that's funnyeolesen said:My side? I'm neutral on this one.
that's funnyeolesen said:My side? I'm neutral on this one.
Now, Bob, look at this only as an AMT, not as a unionist. You would really rather a CC be selected soley on seniority or senority plus a basic test? Maybe straight interview and management selection isn't quite the answer either, see Joe Sagginario, Bob Nygard, Joe Daly, Mike Mckanna, Dave Richards, Virginia Nieves, Andrea Ferrara, Glen Risbrook, Tim Ahern, Brian Troy, Ginny White, and much more of JFK manaement alone, but these are leadership positions which can't just be handed out to the most senior AMT.Bob Owens said:the company picks the Crew Chiefs, and we even have language that says that in exchange for the worst of everything we have to commit to make AA the "best in class".
DB pensions are (and have been) a pyramid scheme that require more workers coming in than going out to collect. No different than Amway, "investment club scams", or Madoff. In a diminishing workforce, which is where we are now, they are not sustainable. Going back over 15 years it has been obvious that the DB plans, and frankly Social Security, won't be there for us so anyone that has not been saving and investing for their own future either is a fool or has accepted that our parents were the last generation that will retire. My belief is that we will be working to the day we die, but I choose to save when I can and invest anyway so maybe I am fool too since I clearly chase the dream. In fact back in 2010 I seem to recall you saying yourself that the company would find a way to dumnp the pension either way as one of your reasons for being against the deal. Since you wisely knew this was coming why is a shock now? Haven't you been preparing for this inevitability?Bob Owens said:Nobody, even in BK had to agree to such terms, the concessions we agreed to both in 2003 and 2012 were unprecedented. In 2003 we were told to give unprecedented concessions to save the pension, two years later we were told by Jim Little to support legislation that would allow the company to underfund the pensions that our concessions paid for, in other words pocket the money that we were giving them to fund our pensions, in 2010 we rejected a substandard offer and Jim Little and Don Videtich established another precedence, they didn't ask for a release to move the process forward, instead they conspired to punish the membership and drag out talks for more years, until the company decided they would declare Bankruptcy.
As much I usually don't support unions or strikes, why didn't everyone, or even half of the M&R group, just quit then? OK, your right PFAA has the curent case law that in bankruptcy you can't strike so just quit in mass. As far as I know slavery is still illegal so you can quit. Who knows, maybe it would've turned out differnetly.Bob Owens said:Youre right, its not about whats fair, if you want fair you have to be willing to fight for it.
No Bob, it is not, what bankruptcy law does is put the only priority maximizing the repayment of debt. Nothing else matters, not me, not you, not the shareholders, not the unions, and not the retirees, only the creditors. As a matter of law once a company files chapter 11 everything ele becomes secondary to getting as much back to the creditors as possible. It doesn't matter if everyone of us were let go, if our pensions get frozen, dumped on the PBGC (though then they become a creditor), we take massive pay cuts, nothing, we DO NOT MATTER, only the creditors do. Like it or not this is what happened. I didn't realy want this merger and I still don't think it's a great idea, but guess what? Every last penny will be returned to the creditors and even the shareholders will likely get their value returned so whether I like it or not this was the right way for it to play out. The process worked as intended, did I get screwed? Maybe. Did you get screwed? Maybe. Did the creditors get everything back? Yes, and that is the ONLY thing that matters.Bob Owens said:The fact is that the Law has become a tool to screw over workers, and will continue to be just that until labor gets united and takes a stand against it. BK laws have a poor history with a tendancy of becoming corrupt, a series of articles hung on the wall in the BK court waiting room attest to this. The system has been abolished in the past because of corruption, looks like it has run its course again. Judge Lane is just another crook for the History books and we let him get away with it.
CC were "never handed out to the most senior AMT", they always had a 6 month probationary period, seniority only gave them first shot at the job. Management never bothered to do what they had said they wanted to do which was incorporated into the contract. You will find that CCs are not primarily the most senior workers. There was no problem with the old process, the only problem we had with CC is that pay which has been a fixed number instead of a fixed percentage reduced the real pay to the point where it came out to less than a Paid Lunch for the day, so many qualified EXPERIENCED mechanics simply would not bother to bid for a position with limited selections and minimal financial gain. Many CC spots went to very junior employees, this change will not fix anything, it will simply cost them at least $1000 more to fill each crew chief position than it did before, and that's if only one person bids for it, add $300 to that figure for each additional bidder. Ironically the company put in language where if they have no volunteers to take the job guess who they force to take it? The most senior qualified guy. So on the one hand you say they cant just hand it to the most senior guy but they can force him to take it. How well does forcing someone to take a leadership position work?JAFA said:Now, Bob, look at this only as an AMT, not as a unionist. You would really rather a CC be selected soley on seniority or senority plus a basic test? Maybe straight interview and management selection isn't quite the answer either,but these are leadership positions which can't just be handed out to the most senior AMT.
Well I think I finally figured out what your alias means "Just Another F%$&!ng Ass#$!e". Why does management run to court and get injunctions when workers engage in a job action, why don't they simply fire everyone?As much I usually don't support unions or strikes, why didn't everyone, or even half of the M&R group, just quit then? OK, your right PFAA has the curent case law that in bankruptcy you can't strike so just quit in mass. As far as I know slavery is still illegal so you can quit. Who knows, maybe it would've turned out differnetly.
