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jimntx said:
AKA_trvlr64 said:

...you'll see a "gaggle" of agents (or is it flock?)...
Well, let's see. I know it's a pod of whales and an exaltation of larks
I believe it's a gripe of agents, a whine of flight attendants, and a cashgrab of pilots. 😛

And I'm in a furloughed whine.
That's pretty good, jim! LOL
Dark Cloud,

Thanks for the support! I am hangin in there and trying to be optomistic.
I am sure that the VP's..etc.. have something to flash..because god forbid they be treated like the passengers...My motto is "treat others like you want to be treated" I guess that is why I treat others with respect, because I certainly do not want to be treated badly. But, it happens..like in my case. I just feel like if you are furloughed, we should have something to flash..even if it is at ticketing. From what I understand if you have someone on your travel pass(wife, husband etc..) they have a travel card. Would it be so hard to issue us one? I just feel like furlouees are forgotten, mistreated, step children...we just want some love from the company that we love so much and want to come back and work for. WHERE IS THE LOVE?????????? 🙁
I agree, when you lose that travel card, you do see the other side. The long lines etc. and then you get to the front and your directed to a kiosk... and have to announce that your non-revving (which we werent ever supposed to do) but your furloughed so you cant use one. I really hope they lighten up on the kiosk thing, its alienating to wait in line and be directed to an ATM. I like the technology, but our elderly and computer-illiterate need a live person to speak to- I also dont want to see any jobs replaced by them.

I non-rev quite frequently throughout the system, domestic and international, and luckily havent had many problems. I know Philly has a rep, well deserved in a lot of cases, but we also have some terrific agents there and I've been mostly lucky. The Express agents in F are the embarrassment of the system, but I guess thats what you get for minimum wage. The Express agents in CLT and PIT do a great job.

Sadly, I was treated like a downright criminal by an agent in DEN one time. They demanded to know where my travel card was, why I didnt have one, what "MI" means etc. and WHY I WAS TRAVELING if I didnt work for the company anymore. We were made to feel like we were trying to sneak onto an airplane. The agent even left us standing at the counter while they went in the back to "check all of this out" (a furloughed non-rev is far from uncommon at his company) Once at the gate, we werent called and accomodated for the flight (an Airbus with less than 60 people aboard) until the very last minute. We were the only ones in the boarding area for about ten minutes. Our boarding passes were on the counter when we got up there and the agent (same one) had thier back to us. Despite my best efforts, there was no conversation, not a smile or your welcome to my thank you, or even eye contact as we boarded.

I was upset and embarrassed and couldnt figure out why we were treated so poorly- again like a criminal- by a co-worker. My partner gently pointed out to naive little me that the attitude didnt start until the agent saw that I was traveling with my (same sex) domestic partner. I dont normally wish ill things on people, but I kind of hope someone tries to make that agent feel subhuman sometime.
Interesting idea, but for the most part I think employees are very sympathetic to others who are furloughed, demoted, displaced etc. That agent just had a problem and should not be in a customer service position at all. Open display of affection? Looking back, I'd like to have done the opposite and give them an open punch in the face for the disrespect towards my family. I wish I could get on here and list all of the wonderful people I've come across, but unfortunatly its the bad ones we always remember. I'm sure you remember those five incidents well, as do other customers who have been let down.

Like I said, when you lose the uniform and the ID (and therefore access through security, skipping the line and the ticket counter completely) you really see the other side. For years, for airline employees, it was a breeze to whisk into the airport a few minutes before boarding and jump on a plane if theres room. While we still have the benefits, we pretty much experience what all our our customers do now (except for the kiosk usage and well, the fares). Valuable insight if we ever go back to work. I would love to see management do an unnanounced "walk-a-mile"... middle seat transcon out of Philly would be an eye-opening experience.

