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Ops Center - Which one survives?

I was told by someone who works OPS in PIT that they won't be able to transfer to DFW because PIT is union and DFW isn't(texas nonunion thats a surprise!).This person works in load which is IAM.
I was told by someone who works OPS in PIT that they won't be able to transfer to DFW because PIT is union and DFW isn't(texas nonunion thats a surprise!).This person works in load which is IAM.

Shouldn't make any difference. Take the transfer, and become non-union. Or, stay in PIT and review your union dues receipts.

Can't remember the carrier involved, but Delta acquired another carrier a while back and the absorbed carrier had union flight attendants. Delta did not. Flight attendants merged anyway and they all became non-union because the acquired carrier's flight attendants didn't have the numbers to vote in a union at the merged carrier.
OCC is unionized, your info is wrong.

And airline workers are not covered by state right to work laws.

Transfers will be by each classification's CBA or company policy if they are non-union.

Laws cant block employees transferring, non-union employees in the several mergers at US were able to follow jobs if offered and they chose too.
I believe that he is referring to the CLP agents, as they are in the IAM fleet group.
And they have the to follow their job or excercise their seniority to keep employment.

State Right to Work (For Less) laws dont apply to airline workers under the RLA.

And being union or non-union doesnt prevent someone from transferring if offered.
Come on guys. There are worse places to live than Texas. No state income tax. No sales tax on food or drugs. Property taxes are not much compared to other States. A really cold winter is when it snows twice more than 1".
Can't remember the carrier involved, but Delta acquired another carrier a while back and the absorbed carrier had union flight attendants. Delta did not. Flight attendants merged anyway and they all became non-union because the acquired carrier's flight attendants didn't have the numbers to vote in a union at the merged carrier.


That is an old photo. The AA ops center just underwent a 13 week makeover. When I have a chance, I'll post a picture of the new one. Plenty of room for our colleagues from PIT.
Time to dust off this topic.....
Anyone hear anything official yet?
Which contract will survive?
Bogey said:
Time to dust off this topic.....
Anyone hear anything official yet?
Which contract will survive?
PIT OCC is a goner.  Face it.  They're NOT going to move the much larger DFW center to Moon Township any more than they will resurrect the PIT hub and make DFW a focus city.
The name over the door is "American Airlines".
What are you smoking ? The majority won't leave Pittsburgh , they have been lied to too many times by Parker and his band of thieves.
Then again, when they find out that in the DFW area a "hard freeze" means down to 27 in some nearby towns, and that hard freeze is followed by 70 degree highs 3 days later, they may decide to take a chance. :lol:
jimntx said:
Then again, when they find out that in the DFW area a "hard freeze" means down to 27 in some nearby towns, and that hard freeze is followed by 70 degree highs 3 days later, they may decide to take a chance. :lol:
It made for good business sense when Parker kept the PIT OCC after the merger.  Far fewer potential moves for which to pay, and the PIT center was state-of-the-art and, I believe, had plenty of room for expansion.  It could "swallow" the west ops without missing a beat.
For the exact same reason, DFW will survive as the ops center.  Weather has little to do with it.  Many diehard 'burghers with enough time in service will simply retire.  Others will pack up and move to Texas (I am sorry about that), and leave the parkas and mukluks behind.

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