Not that anyone asked, nor do I care whether You agree, but FIVE Years later still not a fan of the swoosh and striped tail.....just don't find it appealing. Somehow misses the mark......rather amateurish in my book. I did think the former USBlue (many thought it was black) was much more classic and really stood out on an airfield or in the sky, but can understand the need to whitewash a DESERT Dwelling airline due to excessive heat and the Sun. Now the employee patronizing "Heritage Fleet"........call it A Day and REPAINT- never liked it from Day One and as Time goes On, Meaningless to Most. Like I stated at the beginning, It's My opinion and You'll Never Change It. I think STARBUCKS Coffee sucks and wouldn't drink it if my life depended on it. Some of you think it's the greatest crap brewed. It's your money, your stomach and I could care less.
Thats your opinion and you are entitled to that. However, I like the heritage tails. Its reminds most of where we've been and to others who don't know, oh well. My fav is the PSA with the big smile

The old blue is what we are though! Swoosh ..... B)