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What Direction Are We Really Going?

Hackman said:
Well, if you want to go that lonely road LSMHSS, without an engineer making the blueprint, you wouldn't be staring at your computerized machine drinking coffee watching the chips fly.

I don't think he was talking about who is or is not more skilled.  Just that fact that the industrial unions have continuously dumbed down  all skilled trades including yours.

Don't be such a sniveling twu twit. 🙄


Why did you reply to my post? "Really Hackman", you have little knowledge of my qualifications.

You know, this topic brings to mind the movie " Field of Dreams". Remember the theme in the movie?........."If you build it, they will come"

This is a common "Machinist motto" 😉
A special thanks to the twu bubba believers who show up today at our Tulsa AMFA drive kickoff meeting. Nothing gets the blood flowing like a brain dead twu believer complaining about UAL not striking. Never laughed so hard, imagine, a company-union crying about a real union not striking. This is the same union that refused to allow a strike vote with the concession vote because they didn't want to offend the compAAny.
Yes, it was nice to finally meet the infamous "Flash Gorrmans" in the flesh (er, what's left of it). He had the classic twu "1000 yard stare". As I informed him, he was as delusional in person as he is here on this board, same old twu lies he still bubba believes. Yes, he had the balls to complain that AMFA at UAL didn't go on strike like he thought they should have. This, when his own incompetent twu International cowers down at the very thought of any impending doom and gloom put out by his friends in the compAAny. Boo!!! Rrrruuunnnnnn!!!!

If this guy is one of the 514's lead bubba believers, god help them....

:up: :up: :up:
High Speed Steel said:

Why did you reply to my post? "Really Hackman", you have little knowledge of my qualifications.

You know, this topic brings to mind the movie " Field of Dreams". Remember the theme in the movie?........."If you build it, they will come"

This is a common "Machinist motto" 😉
I replied because I can, also the fact you have a big mouth and a bigger ego. I have family that are in the machinist profession. So yes, I do have an idea of the trade your in. Of course, your skills are the far beyond anything I could imagine....

I really don't care about what movies you watch. You build what your told to build by a compAAny engineer. Stop coming off like your some kind of aircraft brain trust with a CMM that will produce the next generation of Boeing 797 Starship only with your machinist slight of hand . :huh:
BillLumbergh said:
Decision, is there a reason you've posted the same information on THREE different threads?

Not really.

Is this against your bulletin board policy?

I will gladly stop posting completely on your board if you would like?
you see HSS the amfa(PUKE) boys have been givin away jobs like their "koolaid" so like amfa(PUKE)man or one of the scabs said what difference does it make?
you see they are not into SAVING JOBS!!!!!!!!!!! but GIVING them away & then making some STUPID statement like "i try to steer them away" BRILLIANT!!!!!!!
what's w/that?..........& then O SCABMASTER dAAve comes up with this twisted amfa(PUKE) piece....get a LIFE dAAve..........they don't get it. card drive? please,
give me a break. what does the ASSOciation say about that? better check w/del before you go runnin off on something like that. BTW haven't you amfa(PUKE) boys got more to worry about than a card drive like..Alaska Air contract/Horizian Air/United/ hummmmm i think i'd be more concerned with getting those settled before trying to ruin more lives!!!!!!! in case you missed it Aloha Air reached a TA w/their mech... IAM :up: ...O yeah dAAve give us a "spin" on that one i'm sure you can come up with some TWISTED line on that if, you can't ask your little princea** @AFW to help you or maybe hack'n'off can BTW hack'n'off do the spell check otay?.........get this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

scab scraper said:
you see HSS the amfa(PUKE) boys have been givin away jobs like their "koolaid" so like amfa(PUKE)man or one of the scabs said what difference does it make?
you see they are not into SAVING JOBS!!!!!!!!!!! but GIVING them away & then making some STUPID statement like "i try to steer them away" BRILLIANT!!!!!!!
what's w/that?..........& then O SCABMASTER dAAve comes up with this twisted amfa(PUKE) piece....get a LIFE dAAve..........they don't get it. card drive? please,
give me a break. what does the ASSOciation say about that? better check w/del before you go runnin off on something like that. BTW haven't you amfa(PUKE) boys got more to worry about than a card drive like..Alaska Air contract/Horizian Air/United/ hummmmm i think i'd be more concerned with getting those settled before trying to ruin more lives!!!!!!! in case you missed it Aloha Air reached a TA w/their mech... IAM :up: ...O yeah dAAve give us a "spin" on that one i'm sure you can come up with some TWISTED line on that if, you can't ask your little princea** @AFW to help you or maybe hack'n'off can BTW hack'n'off do the spell check otay?.........get this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Hey, guy, how about cleaning it up a little and being a little more polite.
Scraper, I tried to do a spell check for ya, but you have to be able to type in a language other than twu swine. Again, get with Bert and Ernie.... soon.

