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PineyBob said:
If you do not address your concerns to Consumer Affairs or management then you are as big a part of the problem as the employees you complain about.
Don't complain to Station Management, they just sweep it under the rug. And it wont
get anywhere with Consumer Affairs either, they're too busy "charging" the complaint
to get invovled with fixing the problem.

What me run airline?
I think it pathetic of employees who treat non-revs with any disrespect. Please write these folks up. If they have bad attitudes with employees, they more than likely have the same attitude with our paying passengers. Every employee group has a "professional standards committee". Notify them.
I totally agree with PITBULL on this. I've never understood some of the snotty stuff I've seen directed at non-revs. Non-revs should know how to behave and dress. Very rarely have I ever seen a non-rev expect special treatment. Non-revs will almost always be the first to move if there's a seat assignment problem or if a family needs seats together. Once I was attending to a medical emergency and the non-revs picked up the trash and secured the cabin for landing. In over 30+ years of flying, I've only had two ocassions of Non-revs Gone Wild. And that was many, many years ago.

I can understand the agents getting real stressed when trying to board a full flight, especially now while they are so understaffed. Non-revs need to be considerate even though we might be anxious just to know if we're getting a seat. It doesn't have to be a gut-wrenching situation.

The ability to non-rev is a benefit that comes with the job. God knows we have few perks left these days. It's hard enough getting a seat to anywhere fun and interesting.

Probably the worst instance I recall was out of PHL several years ago. We were boarding a fairly open flight to LAX when I needed to go up to the podium to resolve a double-seat assignment. I saw a flight attendant I know waiting for a seat. The agent comes down and starts to close the door. I asked about the non-revs and he said "No time for them". The Captain overheard this and refused to leave the gate until the list was cleared. Three non-revs gratefully got on board. The Captain had steam coming out of his ears and was threatening to write it up. I don't know for sure that he did but shortly there after, a memo came out reminding everyone to make sure non-revs got boarded.

We have to remember to take care of each other. You never know when it will be YOU needing a ride.


Remember I'm that nice US1. If I ran US the airline would be making money and there would still be space positive seating for employees. Real employees not the BOD and upper management. They'd have to pay for their tickets and sit in coach!! Last row too!!

I say let a cockroach run US for a year. Bet we could make it the worldclass airline of choice again. And watch as this airline started kicking some serious DL and LCC booty!!
AKA_trvlr64 said:
I say let a cockroach run US for a year. Bet we could make it the worldclass airline of choice again. And watch as this airline started kicking some serious DL and LCC booty!!
😉 Interesting thread. we all should rremember a little professional courtesy and ttake good care of each other. We are in the same boat.

As to the quote. I have said and shall repeat myself, "If you were to remove any employee group ( Pilots, Flight Attendants, Mechanic's, Baggage Handler's, Gate Agent's, Reservationist's etc.) this airline would die the next day. But if you were to cut the head off the snake-------this baby would roll on indefinately. In fact with out the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ given to these theives we would probably turn a nice profit in a fairly short time. BOD done let the door hit you on the arse on your way out.

P.S. please leave some of the loot!!!!!!!!!
T-bone said:
😉 Interesting thread. we all should rremember a little professional courtesy and ttake good care of each other. We are in the same boat.
T-bone...........a cockroach is a customer of USAirways. Let a real customer run an airline not some fools that jump from one airline to another. They learn nothing about how to manage when they know nothing else but their little box.

AKA_trvlr64 said:

Now to address the gate agents. But let me address the PHL EXPRESS AGENTS!!! Here again, if you just sit back and watch like I like to do while waiting to board the plane (when not in the clubs, just like you), you'll see a "gaggle" of agents (or is it flock?) sitting around whining and moaning and generally taking up space. I have noticed this every time I have to fly out of the F concourse in PHL. Those EXPRESS agents need to have their management give them lessons in decorum and manners. Personally, I don't need to overhear Saheem complain to Tenesha about their paychecks.

As a whole, my positive experiences with US employees greatly outnumber the negative experiences. And that says alot about the frontline people. I just put my bad experiences into a nice email to customer affairs. And I will say I have sent more praising emails than complaining ones.
Good post, but your ethnic stereotyping of the Express Agents in PHL is beneath your usually insightful comments.

BTW, why the change of handle from "trvlr64"?
Dont call me Shirley said:
AKA_trvlr64 said:

Now to address the gate agents. But let me address the PHL EXPRESS AGENTS!!! Here again, if you just sit back and watch like I like to do while waiting to board the plane (when not in the clubs, just like you), you'll see a "gaggle" of agents (or is it flock?) sitting around whining and moaning and generally taking up space. I have noticed this every time I have to fly out of the F concourse in PHL. Those EXPRESS agents need to have their management give them lessons in decorum and manners. Personally, I don't need to overhear Saheem complain to Tenesha about their paychecks.

As a whole, my positive experiences with US employees greatly outnumber the negative experiences. And that says alot about the frontline people. I just put my bad experiences into a nice email to customer affairs. And I will say I have sent more praising emails than complaining ones.
Good post, but your ethnic stereotyping of the Express Agents in PHL is beneath your usually insightful comments.

BTW, why the change of handle from "trvlr64"?

I don't feel like being Politcally Correct anymore. I just called it as I saw it. Sorry if you didn't like my comment but it's your right to disagree with me as it is mine to disagree with you. Or has George W. taken that away from us too? Plus is it my imagination or are there more foreign born/speaking F/A's on certain Express divisions lately?? (mesa). I am having trouble understanding their instructions and I hear those blasted messages daily?!!? What happened to learning to speak the language properly??

That aside. I had to re-register for some strange reason. After that blaster worm I have had some hiccups on certain websites and other areas on my computer. So I had to add to my online name. Hence the AKA !!

:blink: 😉
AKA_trvlr64 said:

Remember I'm that nice US1. If I ran US the airline would be making money and there would still be space positive seating for employees. Real employees not the BOD and upper management. They'd have to pay for their tickets and sit in coach!! Last row too!!
Back in 1988, I was boarding a full DC9 to YYZ and in the line was an employee witha green space positive ticket and a maroon travel card. He practically threw his ticketat me, seems he was upset that there was a backup at the airplane door and boarding came to a complete stop. I asked him what department he was with amd he said" I'mn the BOD, I don't work for this company, this company works for me" in earshot of paying psgrs. Real classy!!!!!

What me run airline?

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