Well noname the folks in Tempe are an "Interesting" group. I've had some e-mail exchanges and I've come to certain conclusions.
One - If you are the least bit critical they lash out and try to discredit you as being "To Negative". Like somehow that negates your perception of the facts. Tell me what positive there is in the highest level of Consumer Complaints to the DOT. When I point that out apparently I'm negative. Did I make up the stats or send in all the complaints myself? I couldn't afford all the postage!!!! The multiple visits to the CP desk to give out candy during the darkest days apparently don't matter to one individual who claims I don't "Celebrate those who are terrific". I guess all of those Trip Reports praising the F/A's and other front line staff didn't count in the positive column because I didn't kiss Doug Parker's ring. Just talked to a CP angel the other day and she asked us when we would visit again. Didn't know what to tell her, as I'm not putting a dime towards that kind of effort anymore since I'm so freaking negative. Let the Senior Execs pony up a few bags of M & M's, I'm fresh out. Maybe my colleagues will loan them their Sam's Club Card.
Two - They have in many cases raised arrogance to an art form. I don't (contrary to an e-mail I recieved) disclose who said what to me. I don't think it's fair, so let's just say I've recieved & viewed a few e-mails from them that if they ever hit the media would make quite a fireworks display. Fortunately for those who wrote those e-mails I have a half once of class and secret they shall remain.
Three - Truth is indeed a foreign concept to these folks. If I had $10 for everytime I caught them in a lie I wouldn't need to win the lottery. I realize that for many this statement is a bit obvious. They lie so often I question whether they would know the truth even if it served their agenda if they knew what it was.
So now "noname" you are officially among the Negative in the eyes of Tempe. Welcome, it's not so bad. I promise I'll be positive tomorrow. I'll write a nice Trip Report on my R/T PHL-DCA. Might even fill out an A & B and send it in. I'll be positive on Friday too. I'm buying some tickets for business travel and I think that will satisfy the "Positive Goddess" in Tempe. "Sweet Thing" is coming to visit for the weekend so there most likely be no posts. Question is, do non posting days count as positive or negative?
When you have a clear conscience you sleep on the worlds softest pillow and mine is straight from Nordstrom's and of the finest goose down.![]()
Glad to join such an elite group!!
I couldn't really give a flying fig what the "suits" in Tempe think. I don't think they think at all. The past 2 yrs have to be the worst since the "merger" of Piedmont and US Air in 89... and for a customer service oriented company like Piedmont the entire US Air(ways) experience sucked royally for the employees. Total reversal of company visions. Since 05 things seem to have only worsened..hard to believe. As bad as things were and they were bad under the multiple non-managing management of US Airways..it is really sad when I run into one of my former co-workers. Nothing works, the computer system being the biggest problem followed by the lack of direction the company seems to follow.
I would have quit under this new regime if I hadn't taken the early out. Much happier, not much poorer and much less stress wondering when the plug will be pulled next.
PB enjoy your weekend with ST ..BTW your visits to res were always well received by the employees. Thank you again for doing much more than was ever expected.