Thanks to all who donated. The money raised came from the everyday workers who represent the craft and class of Maintenance and Related. I guess if this is a raid from the AMFA then I'm raiding myself!
Thanks to all who donated. The money raised came from the everyday workers who represent the craft and class of Maintenance and Related. I guess if this is a raid from the AMFA then I'm raiding myself!
With the TWU's track record, you got to be kidding!Like we've said all along. AMFA hasn't the funds or resources to represent American Airlines Mechanics and Related. It takes funds. If they haven't within their coffers to offer up the funds to promote themselves with a simple sign, then how do you expect them to represent you when it counts?
LOL, typical industrial union mentality. Like we have said all along this isnt a raid its the membership removing a ball and chain from their ankles. A raid is when an industrial union spends hundereds of thousands to collect tens of millions in dues. Or when a union on the property will spend thousands to keep millions coming in. If AMFA was in this for the money they would be doing the same thing. I cant think of any other buisness where so little can be invested and the return be be so great. The twu is trying to convince the dues payers to keep sending those checks to them. Where do you think their funds come from? Does the twu have a money tree? If the twu is so great then why are they concerned with all of this?????????Like we've said all along. AMFA hasn't the funds or resources to represent American Airlines Mechanics and Related. It takes funds. If they haven't within their coffers to offer up the funds to promote themselves with a simple sign, then how do you expect them to represent you when it counts?
Like we've said all along. AMFA hasn't the funds or resources to represent American Airlines Mechanics and Related. It takes funds. If they haven't within their coffers to offer up the funds to promote themselves with a simple sign, then how do you expect them to represent you when it counts?
LOL, typical industrial union mentality. Like we have said all along this isnt a raid its the membership removing a ball and chain from their ankles. A raid is when an industrial union spends hundereds of thousands to collect tens of millions in dues. Or when a union on the property will spend thousands to keep millions coming in. If AMFA was in this for the money they would be doing the same thing. I cant think of any other buisness where so little can be invested and the return be be so great. The twu is trying to convince the dues payers to keep sending those checks to them. Where do you think their funds come from? Does the twu have a money tree? If the twu is so great then why are they concerned with all of this?????????
AMFA doesnt have to promote themselves nor are they chasing our dues. If that were the case they would be acting like the the other 2 organizations that call themselves unions but are really in the buisness of hunting new sources of revenue or fighting like he11 to keep what they have coming in. Think about it.
AMFA is not in the buisness of begging for union dues.
Excellent sign!
Like we've said all along. AMFA hasn't the funds or resources to represent American Airlines Mechanics and Related. It takes funds. If they haven't within their coffers to offer up the funds to promote themselves with a simple sign, then how do you expect them to represent you when it counts?
Like we've said all along. AMFA hasn't the funds or resources to represent American Airlines Mechanics and Related. It takes funds. If they haven't within their coffers to offer up the funds to promote themselves with a simple sign, then how do you expect them to represent you when it counts?