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Open Email To Dave & Jerry

Dear Fellow Employee:

I understand the ALPA MEC Officers and Negotiating Committee offered to meet with the company this week to have the company present the "plan." They offered to meet in Washington at ALPA's expense and the company turned them down.

So much for ALPA shutting off communications with the company.

So what is management up up to? Rather than meet with the MEC, Dave Siegel tells the news media we might sell assets.

Like I said before, there is something going on in the background and from this observer's perch, in my opinion only, the company is spreading massive FUD prior to what they consider the appropriate moment to divulge their plan.

So for those of us who thought ALPA shut off communications with the company, that is simply not the case.


700UW said:
ITRADE, you are not a U employee you have not lived Dave's lies.

Pilot'e pension
Airbus outsourcing
MDA job for everyone

Dave has done nothing but lie to all of us.
Not once did the company lie about outsourcing. They believed it to be part of the contract. A court decided otherwise. That is NOT a lie.
Little do you know. The company stated to vote 'yes' for the contract so we could protect Airbus work. They knew it was in the contract.

Another example is GSE work they tried to cut. There is a very long list.

--No one will know you are a fool until you open your mouth.
ITRADE, you are not correct.

Do we all remember this post?

US Airways Responds to CWA Rep.''s Misinformation (Pages 1 2 3 ...10 )
US Airways, Inc Posted on: Jan 5 2003, 04:39 PM

Replies: 135
Views: 8,197 PITguy, I apologize for the delay. I haven't been online and just saw your note.

We are not going to outsource heavy maintenance in PIT or elsewhere. We never even proposed it. (Unlike UA which has proposed the outsourcing of heavy maintenance.)

We will pay all furlough pay as provided for in the contract.

We have no further plans to lay off more mechanics beyond what is published. With the new commitment to operate 279 a/c, we will need just about all the mechanics on the property to perform the maintenance we have scheduled, since our fleet plan anticipated retiring some planes that we will now be flying.

Finally, we are not trying to vendor maintenance with either Boeing or Airbus.
Chris Chiames

Forum: US Airways · Post Preview: #36648

PS. Hey ITRADE, how does crow taste?

Also I sat in a mandatory meeting with the VP of maintenance, Charlie Nardello where he showed us the plan for the airbus overhaul to be performed in TPA. The meeting was after we voted down the concessions the first time.

So ITRADE, I guess you should not post things you have no idea what has transpired.
Point #1. These were issues during bankruptcy - which puts them in a different ballgame.

Point #2. Moreover its correct that US was "not trying to vendor maintenance with either Boeing or Airbus." They went to a totally different company. So the statement was not inaccurate.

Either way, its irrelevant. US could tomorrow announce the signing of a contract for 10 A330s and you would still say that its a bad thing.
Typical you can't admit when you are wrong and you were proven wrong, just like the a lot of the posters on here, sorry if you can't let the facts get in your way.
What's at play here Chip? Any guesses? Virgin USA or UAL or is something else going on? Are we going to continue to downsize and be sold off whole or in tiny pieces? Any thoughts........? It sounds like the company has already made up it's mind-not wanting to sit down with ALPA. What DO they have in store us???
:up: the hell with the road show its not going to get any jobs back,they will just keep contracting parts of this company with no respect given to employees
like me with 28 yrs who built this company and watch the big boys take all the
money for themselves.
:down:12months ago usairways cost me 4000 shares of stock and 20000 dollars
worth of unused sick time .The judge sends nice letter you made a bad
Chip Munn said:
I understand the ALPA MEC Officers and Negotiating Committee offered to meet with the company this week to have the company present the "plan." They offered to meet in Washington at ALPA's expense and the company turned them down.

With all due respect, this comment is not true. Please stop spreading rumors. You do not have any inside knowledge on this issue. You might find a new source because they are not telling you the truth.
As an industry observer, I read earlier this week on this message board that US Airways issued a "Code of Conduct" booklet that prohibits employees from posting on public message boards. If that is truly the case, then HAWK has violated the policy that was enacted. Does he/she believe that the policy does not apply to he/she? I hope US Airways senior management enforces the policy, but I believe they will only subjectively enforce it to silence their critics. Just the opinion of an industry observer.

By the way, the news release about the asset sale is funnier than a South Park episode. US Airways management has no leverage over the unions and I think have finally realized it. They can't take the company back to CH11, only CH7. Bronner would lose his rosy little butt if that happened, so the unions sit back and rightfully refuse to be stomped on again. It's really up to Dave x 2 to fix the inherent flaws in the business plan, but everyone who follows this industry knows they can't because their egos are involved and are squarely in the way. It's really too bad Dave x 2 doesn't have a clue.

By the way, does Hawk have any real relevance on these boards anyway?
Mr Munn and Associates,

This is my first post, although I have been reading these boards with great interest for the past 6 months..... I am very familiar with the history of Airways as far back when it used to be Allegheny Airlines or "Agony Airlines" ( A name that fits to this day for anyone who works there, management, union and non union alike.)

There are some basic things that need to be remembered. Executive management number one priority is to the shareholders return of investment. The employees to their families. So they do have one common motivation. The company needs to make a profit to survive, but there is no company without the employees. It takes a team effort to acheive that goal. Good coaching can be wrecked by bad players, and good players can be wrecked by bad coaching. It takes the best of both.

It's time to act and act quickly, whatever it takes. Do not let history repeat itself IE: Pan AM, Eastern, TWA. Think LONG TERM!!!!!!!!!!

Both sides have very valid points. However, without respect and trust by either party it makes for a very bad marriage. However a bad marriage can be fixed. Put the plan on the table and let ALL employees decide...

On a positive note, with all thats been going on, I have experienced exceptional service from the front line employees at various stations and flights... Keep up the good work!
Wow, did Dave and Jerry hire a firm to post on here? A lot of pro-management Trolls have seemed to have crawled out from under their bridge.
ITRADE said:
Point #1. These were issues during bankruptcy - which puts them in a different ballgame.

Point #2. Moreover its correct that US was "not trying to vendor maintenance with either Boeing or Airbus." They went to a totally different company. So the statement was not inaccurate.
Regarding #1, Chaper 11 is when they should have attempted to alter the CBA to permit the outsourcing. To try to do so after the fact unilaterally is what the uproar is about.

Regarding #2, your analysis of the statements made is very, very similar to the Clintonian definition of "sex"--you know, the oral variety does not count...

A spade is a spade, and US management did in fact lie thru their proverbial teeth about the Airbus issue. I will concede that it might have been done due to pressure from the Chairman of the Board, but nevertheless, the move was outrageous and certainly in bad faith.