You are the AFA and the majority of your coworkers voted it down, not the negotiating committee, and once again, why dont you go to Tempe and force Doug to give you a new CBA and tell us how you are going to accomplish this feat.
I am the AFA who bothered to go to a roadshow - to ask questions not to heckle.
I am the AFA who had a question and called the union office and had my question answered.
I am the AFA who went to a townhall meeting.
I am the AFA who respected a no vote argument based in fact not fiction.
I am the AFA who watched the video.
I am the AFA who did the due diligence yet had to listen too many who did not.
I am the AFA who did not spread half turths and outright falsehoods.
I am the AFA who had civil debate with an open mind if the other person also was civil and willing to listen.
I am not the AFA who berated people for CONSIDERING voting yes.
I am not the AFA who did not go to roadshows to ask questions.
I am not the AFA who did not go to the source to have their questions answered but instead turned to the rumor mill that is FB.
I am not the AFA who publicly remained neutral but under cut the TA and subordinate AFA officiers doing the dirty work. (Are you talking about that process?)
Now tell me about the process that I don't get.