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Management Wins while Company Loses?

I don't think I'm being "slanted"........my opinions and observation through the rose colored glasses that I choose to wear sometimes. But I know when to take them off. 😀 And I agree, DP is responsible but so is everyone else.........all the way up and down the chain/ladder.

Everyone is responsible for their own job, yes. DP is responsible for the welfare of the company. "Rose colored glasses" aside, DP is responsible for every VP, Director, Manager, etc. all the way down the scale. IMHO DP is here for the short term money (5 years give or take a couple of years). Then he will move on. 🙂
Health care costs have gone up and that's more coming out of pocket, life insurance has gone up, disability insurance has gone up, housing, gas, food, clothing..........all up. With all that and the 3% AVERAGE raise, you've actually taken a pay cut.

And these things are unique to management how? Like I said in another thread, how arrogant!
And these things are unique to management how? Like I said in another thread, how arrogant!

Arrogant??? You took only a part of my post. Nowhere did I say or infer that it was a UNIQUE TO MANAGEMENT situation. I was talking about people on my level and I am NOT a manager or in management.....only not currently represented. So read the whole thing again and think about what I said.........with the raises that we non managers/non management type) have gotten, add in the additional cost of living, etc.......we've taken a pay cut overall.

Who said any thing about "unique" to management? 🙂

Not me, that's for sure.

I've been called a lot things........ :censored: but arrogant isn't one of them. 🙄
WTF!! You're a bitter individual. I did join the club as you say.....nearly 26 years ago when I chose aviation as a career. You??

Chill out.

No not bitter just tired your justification of why you deserve a raise while others don't. Do you believe labor groups deserve a raise? What if you take a pay cut while we get a raise, is that cool?

BTW thats pretty strong language from someone wanting me to "chill out".
No not bitter just tired your justification of why you deserve a raise while others don't. Do you believe labor groups deserve a raise? What if you take a pay cut while we get a raise, is that cool?

BTW thats pretty strong language from someone wanting me to "chill out".

This was my point from the beginning....you didn't get it at all. I NEVER said I deserve a raise any more than anyone else deserves a raise. Where are you getting that from?? I believe everyone deserves a raise......especially the non management people (that includes respresented non management and represented as well)......or maybe you don't understand that there are non management people that are not represented. There is!! And I have been on both sides.........pay freezes while others have gotten raises and maybe even a pay raise when someone else didn't.........who knows but I have been there.

The point was DP's raise was NOT dollars in his pocket necessarily........it was increased benefits. And as worker bee's, if raises are given or not, those don't even come close to balancing out the increase in our costs........so essentially because of those increased costs to us, a raise or not, does NOT balance out. So when it costs you more out of pocket, raise or not, your take home money is NOT more.
I NEVER said I deserve a raise any more than anyone else deserves a raise. Where are you getting that from??

You are right and I am wrong. Please accept my apology. It was someone else. I guess I'm having a bad day. I'll go kick my dog now. (Just Kidding)
You are right and I am wrong. Please accept my apology. It was someone else. I guess I'm having a bad day. I'll go kick my dog now. (Just Kidding)

No problem........understood. No apologies necessary. You can get confused reading all the different posts and hey, half the time, the posts go off in a totally different direction.

Kiss the dog instead. B)

Hope your day gets better.
WTF!! You're a bitter individual. I did join the club as you say.....nearly 26 years ago when I chose aviation as a career. You??

Chill out.

You have been with HP 26 years? I did not know they have been around that long.
Operationally .... we're still a pig. New company same results. Day in and day out watching AWA flights get delayed and canceled due to poor equipment. Old USAir working short, understaffed. The only thing that matters is on time launches in the morning.

When will these thngs change ????

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