Hey, you could have voted yes on the 2010 TA and had a raise to UA/CO 2012 wages in 2010. The MCT's voted their 2010 TA in and still kept their industry leading wages even after BK. Yep, the TWU is so awful trying to force $38 and hour down your throat and keeping all but 10% of the work in-house. They should have given in to an awesome IBT deal like at UA/CO in 2012 and dropped all outsourcing caps for $38 an hour. Teamster power? NOT!
There you go again.
Lets look at the facts of the rejected 2010 TA.
It was in the companys words a "Cost neutral" offer. In other words any gains in one area were offset by concessions elsewhere.
The only people who would have received pay comparable to UA/CO would be those line mechanics working within a narrow timeframe. All the company had to do was change the start times outside the window, which was narrow enough where they could still have 24 hour coverage and at best line A&Ps working nights would have been at least $1/hr less than them. The deal would have left our Overhaul A&Ps at around $4/hr less than their peers at UA/CO.
In my 30+ years in this industry Negotiations have pretty much followed the same path. If after NMB mediation a TA is rejected the Union immediately asks to be released and negotiations commence under a 30 day clock, after 30 days the President can form a PEB which will look into the dispute and render a recommendation based on what the industry pays, not on what the company claims they can pay.
When we rejected the TA we had already taken a strike vote, the International had everything they needed to progress to the next step, but they chose not to. Instead of demanding a release in August of 2010 there was silence. Complete silence. They called together the negotiating committee several months later, and asked the NMB to set up more meetings. We didn't meet with the company till December, four months after rejecting the TA. Had we progressed to release and pretty much a sure thing-PEB the PEB would likely have given us their recommendation by October of 2010. At that point we would have been voting to accept the PEB recommendation, which typically include full back pay and bring you up to industry standards, we may have lost System Protection and the company may have been able to outsource what they have anyway, or we could have voted NO to the PEB where its possible that they could have sent the dispute to Congress to settle or went on strike, or continued to meet with the company with the understanding that at anytime either side could walk away and we could call a strike. No more kicking the can down the road. This is when most deals are struck, when the company is facing the prospect of make a deal or face a strike, its why people join Unions, so they can act collectively and if necessary withdraw their labor to get better terms. The companies are always more than willing to wait year after year till you succumb to their demands if you are still helping them bring in billions of dollars a year while they kick the can down the road, (unless on those rare occasions they feel they can bust the Union and secure even lower costs like Lorenzo at Co/EAL or NWA with AMFA) it seems that you support their strategy of succumb or kick the can down the road.
But we never asked to be released. Instead we waited till December, then met with the company, spent 6 months on the 1/7th rule to keep Tulsa happy, once that was settled Tulsa turned around and said "well its time to do some nut cuttin and some feelings are going to get hurt around here". By June we were deadlocked again, the sub-committee voted for release then the International claimed it had to be brought back to the full committee, with several of Dons YES men on Vacation the vote to ask for release passed in July of 2011. In August of 2011 Little requested that the committee revote on the release request after his buddy, former executive of Airborne Express, former head of the Union Busting AIRCON and current head of the NMB Medation division Larrry Gibbons opined on asking for a release. As expected Gibbons, who didn't even know what we were asking for said we needed to give the company whatever they want. He, a Republican, claimed that Obama was in a political jam and would not allow us to be released, the thing is thats not the way the law was written, the President can issue a PEB, as far as getting released, when Gibbons claimed that he saw no point in wasting the governments money to provide us a mediator we had satisfied the law as far as getting released. The Union just needed to make it official. Tulsa and the Non-A&P members of the committee kept saying, lets meet another month, lets meet another month. Finally after rejecting a motion to ask to be released Tulsa made the motion to request a release if we don't make any progress by Nov 30, that turned out to be the day after the company filed for BK.
So don't come here and throw out half truths about rejecting the 2010 deal. The International, more specifically Don Videtich and Bobby Gless directed no doubt by Jim Little, aided primarily by non-AMTS and people who have been voted out of office by the members since, blocked any attempts at moving things forward despite the fact that the membership had given them everything they needed to do so. In fact the membership was sending a strong message through the slow process of removing their Locals reps who favored the 2010 deal yet the International kept dragging their feet until the company filed BK, by January 2012 the only A&P Don still had in his pocket was Charlie Meyers. The company would have filed BK in Nov of 2011 no matter what the mechanics did prior to that because the mechanics were a non-issue, we were already bottom of the industry-the Pilots were the target of the BK, we were just extra, handed over by the International.
The extra two years in negotiations, bottom of the Industry in nearly every parameter, many even prior to going into BK is not the fault of the overwheliming majority who voted NO in 2010, itrests squarely on the shoulders of those who blocked proceeding to the next step from August of 2010 till December of 2011 in a process thats been in place for 75 years, and those people are Jim Little, Bobby Gless, Don Videtich and those on the committee that followed their lead and prevented us from getting a deal that would have put us all on a level close our peers prior to AA going into BK to go after the Pilots. Most of those on the Committee who blocked progress have since been removed by their members through the electoral process. Little may face the same fate in September, Gless and Videtich are appointed and do not face elections, they just get to put crappy deals in place that we have to live under.