I'd love to see us get IDs to show that we are non-active employees. In some of the European, carribbean and Express stations, the contract employees are very weary of us, because as non-employees they have little understanding of our wacky company and its contracts. I dont think it would cost the company too much to send us little plastic cards- heck they still send benefits enrollment packages, how much does that cost?
Lightyears.... What a shame that you had to go through that in DEN....I have been doing my share of NonReving also and seems to me the only problems I have would be at stations other than our HUBS.... I have to sit there and explain that I'm Furloughed and to MI instead of US before my employee number. As far as PHL express I've never had a problem...I love going through that terminal rather than the main ticketing area...NO LINES!!!!


I have been holding off writing anything until I had more INFO...But I will tell you that I emailed Dave Siegle about Mid Atlantic because I was so tired of all the WHAT IF'S.... I got a response from Bruce Ashby - Sr.Vp-Alliances & President -Us Airways Express.

ANYWAY...so far what I know is that the first aircraft (EMB-170) is expected in early December. Revenue Service to begin in Feb 2004. They'll be getting about 2 airplanes per month. He said right now they have 70 people employed at Mid Atlantic.

"Flight Attendant Hiring is expected to begin in a few weeks"

Letter was received Oct 6th. Hope that gives you something to look forward to!!!!

The gate-area story above reminds me of one of the best moments of TV history. Although the show was just 'ok' The coming out episode where Ellen announces on the PA system at a gate area "I'm gay" is one of the most hillarious moments on TV. That episode was written perfectly. I'd half suspect that lesbians across America are somewhat tempted to grab a gate PA and make the Degeneres announcement.


Anyway, I'd be revolutionary with pass priveleges if I ran an airline..... NO or very limited space available passes.

All company business would be on business fares, or would have to go through the same rules as business customers. And employees would get positive space travel benefits on a sliding scale discount. And everyone would accumulate FF miles. But I'd also, move F/A's and rampers up to higher paying customer service/res positions because you don't really get more productivity from older more senior employees in those postions (I imagine) AND I want rampers to be busting their young butts and F/A to be able to take down any passenger... but that's just me... feel free to call me crazy. Also, I want F/As to have total situational awareness of their aircraft, including what needs to be picked-up... But they should be paid for it.
To clarify.... I'm not suggesting age discrimination, or any kind of age limits. I'm suggesting a career path, that culminates in a more productive area.... customer service and of course management/supervising for those so inclined.

You and Hubby should travel with me. I'll make sure you get upfront!! 😛

But I will say, our brethern have been know to treat us indifferently at times. Guess they hate the competition!!?? 😀
AKA trvlr64 said: "Anyway, I'd be revolutionary with pass priveleges if I ran an airline..... NO or very limited space available passes."

Why? I think it's useful for employees to use the service. It helps us understand our product. I know commuting made me a better employee as I have the opportunity to experience the same thing our customers do. Amazing how your perspective chances when you're the one sitting in the seat.

I'd like to see our upper and mid-level management riding around with the rest of the customers. No special treatment for them, no quick check-in or favored seat assignments. Let them experience the product as it is. Make them check their bags, too. I feel sure that if all airlines did this, the entire industry would change for the better all the way around!

It's not like there's hundreds of employees trying to non-rev every day. We are bottom of the barrel when it comes to getting on and rarely have a choice of seat assignments.


Don't blame AKA..... the no space-available brainstorm was from me. I would have very generous positive space discounts.

I was a pass-rider for most of my life (well, close to most) and I had great experiences, but part of the experience of using the product is paying for it.
I have to agree wilh Dea, the employees need to be pro-active in each of their departments for the best service. I am a CP who has over 100 segments this year. I agree the planes could be cleaner, and have glassware, but I have become accustomed to those lower standards, and know not to bother the FA with any comments, because they just don't need any more greif.

But I do have some comments from ocassional flyers in my family. My brother in law has flown PVD-SFO twice in the past three weeks. First on a US award ticket, and most recently on a US codeshare, flown on UA. I asked how his flight to SFO worked out on UA metal. He said the UA planes were cleaner, they did not charge for headsets, and better snacks, and music. But he said the UA personnel were rude especially the FA he had in coach.

