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Once Again The Iam Is Not Fully Informing You

You people amaze me.

For the last 2 years the IAM has been telling you NEVER go to a judge because it will be bad things for the employees. Now you people seem to think that a judge is on your side.

This is what we know. The company has a very very strong case and even if it doesn't a judge will rule in the company's favor. But where will that leave those who are 'out'?

Get real to all of those who discounted the "acts of God, strike clause" If you guys think that the company won't invoke that clause even after a settlement with the IAM then you are all nuts.

The true facts are that the company will be more than happy to have a reason to go well below the 279 jet clause and will say that the strike impacted the operations and the company will not be fully recovered for at least 9 months. Who here doesn't think that will happen needs his head examined. I am 100% convinced that if the IAM strikes then the company will ground planes like it wanted to and cost thousands more jobs.

At any rate, any sympathizers or strikers who don't understand unemployment law and force majeure clauses will pay a dear price, and you will be able to thank the IAM for that.

What is more distressful is that this strike may give the company the avenue to liquidate. And it is completely asinine for all of those angry workers to cost 25,000 more jobs to go down the drain just because the IAM attorneys didn't cross the "t" in a very important contract clause.

And you are not a scab if you disagree with the IAM whose interest are probably in shutting US AIRWAYS down so United can fly out of bankruptcy because of 6% less seats in the sky and its 20,000 United airlines workers won't have to lose their pensions.

Management doesn't want this strike and that is true. But if the IAM strikes then the company has NO OPTION other than to close the doors resulting in thousands of good paying job loss, or ground a number of planes indefinately and leave those on the outside wanting in, plus other employees furloughed.
We will be out the door if we do not strike. It looks like management will be up to their old genius selves for awhile. You don't get it we don't care anymore. You can not beat us down any more. We are going out and you are going with us. Barf!!!

--It does not take a genius to figure out we are toast if we do not go. Besides we can not trust management. They lie.


  • geni.gif
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Let me re-post this message from 1-5-2003:

"PITguy, I apologize for the delay. I haven't been online and just saw your note.

We are not going to outsource heavy maintenance in PIT or elsewhere. We never even proposed it. (Unlike UA which has proposed the outsourcing of heavy maintenance.)

We will pay all furlough pay as provided for in the contract.

We have no further plans to lay off more mechanics beyond what is published. With the new commitment to operate 279 a/c, we will need just about all the mechanics on the property to perform the maintenance we have scheduled, since our fleet plan anticipated retiring some planes that we will now be flying.

Finally, we are not trying to vendor maintenance with either Boeing or Airbus.

Chris Chiames"

--So you think you are going to watch us dance around like some happy fairies while you take our jobs.


  • elvor.gif
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strike facts said:
You people amaze me.

Get real to all of those who discounted the "acts of God, strike clause" If you guys think that the company won't invoke that clause even after a settlement with the IAM then you are all nuts.
The true facts are that the company will be more than happy to have a reason to go well below the 279 jet clause and will say that the strike impacted the operations and the company will not be fully recovered for at least 9 months. Who here doesn't think that will happen needs his head examined. I am 100% convinced that if the IAM strikes then the company will ground planes like it wanted to and cost thousands more jobs.
At any rate, any sympathizers or strikers who don't understand unemployment law and force majeure clauses will pay a dear price, and you will be able to thank the IAM for that.

What is more distressful is that this strike may give the company the avenue to liquidate. And it is completely asinine for all of those angry workers to cost 25,000 more jobs to go down the drain just because the IAM attorneys didn't cross the "t" in a very important contract clause.

And you are not a scab if you disagree with the IAM whose interest are probably in shutting US AIRWAYS down so United can fly out of bankruptcy because of 6% less seats in the sky and its 20,000 United airlines workers won't have to lose their pensions.

