700UW said:Do you not understand when a company files a Section 1113 C motion, it forces the union to meet, negotiate and try to reach a new agreement?
Now who is the union the membership or the soon to be unofficials ?
Simple700UW said:The AGCs and GCs are the elected representatives of the membership.
700UW said:The union is every member. However when it comes to negotiations and contract administration, the members who are elected by their peers deal with those issues.
I know what you are trying to do and it will not work.
I think I know what you have been trying to do and it wont work
Only when its convient the employees are the union
otherwise the soon to be unofficial reps
are the union.
Please answer me this
Why did the iam take a strike vote if infact we never could go on strike ?
700UW said:You always take a strike vote when voting on a contract and if the contract was voted down and the stike vote approved you would have went on strike.
And explain to me how 5,000 fleet service members can take off of work and go to CCY and negotiate a contract.
You elected grievance committees, General Chairman and local, district and international officers for the purpose or representing the membership in contractual matters.
You are trying to misconstrued how things work.
if the union is every member, then why did the IAM sell the little and medium sized cities down the river several times over the last 2 yrs alone first with the mainline cities being turned into mainline express cities then the pay down to 13.01 an hr for those cities, then FAILED to NEGOTIATE before the JUDGE imposed a 21% paycut then the IAM allowed the company to get rid of 30 cities and 600 employees that went with it. If that is what you would call a union is every member, I dont really see how IAM is going to survive this merger of AWA and US Airways union vote700UW said:The union is every member. However when it comes to negotiations and contract administration, the members who are elected by their peers deal with those issues.
I know what you are trying to do and it will not work.