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Painting of the Fleet

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This current team is a joke. They are the joke of the employees and by other airlines and ceo's of other industries. They are legends in their own minds and believe they are the best of the best. Believe what ya want. :lol:
"Legends in their own Minds".....need We say more? I suppose toxic koolaid is capable of making the Dynamic Duo think pretty highly of themselves. Commemorative CAKES will be their next Venture. :lol:
Not true at all. We hated our previous management teams at USair and US-Airways but the America West management has taken the thought to a who new level. NEVER have I seen a team with such a divide with it's employees. NEVER! ! ! !

What is the current team doing that the USairways pre merger team didn't do?

Run a profitable airline.

You guys just hate success. :lol:
What is the current team doing that the USairways pre merger team didn't do?

Run a profitable airline.

You guys just hate success. :lol:

I don't think we really need to go into all the specifics here as it's been hashed out more times than I care to think about. Let's just say they have more people that don't like them than do. Run a profitable airline? Yeah right out of their mouths we are profitable because they pay the employees crap. Usairways......a model of success. Yep and if you look around at all the other mergers, they are falling over themselves to be just like US. Please....go back to your cubicle on Rio Dorito Blvd. 🙄
What is the current team doing that the USairways pre merger team didn't do?

Run a profitable airline.

You guys just hate success. :lol:

There's nothing groundbreaking on how this management team runs the airline to turn a profit. The formula is simple: run as few flights as possible to keep them overbooked (which pisses consumers off), go as cheap as possible on all forms of equipment/amenities, and pay the employees substandard wages compared than other carriers. To me that is not a company to be proud to work for. Far from genius.
I don't think we really need to go into all the specifics here as it's been hashed out more times than I care to think about. Let's just say they have more people that don't like them than do. Run a profitable airline? Yeah right out of their mouths we are profitable because they pay the employees crap. Usairways......a model of success. Yep and if you look around at all the other mergers, they are falling over themselves to be just like US. Please....go back to your cubicle on Rio Dorito Blvd. 🙄

Oh boo hoo, you have a job, the fact that you stay in it and hate your life is YOUR problem, one that you can fix. But, instead, you just enjoy endless whining, being a victim is sooo dramatic. When the merger happened, all the east posters said that the airline wouldn't last 2 years. Without the merger, you wouldn't have lasted two weeks. Life sucks when you are a victim, but its much more easy than doing something to fix it.
Oh boo hoo, you have a job, the fact that you stay in it and hate your life is YOUR problem, one that you can fix. But, instead, you just enjoy endless whining, being a victim is sooo dramatic. When the merger happened, all the east posters said that the airline wouldn't last 2 years. Without the merger, you wouldn't have lasted two weeks. Life sucks when you are a victim, but its much more easy than doing something to fix it.
If YOU can honestly say that This Airline is the Envy of The Industry then You have NO GROUND To Stand On. Travelpro certainly stated The Facts........there is No BooHooing involved. The Court of Public Opinion would CLEARLY back Travelpro Up and let's just say the Current Regieme doesn't exactly have a stellar reputation from MANY Employees East or West and certainly not in any public relations arena. (They would probably want to CHARGE You for every post made If they could.)
Thank you Astro. Seriously HP I think you need help. :lol: I'm a victim now and hate my life? WOW 🙄 Can someone call for a straight jacket please?
If YOU can honestly say that This Airline is the Envy of The Industry then You have NO GROUND To Stand On. Travelpro certainly stated The Facts........there is No BooHooing involved. The Court of Public Opinion would CLEARLY back Travelpro Up and let's just say the Current Regieme doesn't exactly have a stellar reputation from MANY Employees East or West and certainly not in any public relations arena. (They would probably want to CHARGE You for every post made If they could.)

Did I say it was the envy of the industry?

Hyperbole...not to be used by the weak.

Post merger = profit, pre merger = Chapter 7 in just a few days.

That the airline makes money in spite of such bitter people like you guys is amazing.
Thank you Astro. Seriously HP I think you need help. :lol: I'm a victim now and hate my life? WOW 🙄 Can someone call for a straight jacket please?
Just informed that The Straightjacket has been ordered. They come One Size fits all, P*ssyBlue (of course) has an Embroidered Swoosh front AND Back with that ultra clingy disco vest zipper that everyone has come to Love :lol: It is PAYROLL deducted though. (You would think they were MASS Issued). I have also requested a Muzzle be ordered for HPRetiree..........You know the 'Enlightened One'. Obviously one of those that like to HIDE behind a keyboard and SPEW Nonsense. Maybe We should see whether Company Issued MITTENS are available..........HP may need a pair to SPARE Us from their Ludicrous posts. Hell.............."I'll Pay for Them!" (And if they are RETIRED...........can't they go pick out a grave plot or something?). I know, Nasty......"who wouldv'e thought?!" 🙄
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