Bob Owens said:You didn't blame the law? Didn't you use that as an excuse for why we shouldn't fight back? Didn't you say that this is BK, that we didn't agree to this deal and it was forced on us through BK? Didn't you claim that outsourcing (which is permitted under the law) is to blame for our reduced compensation? So if you weren't blaming the law then why have we seen our pay in real terms plummet more than at any other carrier? Why in your view are we making less than non-union carriers?
In totality our contract was a 20%(plus) reduction on top of the 25% (plus) reduction we took in 2003. No cherry picking there but by all means feel free to pick out any cherries you see in this pile of pits you call a contract. The fact is that if you ask any member whether they would rather work under our contract or the one that United, UPS, Southwest or even US has my bet is they would chose any of the others before they would choose your beloved contract. the fact is this is the worst deal in the industry, its even worse than what Delta or Jet Blue has.
The answer is yes, you should start preparing to go on strike. You should always try to be prepared to go on strike. I assume that like your alter ego Don you are a gun advocate. Should I assume that because you may own a gun that you want to go out and kill people with it? Well how many people have you killed with your pistols? I assume none, but that is what pistols are designed to do, kill people, but you may keep one ready with the hope that you never have to use it for its intended purpose, sometimes just letting a threat know you have a gun will be enough, same thing with a strike and being ready and prepared to strike, hopefully by being that way we never have to use it, but if we have to we must.
Totally ducked the issue about how the members of those unions fared I see. no need to argue at length, tell us one thing where the membership ended up worse than we did by fighting vs capitulating.
Sure you did, and as usual I answered all your questions, maybe not to your liking but I asked you several questions and you completely avoided them.Overspeed said:
I didn't duck the issue. We have beat the issue you to death and we do not need to go over that I see it totally different then you.
Bob Owens said:Sure you did, and as usual I answered all your questions, maybe not to your liking but I asked you several questions and you completely avoided them.
Specifically what demand from the company would you feel would be a strike issue? Yes or no will do.
1-outsource all overhaul
2-eliminate dues check off from payroll
3-eliminate A-5 passes for ATD
4-eliminate pension for ATD on Union leave of Absence based on salary reported by union
They already cut our pay way below industry standard and gave us the worst pension in the industry with the most expensive Medical, fewest Holidays, least amount of Vacation, worst OT rules, CC picked by the company etc etc so we already know those are not strike issues for you because you voted for all that, sure but all those issues are "cherry picking", somewhere in that contract you claim that there is real value that makes our deal industry leading in "total value", the 4 items above are pretty much the only things that we have that are left and in some cases unique to AA. feel free to add your own.
Were the pilots better off spending $45.5 million to show the company that they would not allow the company to violate their contract or would that money have been better spent the way Jim Little spent it, on salaries and cars for appointed Loyalists?
After you answer mine. This cant be all your way. Those days are over.Overspeed said:
Again, what's your plan for leading us to better pay, benefits, and job security?
I agree with Thomas Paine and others. He will continue to duck and run. Never will he answer your questions. Matter fact a typical OS will not come back for about a week or two... You know better Bob.Bob Owens said:Come on Overspeed, At least my question includes the topic-outsourcing.
You seem to forget that the Unions are creditors, in fact we are the only creditors who lost anything and the only creditors who are told that the court can abrogate (annul) our contracts, impose new terms and we are not free to act in our own best interests. Even the shareholders were spared. To say "Oh you are not a slave you can quit" is BS. That would be the same thing as saying that Exxon had to agree to whatever terms AA wanted and if the owners of Exxon didn't like it they could sell their shares and walk away. The fact is we are both creditors, both organizations that represent the collective interests of many people but only the creditors representing Labor can be forced to accept terms going forward that they did not agree to. If I quit that doesn't change the fact that the courts forced a deal on the Union just as if they did the same thing to Exxon the facts would not be changed if the shareholder sold his stock, in both cases the future property of the collective body, the rightful owners,was stolen for the benefit and use of the distressed company.JAFA said:No Bob, it is not, what bankruptcy law does is put the only priority maximizing the repayment of debt. Nothing else matters, not me, not you, not the shareholders, not the unions, and not the retirees, only the creditors. As a matter of law once a company files chapter 11 everything ele becomes secondary to getting as much back to the creditors as possible. It doesn't matter if everyone of us were let go, if our pensions get frozen, dumped on the PBGC (though then they become a creditor), we take massive pay cuts, nothing, we DO NOT MATTER, only the creditors do. Like it or not this is what happened. I didn't realy want this merger and I still don't think it's a great idea, but guess what? Every last penny will be returned to the creditors and even the shareholders will likely get their value returned so whether I like it or not this was the right way for it to play out. The process worked as intended, did I get screwed? Maybe. Did you get screwed? Maybe. Did the creditors get everything back? Yes, and that is the ONLY thing that matters.
Bob Owens said:Come on Overspeed, At least my question includes the topic-outsourcing.
That has to do with the topic of this thread, what does your question have to do with the topic, oh I forgot, its all about you.Overspeed said:
1 and 2 yes, the others aren't strike issues.
So what does that have to do with your plan for labor success? Do you even have one?