It is not the goal of saving money or creating revenue that I oppose, I think this is a great idea.
It is the shared reward and lack of negotiated benefit to the membership in exchange that makes by blood boil and pressure rise.
I have no doubt that AA can make money doing maintenance for third parties, and I also believe keeping their own maintenance in-house is the right choice.
I just cannot for the life of me wonder why this wasn't an option when AA wanted $620 nillion in concessions and the "lawyers were loitering on the BK Court Steps" for 3 months. As it is, we gave the concessions, and the millions in savings with nothing to show for it. We didn't really "save the jobs", through attrition, the employment levels have dropped significantly.
I can only image what the private conversations that management has regarding our representation sound like. No damn wonder AA spent so much time, effort, and money to protect the TWU from being replaced.
You mean to tell me you had Arpey in your hot little hands and you did and said NOTHING????!!!!! The mayor, David Boren, councilman, Senators, the media, THE CEO OF AMERICAN AIRLINES FOR GOODNESS SAKE.....and yet you stood silent. 😛h34r: 😛h34r: 😛h34r:
Boo-hoo, boo-hoo, BOO-FREAKIN' HOO!!!!
Go cry to your mommas!!!
I spy something yellow and it ain't the snow in Tulsa.
It just so happens, that I was with my Mother as she had emergency surgery this morning and so I wasn't even at work to enjoy/refuse the BBQ or get a speak session with Arpey.
When it comes to my family or speaking up to save your ass from yourself. The decision was easy. As a matter of fact, given my mother's present health state, I find your antogonistic remark about my "momma" very offensive and down right RUDE.
I have never been afraid to stand and speak my mind!
So go piss up another tree.