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Begging management for concessions

Here's yet another opinion on our "friend,"

the advisor’s told union officials
Not “ADVISOR’S” – advisors.

every offer from the company would get worse-and-worse this on this message board.
What is “WORSE-AND-WORSE?” Improper use of hyphens. Minus 2 points.

if they had any leverage negotiating with a twice bankruptcy company
What is a “TWICE BANKRUPTCY COMPANY?” Improper adjective. Minus another 2 points.

There approach is the sentiment shared by over 50% of US Airways’ rank-and-file pilot’s
“THERE” should be their, also improper use of possessive at end. Two errors, minus 5 points here.

I would have listened to the advice of the advisor’s
Get this guy an English textbook. He may have listened to the “ADVISOR'S,” but he sure didn’t listen to his High School English teacher.

US Airways A320 :censored: a voting MEC member holding Leo Guerrero's proxy
Please tell him about spell check. It’s a great little tool for those that have little formal education.

This proposal was dramatically worse than the one rejected 4 days earlier and even contained an option for the airline to furlough pilot's out of seniority.

everyboyd knew that the majority of the pilot's wanted to cut a deal with the company

Enough already! Don't waste your time with this moron. Maybe he needs a virtual Dunce Cap! Stand him in the corner of that message board he is on!
Three points:
Then a few month's later the RC'4s hand-picked Negotiating Committee became the first MEC in the history of ALPA to provide the company a concession greater than the comapny's "ask".

Best regards,

Your not telling the truth again, during the first chapter 11 filing, after two rounds of concessions, your GAG/MEC gave your pension back to US without a membership vote thereby giving more then the "ASK".

How many times do I have to remind you of this?
In regard to Teddy Xidas, the dictionary describes the word moron as "a stupid person - a dolt". I did not try to insult Xidas, just post what many people believe is an accurate adjective of her performance. I find it interesting that Xidas and other's can regularly insult other's and when one thing is said that some believe is accurate about her she and other's take offense. How can that be? Interesting...

Wait a second--who are these people you refer to? Cite a source or retract your statement.

Unlike ALPA, the AFA went fighting both times and she (Teddy) beat the ask. Granted, she probably did not have people like the GAG (and their proxies, who still don't count as MEC members) trying to run over each other on the way to whatever concession (and greater) that management asked for in order to keep their seat as big time airline pilots.
I would like to forward yet another view of those days. Is any of this accurate? Or is USA320 lying again?

This USA320 guy is attempting to re-write history here.

What actually happened (condensed version) is that the GAG, led by the BOS FO rep Jones, turned down the Company’s August 22 proposal that called for a 16.5% pay cut for the pilots. This was substantially less than the 18.5% they ended up voting for.

After the GAG turned down the Company’s Aug 22 offer, the ALPA advisors went into full manipulation mode. They lectured the MEC on “Just get[ting] it done, don’t drag this out. Take whatever they offer you.†They made it obvious that they would not expend any resources fighting further concessions.

They backed up this conciliatory stance by counseling the MEC on Bankruptcy. Unfortunately, the “facts†they used to promote this appeasement of management were false. The discussions included ALPA bankruptcy counsel stating as fact that 1113(e) motions cannot be modified by the bankruptcy judge, the advice of a former investment banker that “No one will invest in a civil war,†and especially one particular long-time ALPA attorney championing the position that all leverage disappears in bankruptcy.

Too bad they were all wrong.

No matter, this fear-mongering scared the bejezits out of the weaker MEC members so much so, that when the Company realized how scared they were, they shoved over the September 6th proposal, which was for a 23% pay cut.

Once the September 6th proposal was turned down against the GAGs pleading, all Bruce Ashby had to do is wait. The panic began to set in amongst the weaker pilots.

At the September 12th MEC meeting, Chip Munn carried the proxy for the LGA Captain rep. It was a perfect illustration of just how weak and scared the pilots were. He had one opportunity to speak, and he began to moan and about the end of US Airways. He ended his short speech by muttering, “Armageddon, Armageddon, Armageddon…†as he held his lowered head in his hands. What a moron. It was a sight that would have made the courageous pilots that founded our union turn over in their graves.