My wife flew an award FC ticket MHT-SFO three weeks ago on UA. She like the 777 on SFO-ORD, and the 767 ORD-SFO leg. She was insulted by a UA FA on one leg, and made to feel like a 2nd class person because she was on an award ticket. On her trip to SFO on Wenesday, flying FC on US, all she had to say was how great the US people were especially the staff at MHT, but the FA from PHL to SFO was "grumpy." but gave great service. My wife owns a restaurant, and knows service.

My son (14 YO) said the FA was grumpy but gave him plenty of Malanos. He asked why there was no music on a 321, and only on the 767 & 330.

Those were there comments, and my point is some people don't seem to miss what they don't know about. (glassware), or to notice how clean the planes are.

I am suggesting that US lower their standards any further, but to make the point that good service must look at ALL aspects of the travel because different people look at different things.

I like the leather seats US has (even with the pen marks) NW and DL have cloth. I do like glassware. US people are overall great, but I do understand waht they have been through, but that is now excuse to being "grumpy" if you are in a customer service business.

Keep up the good work, you are apprecieated by the customers, and if you don't you do have the possibility of driving more customers away than some of the dumb changes by management.
SingleFlyer.... You are correct in saying Customer Service needs to be from ALL Aspects. I went from 8 years as a Travel Agent to 4months working at one of our Express Stations...8.00p/h from 0430-0830...Cleaned planes, Marshalled in Planes, Checked in Pax , loaded and unloaded bags from the back of a SAAB 340 .. threw out my back 2 times before I decieded to try and become a Flight Attendant. I will probably be the LAST Flight Attendant anyone will ever see WHINE !!! I maybe furloughed right now..But I can't wait to get back out Flying...Any other job just isn't for me.... Best thing a Flight Attendant can remember is no matter how Mean or Nasty a Pax can get....Once that passenger is off the Plane...You'll never have to see them Again!!!!
I haven't read all of the post so far on this thread but I just wanted to let you all know that there are employees out there that do work their hardest to make sure that people come back. I flew from San Diego to Greensboro, NC and my connection flight from PIT to GSO was wonderful! The flight was serviced by Shuttle America and it was absolutely one of the best flight i have ever and I mean EVER been on. The F/A came around the plane and got everyone something to drink. She then came around with the left over HALF full or Half empty cans ( whichever way you look at it ) and offered everyone a refill and/or some more pretzels. She would come around ask if everything was okay and if you needed anything else. The pilots would come on every so often and make some kind of remark to try to make you fill at home. One of the pilots even offered anyone that had a birthday/anniversity in Octorber to notify the flight attendent so he could give you a bottle of wine on him! A satisfied customer is a return customer and I can guarantee you that everyone on that flight will fly with US Airways again. GREAT JOB to those of you who make an effort in making this airline work and in making sure that customers like me are happy. I was not only happy but impressed. GOOD JOB 😀
I know the topic has been discussed many times before, so I wont go in depth again, but some of the employees I see in station not being "so nice" to nonrevs are those employees who dont nonrev. They have no idea what its like wondering if you are going to make it or where you might end up. I think all employees should be forced to nonrev at least once a year just to see what its like. I cant believe the number of people that work here that dont go anywhere, ever.
Also regarding the space positive flying instead of nonreving. We do offer an ED20 ticket which is a discount off the cheapest excursion fare available. Its great. I bought tickets when I took my parents to see the relatives in Canada at a great price, got frequent flyer miles, and when they downsized the plane, got 3 free bump tickets out of it! Better than nonreving! 😛
tadjr said:
Also regarding the space positive flying instead of nonreving. We do offer an ED20 ticket which is a discount off the cheapest excursion fare available. Its great. I bought tickets when I took my parents to see the relatives in Canada at a great price, got frequent flyer miles, and when they downsized the plane, got 3 free bump tickets out of it! Better than nonreving! 😛
Oh, well, I guess that's my point... I guess you didn't hear it from me first.

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