Your right on the money scraper, your getting another AMFA/AA card drive, round two. Then after the election, around the end of the the year, we're getting a Delle! No, not the computer dummy. Cards are coming in by the hundreds and will be picking up fast. Better get more coffins and more felons, one of each is not enough this time. Yeah, the twu/AA/NMB stopped us all right.

The goal is simple, to remove the twu from our M@R craft and class. This drive is again, a grass roots movement, no paid organizers. This is change done the only way it can be with a unaccountable twu dictatorship; the very unhappy twu M@R membership ousting the worthless twu for good. :up:

By the looks of Burdchettes video, it can't be too soon.

BTW scraper; you might need to offer help to your pal Cio, he looks like he might need some personal attention from his demented twu brother. 😛
scab scraper said:
you see HSS the amfa(PUKE) boys have been givin away jobs like their "koolaid" so like amfa(PUKE)man or one of the scabs said what difference does it make?
you see they are not into SAVING JOBS!!!!!!!!!!! but GIVING them away & then making some STUPID statement like "i try to steer them away" BRILLIANT!!!!!!!
what's w/that?..........& then O SCABMASTER dAAve comes up with this twisted amfa(PUKE) piece....get a LIFE dAAve..........they don't get it. card drive? please,
give me a break. what does the ASSOciation say about that? better check w/del before you go runnin off on something like that. BTW haven't you amfa(PUKE) boys got more to worry about than a card drive like..Alaska Air contract/Horizian Air/United/ hummmmm i think i'd be more concerned with getting those settled before trying to ruin more lives!!!!!!! in case you missed it Aloha Air reached a TA w/their mech... IAM :up: ...O yeah dAAve give us a "spin" on that one i'm sure you can come up with some TWISTED line on that if, you can't ask your little princea** @AFW to help you or maybe hack'n'off can BTW hack'n'off do the spell check otay?.........get this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Every time you post this stuff, I print it and post it on the union BB's(I have a key) with a note that says TWU Negotiator. It brings in AMFA cards by the dozen, so keep up the lack of professionlism that we have become to expect from those who support the twu.
Every time you post this stuff, I print it and post it on the union BB's(I have a key) with a note that says TWU Negotiator. It brings in AMFA cards by the dozen, so keep up the lack of professionlism that we have become to expect from those who support the twu.

That thar got me a whacking me knee and laffing my tail off. I aint nuver hurd anythang so funny in me long years of moon wathcin. ever tyme i heard that amfa-puke claim i just bust a gut-n then pass gas. Ima thinkin scab-cummer is fer moor surpeerer in inteeligenc than most. Shoot fire, Ima also thinkin he shud run fer Prezidence of the USA.

I reckon his cows needs a milkin werse than we need a bwain surjen fer Presidenze tho.
Hey Scabby :wub: , I like your posts! :up: They are the best! :up: In fact, I wish you would post a whole lot more. :up: :up: Your grammar is excellent and is the best of the TWU supporters on this board! :up: AMFA has no match to your beautiful writing skills and I don't see how AMFA can overcome your mastery of the English language. Happy Valentines Day, "The Princess"
High Speed Steel said:

Why did you reply to my post? "Really Hackman", you have little knowledge of my qualifications.

You know, this topic brings to mind the movie " Field of Dreams". Remember the theme in the movie?........."If you build it, they will come"

This is a common "Machinist motto" 😉

Actually hss that motto is a developer/builder motto but if you like associating it with your profession then have at it. I'm not sure why your drawing lines in the sand between the different skills that make up the AMT profession but my guess is that you've been desensitized by local 514 as to what unionism is all about!

As for scab scraper I hope like #$@@ that your not a mechanic, I really have my doubts from your post that you are. Something tells me your a building cleaner thats already moved past his level of incompetence.
Decision 2004 said:
That thar got me a whacking me knee and laffing my tail off. I aint nuver hurd anythang so funny in me long years of moon wathcin. ever tyme i heard that amfa-puke claim i just bust a gut-n then pass gas. Ima thinkin scab-cummer is fer moor surpeerer in inteeligenc than most. Shoot fire, Ima also thinkin he shud run fer Prezidence of the USA.

I reckon his cows needs a milkin werse than we need a bwain surjen fer Presidenze tho.
Dad gum it, look out thar Decision! Them thar is scabby scrapin' fightin' words! Ibbin yer hogs git over in scrapers' slop pit agin cause yer moon watchin', i'm afeared y'all is a fixin' ta get a lickin' (all over) ibbin scabby gits to ya!

BTW Decision, he ain't got no cows, he got swine. Ain't you had no book learnin' neither? :lol: 😀 :lol: 😀
O SCABMASTER dAAve.......ah-choo, ah-choo..hummmm must your allergies
actin up you sorta started writin like hackoff...ah-choo, wheeeeeez, ah-choo,
yup O SCABMASTER on the move again????? keep posted i'll let you where he is going next 😛h34r: ....ah-choo, wheez, ah-choo keep this in mind>>>>>>>>>

ps.. hackoff do the spell check & find out whats wrong with dAAve OBTW 😱
sorry imissed you a couple weeks ago @ the loco 12 amfa(PUKE) annual.

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