As bad as that was, ALPA’s fate was sealed when BOS FO rep Jones made the public statement to the NC, “Get a deal, any deal, and be ready to go to the Company’s ask to get it.†Another moron.

ALPA had publicly rolled belly-up.

Shortly thereafter, Bruce Ashby made the statement to the Negotiating Committee, “You need a deal, and I know it.†The NC’s throat had been cut by their own MEC.

Doug Mowery of the NC worked his tail off, and ended up holding back management with a deal, crappy as it was, that cost the pilots $5 million LESS than the September 6th proposal. He managed to hold back the pay cut to 18.5% versus the 23% that the GAG to this day worships.

Let’s review the scorecard here:

ALPA bankruptcy counsel stating as fact that 1113(e) motions cannot be modified by the bankruptcy judge was proven to be false when Judge Mitchell modified the 1113(e) motion for the remaining labor groups, lowering the requested pay cuts. Some MEC members still don’t understand the low quality of advice ALPA National provides.

The former investment banker that pronounced that “No one will invest in a civil war†was proven wrong when GE and US Airways reached a financing deal worth $140 million. This financing came late in 2004 as the AFA and IAM were threatening to strike. He later claimed that a “civil war†as seen by investors would only mean the pilots. And he expected the MEC to believe that. By the way, his bill to the COMPANY for this advice to ALPA is reported to be in the vicinity of $5M. Yes, the Company pays him, not ALPA. Unbelievable.

Now, what about the long-time ALPA attorney who championed the position that all leverage disappears in bankruptcy? Let’s see, for one example, ALPA only gets a maximum of 21 days of vacation, but the AFA gets a maximum of 35 days. Does anyone not believe that the threat of a strike DURING bankruptcy actually GAVE the AFA the leverage they needed to hold off an LOA 93-like cram down?

As can be plainly seen by even these few examples, anyone that worships ALPA’s advisors gets what they deserve.

One last thing, who is it that keeps this lie about LOA 93 being worse than the Sept 6th Company proposal alive?

LOA 93 cost ALPA pilots $5 million LESS than the September 6th proposal. Anyone who states otherwise is nothing more than a liar.

The only ones that gave more than asked were the US Airways MEC in 2002 and 2003.

In December 2002, the US Airways MEC GAVE 100% of the Company’s ask without allowing the pilots to vote on LOA 84. ALL OTHER LABOR GROUPS GAVE ZERO OF THE ASK. NOTHING.

In March of 2003, the US Airways MEC GAVE the Company the entire Pilot’s Pension plan without allowing the pilots to vote on it. NO OTHER LABOR GROUP GAVE A THING AT THAT TIME.

P.S. I have met Teddy Xidas, and she has more integrity, intelligence, and courage in her little pinky than 57% of US Airways pilots combined. Anyone who states otherwise is just trying to compensate for their own insecurity.
This USA320 guy is attempting to re-write history here.

At the September 10th MEC meeting, Chip Munn carried the proxy for the LGA Captain rep. It was a perfect illustration of just how weak and scared the pilots were. He had one opportunity to speak, and he began to moan and about the end of US Airways. He ended his short speech by muttering, “Armageddon, Armageddon, Armageddon…â€￾ as he held his lowered head in his hands. What a moron. It was a sight that would have made the courageous pilots that founded our union turn over in their graves.

So...USA320, is any of this accurate? Or are you just going to twist and bend the facts to fit your view?

And to think you are NOW attempting to sound tough when facing Douggie Parker?

Beleive me, he knows how weak you and the other 57% of the East pilots are...
So...USA320, is any of this accurate? Or are you just going to twist and bend the facts to fit your view?

And to think you are NOW attempting to sound tough when facing Douggie Parker?

Beleive me, he knows how weak you and the other 57% of the East pilots are...


We are all waiting to hear you weigh in on the truth of the earlier message.

When would NOW be a good time to respond?
[Apologies for the poor grammar, just using USA320's own words.]

We are all waiting to hear you weigh in on the truth of the earlier message.

When would NOW be a good time to respond?
[Apologies for the poor grammar, just using USA320's own words.]

You can run, but you can't hide! (Although there's none of Garland's Yahoo Brigade out to find you, Mr. USA320...)

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