I have to agree wilh Dea, the employees need to be pro-active in each of their departments for the best service. I am a CP who has over 100 segments this year. I agree the planes could be cleaner, and have glassware, but I have become accustomed to those lower standards, and know not to bother the FA with any comments, because they just don't need any more greif.
But I do have some comments from ocassional flyers in my family. My brother in law has flown PVD-SFO twice in the past three weeks. First on a US award ticket, and most recently on a US codeshare, flown on UA. I asked how his flight to SFO worked out on UA metal. He said the UA planes were cleaner, they did not charge for headsets, and better snacks, and music. But he said the UA personnel were rude especially the FA he had in coach.
My wife flew an award FC ticket MHT-SFO three weeks ago on UA. She like the 777 on SFO-ORD, and the 767 ORD-SFO leg. She was insulted by a UA FA on one leg, and made to feel like a 2nd class person because she was on an award ticket. On her trip to SFO on Wenesday, flying FC on US, all she had to say was how great the US people were especially the staff at MHT, but the FA from PHL to SFO was "grumpy." but gave great service. My wife owns a restaurant, and knows service.
My son (14 YO) said the FA was grumpy but gave him plenty of Malanos. He asked why there was no music on a 321, and only on the 767 & 330.
Those were there comments, and my point is some people don't seem to miss what they don't know about. (glassware), or to notice how clean the planes are.
I am suggesting that US lower their standards any further, but to make the point that good service must look at ALL aspects of the travel because different people look at different things.
I like the leather seats US has (even with the pen marks) NW and DL have cloth. I do like glassware. US people are overall great, but I do understand waht they have been through, but that is now excuse to being "grumpy" if you are in a customer service business.
Keep up the good work, you are apprecieated by the customers, and if you don't you do have the possibility of driving more customers away than some of the dumb changes by management.