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Whose Contract Survives For Fleet Service

every one in my city voted NO what part of that do you not understand? Why would the little stations vote themselves out of a job when they had the hubs doing it for them? And what does the Airbus issue have anything to do with FLeet servcie? this was way below the titanic what the IAM did to the workers in 30 cities
It has to do with trusting the company that violates any agreement they have agreed too.

What about the 2,000 mechanic and related that got laid off?

I don't see them on this board whining day after day after day.
libertybell said:
I hear the IAM District boys are nervous if there is an election they know there toast if a run off vote happens.


I hear the CWA guys are starting to get a little worried too. 😛h34r:
700UW said:
You always take a strike vote when voting on a contract and if the contract was voted down and the stike vote approved you would have went on strike.

You are trying to misconstrued how things work.


At UA, D141 did strike prep and a vote PRIOR to ANY contract or 'final offer' vote.

As did CWA and AFA at US.

With markedly superior results. The 30 stations that got flushed? CWA still has their jobs in them.

Proof of the pudding, and all that.

In the end, the spin is an attempt at distraction.

If the IAM has done a good job, they should have no problem standing on their record before the membership, confident their good work will translate into member support.

By-the-bye, since the IAM is going to count the furloughed US members to inflate their total body count, so as to avoid an election and accrete HP fleet, will US furloughed members be allowed to vote on any future changes to the contract?

OR, is the IAM going to try to have it both ways? :shock:

Count them when it is beneficial, and ignore them the rest of the time?
The NMB determines the eligible voters and yes furloughees with recall rights are included, the IAM has nothing to do with that decision.

And only active members get to vote on a contract.
700UW said:
It has to do with trusting the company that violates any agreement they have agreed too.

What about the 2,000 mechanic and related that got laid off?

I don't see them on this board whining day after day after day.
and how do you know if half the members of this board are/arent mechanics?
i'm simply stating a point that the IAM for Fleet Service could have done a hell of a better job protecting the affected employeesin the 30 cities. Now how come is it that CWA got a strike authorization as well as AFA but yet the CWA kept their own employees in the 30 cities whereas the IAM didnt keep their members in it since you seem to know it all 700uw?
700UW said:
Apparently you have no comprehension skills.

If you feel the IAM failed then sue them for a DFR.

And then you can sue all your coworkers who voted yes too.
You dont get it .
I isnt the final result the iam gets that trobles me its the way they get it
Maybe a lawsuit is the way to go I dont think i'll have to sue the all of my
coworkers as i would imagine that they will support me as they surely dont trust the iam at this point.
and by the way you still havent reveiled the iam's new spin on why
F/S should want them as a union as we go forward,and where the iam has been since the last vote ....now have you
I for one, whom has voted down any agreement, would love to see the IAM go Bye-Bye. They have done Nothing for us except to INCREASE our dues at a time they have failed ALL employees. Yes they have saved a few jobs in the Hubs, but they have agreed to sell everyone else down the river. And before 700 you stand on your soap box and preach to us that is was our fellow employees, it was the IAM that only cared about the largest dues paying stations, not the little guys.
Just chiming in…..As I see things this is exactly what the company wants. fight …. against each other Bad mouth the Union then when it come time for a vote you will
get some idiots who won’t vote because they are so fed up with their own Union well if you don’t vote it will be a NO vote and when you have no Union you will wish you had your… shi@#y one ………
The IAM was handing out Wal-Mart job applications in CLT during the bankruptcy contract votes. The message was clear; take the deal or work for them or someone like them. Poor form from the IAM.

muircross said:
The IAM was handing out Wal-Mart job applications in CLT during the bankruptcy contract votes. The message was clear; take the deal or work for them or someone like them. Poor form from the IAM.


Dude they did the same thing in Philly but they used Home Depot as an example for pay rates to scare the sheep.

The lodge President was one who handed them out.
700UW said:
That is a complete lie.
Dude, you can defend the union all you want, but the sad fact is is that they could have SAVED most of these jobs. Now it is bad when they hand out Home Depot to try to scare the sheep, but it is even worse when they hand out walmart crap.

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