily disbelieve in God...they just have a problem with religions saying "My God's better than your God". Jesus ain't mentioned, and CHRISTIANS are follower of Jesus...God is just his dad. Not all religions follow Jesus. So how can Sarah say that we ARE a "Christian nation"?

If you check, most religions follow the same path as Christianities story.

So...where's Jesus mentioned?

Hmmm. You would think that a christian country would have mentioned god/jesus in the COTUS or DOI at least once. I don't think creator counts seeing as that is very generic.


They came here to for the right to worship or not to worship the God of their choice.

Funny.........for the same token....I see no mention of homosexuality and a right or freedom to practice that in DOI or COTUS. :mf_boff:
Let He who has not sinned, cast the first stone...............
Oh...I've sinned...I'll be the first to admit it. But boy, do I have my doubts about a lot of "Christians". Dad said before he died "Never trust a man with a fish on his truck...he'll screw you over worse than any heathen". Personal experience talking there. For me...I always think of the "good Christian" bible study leader who knew a lot about his bible, except had a real problem with the "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife"...as he proceeded to covet MY wife. I at least admit to my sins...I don't wrap myself in the cloak of Christianity and have the balls to tell someone ELSE that they will go to hell because they don't accept Jesus Christ as their lord and saviour...as they proceed to break 6 of the 10 commandments..."in Jesus name" of course.

I often think of the quote from Ghandi, which I think holds true for much of the Christian right....“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.â€￾

Think about it...Jews are going to hell for not believing in Christ, yet in Leviticus and Exodus (in the Jewish Bible) we are told

"If any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. ".

This is used as justification for many acts of war. Yet in the NEW testament (Matthew 5:38-40) JESUS (last name - Christ) tells us

"You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. "

Should one follow that one, we are "emboldening the terrorists" and hating our country. Same thing with those "pro life" death penalty supporters.
If you check, most religions follow the same path as Christianities story.

So...where's Jesus mentioned?


They came here to for the right to worship or not to worship the God of their choice.

Funny.........for the same token....I see no mention of homosexuality and a right or freedom to practice that in DOI or COTUS. :mf_boff:

Where in the DOI or COTUS are sexual freedoms spelled out?
Where in the DOI or COTUS are sexual freedoms spelled out?

DOI- "We hold these truths to be self evident, that each man is endowed with certain unalienable rights, among them are life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness"

From that one could easily infer that homesexual relationships pursue happiness????
DOI- "We hold these truths to be self evident, that each man is endowed with certain unalienable rights, among them are life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness"

From that one could easily infer that homesexual relationships pursue happiness????

Thanks for stealing my reply.

Dell seemed to imply that do to the fact that homosexuality is not spelled out that is not sanctioned by the DOI and COTUS. My point was that sexuality is not specifically addressed at all. So if homosexuality is not allowed, neither is hetero or any other combo.

I think the pursuit of happiness and the 14th pretty much cover it as far as I am concerned.
Thanks for stealing my reply.

Dell seemed to imply that do to the fact that homosexuality is not spelled out that is not sanctioned by the DOI and COTUS. My point was that sexuality is not specifically addressed at all. So if homosexuality is not allowed, neither is hetero or any other combo.

I think the pursuit of happiness and the 14th pretty much cover it as far as I am concerned.

Actually the Bible provides a great deal of clarification on things as well. ASSUME for a moment that everyone who hates Homosexuals is a conservative Christian for the purposes of discussion. I'd argue that they missed a few verses that deal with Sin and a proper Christian response to it.

Why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own? How can you think of saying, `Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,' when you can't see past the log in your own eye? Hypocrite! First get rid of the log from your own eyes; then perhaps you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye.
--Matthew 7:3-5

Who are you to judge another man's servant?
--Romans 14:10

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance. Love will last forever ...
--1 Corinthians 13:4-8

If our politically motivated conservative Christian were busy taking care of God's business, they wouldn't have time to worry about what someone else is doing. God judges the motives, not the actions of mankind. Who is capable of judging the heart except God? Why would I even want to do it?

Fundamentalists believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and is taken literally. Well Boys & Girls there it is straight from the God that never fails. The very same one who delivered Jonah from the belly of the whale. I see nothing regarding hatred, only love for our fellow man.
Thanks for stealing my reply.

Dell seemed to imply that do to the fact that homosexuality is not spelled out that is not sanctioned by the DOI and COTUS. My point was that sexuality is not specifically addressed at all. So if homosexuality is not allowed, neither is hetero or any other combo.

I think the pursuit of happiness and the 14th pretty much cover it as far as I am concerned.

You know,I think you're right...NAMBLA fits in there real good.
You know,I think you're right...NAMBLA fits in there real good.
And there are just as many, if not more, people in the homosexual community who abhor NAMBLA. It's kind of like saying that this group represents all Christians. They've done a good job of covering up some of what they do, but you might remember them as the group who picket the funerals of servicemen killed in Iraq and Afghanistan with such "loving" posters as "You are going to hell".

So dell...if you want to lump all gays in with NAMBLA, you shouldn't have a problem with anyone lumping ALL Christians who oppose "homosexual lifestyles" in with these folks. Fair enough?
Show me where I lumped all gays with NAMBLA......show me.

As to God Hates Fags.......God doesn't have a lot of support for that lifestyle from what I've read.
Since this is a nation based on laws and not on scripture it really does not matter. Since according to the 14th laws must treat all people the same it really does not matter.

We dealt with the NAMBLA issue before. So long as the group does not break any laws, they are free to go about their business just like the KKK, neo-Nazi's or any other such fringe group. Once they break the law then you can go after them. The COTUS is not there to protect you from groups that you disagree with. The COTUS is there to ensure that all people are treated equally. You are not permitted (by law) to pick and choose who gets what rights.
An interesting observation, ....and a matter of FACT.

First the observation;

Go grab you bibles. Go ahead...and get them !!!

These "approximations are fairly close.

In a O + N testament.."book", no matter the size, the OT accounts for approx. 7/8 of the pages, while the NT accounts for the other 1/8th.

While christians have "no problem" with the Adam and Eve stuff, or Noah's ark, they get belligerent if no one "buys" into the jesus stuff in there puny 1/8th contribution to the whole "book" !!!!

Another observation is that years ago, "fundy" christians would RARELY ever use the term "Judeo/Christian".

Fast forward to current times, when MORE people are backing away from Christianity, (BUT not from god/CREATOR), all you ever hear from the "fundy's" is "Judeo/christian" blah-blah-blah(like they suddenly reached a CODE SHARING like agreement, with the Jews(who have NEVER waivered from their " M O ")

Creator/God/Allah, or chairman-of the board, it's ALL the Same. It's the ONLY common ground thats shared by virtually all beliefs

Jesus ...."the son"...the levitation man was IMO the Greatest Fraud Ever perpetrated upon man kind primarily in the Europe's(s) the middle east,and later the America's ! (Lets Not forget that the Arab's/Muslims had a healthy slice of "market share going..in the M E) !

All because Constantine got "cold feet" on his death bed.(No different than if Constantine was betting on a game of Roulette. "Hmmm, should I bet Red ..or...Black ) ??

(Back with the "Fact" part,...in a bit.
How about back on topic:

I look forward to hearing her on Fox News. I hope they put her on Fox News Sunday where some of the smarter talking heads are at the table with her. I really think it will show her ignorance.

I have my doubts that Fox will put her in that situation until she gains some experience in talking politics.

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