Management doesn't want this strike and that is true. But if the IAM strikes then the company has NO OPTION other than to close the doors resulting in thousands of good paying job loss, or ground a number of planes indefinately and leave those on the outside wanting in, plus other employees furloughed.
so you are saying..."acts of god" i wasn't aware dave is god...maybe to you but not me.**************************************************************
the true fact is the companies going to be tickled pink at this OPPORTUNITY? provided by the IAM and shrink the fleet.?..dude what are ye smoking?you mean use this opportunity to lose more money by pulling out of markets that are just starting to show an upward trend?****************************************
WHAT IS MORE DISTRESSFUL IS YES,THE COMPANY MAY LIQUIDATE...they don't have to,they are the ones pushing this confrontation...we have a contract with verbage defining what is our work.
if management is not pushing for a strike then why are they trying to break the contract?
strike facts said:
1) "You people amaze me." <snip>

2) "At any rate, any sympathizers or strikers who don't understand unemployment law and force majeure clauses will pay a dear price, and you will be able to thank the IAM for that." <snip>

3) "And you are not a scab if you disagree with the IAM whose interest are probably in shutting US AIRWAYS down so United can fly out of bankruptcy because of 6% less seats in the sky and its 20,000 United airlines workers won't have to lose their pensions."

4) "Management doesn't want this strike and that is true. But if the IAM strikes then the company has NO OPTION other than to close the doors resulting in thousands of good paying job loss, or ground a number of planes indefinately and leave those on the outside wanting in, plus other employees furloughed."
1- Yep, me too. Very amazing to see thousands of people pulling together, employees and passengers, standing up for their rights, saying... "No More." It's long, long overdue.

2- Nope. The IAM gave extreme concessions in wages, benefits, and work rules, as did every other labor group. The regime implimented this battle with a back door farmout of IAM work performed for 54 years, after assuring us they had NO intention of doing this. Thank the palace dwellers.

3- You're really reaching here. If anything, the IAM wants more employment, which equals more dues. After losing the mechanics at UAL, the IAM does not desire more dues paying members unemployed. A ludicrous, desperate stretch on your part.

4- Management can end this fiasco tomorrow if they want to. Apparently, this is exactly what they want. They can't have any doubt what their actions will cause.

Why would anyone sign a contract with this company or believe anything that comes from them?

Hope you folks are proud of your legacy. You're definitely going in the history books. Has any team destroyed a company of this size quicker?
I don't see the solidarity you speak of. I haven't heard of one person on the CLT ramp that will be sympathetic to the IAM, partiularly the mechanics. I haven't heard of any stock clerks or cleaners willing to walk either with the exception of lavman and a dozen others here. Last strike practicully all of our GSE department crossed.

CLT m & r has had it with the IAM and wants amfa. And since the IAM already knows we are going amfa then it makes perfect sense that they would try to shut this company down to take it out of the sky. All of us already know that the IAM doesn't give a rat's a$$ about us.

Solidarity, right I seen it all before. IAM talks big, members talk big, but then they fold. History doesn't lie on this property. 57% and still confused? I'm tired of this lame union. If you guys want to play big union members and think you are teaching this company a lesson then go for it, it was nice knowing you.

Just remember there are a good many members like me who can't wait to cross an illegal IAM picket line and then tell all of you IAM robots that we told you so when the company invokes the famous "in cases of strike, acts of God, etc" in which case this company will be able to do any damn thing they want to.

ALPA, AFA and others will not honor the IAM picket line. My bet is 75% of fleet service here will cross the line in a heartbeat. Those rampers can't stand the IAM and I don't blame them, they been hosed and would be fools to walk for the IAM and take the food off their table. And all the company needs is about 25% of the mechanics to cross which will not be any problem.

The time to strike was last year. Get real and live with the contract we voted on. When the judge gets this, after several hundred are on the street he will vote in the companys favor and all those out will be screwed. Funny how the IAM is now saying the judge is on our side. Who would buy that? Even if the strike was legit, the judge will rule in the company's favor but when will those who strike and sympathized be allowed back? Check case law my friends check case law and you will see that the strikebreakers and even new hires end up in better shape than the members who struck. Check the other unions and strikes over the last 10 years to see what happened to their members who struck while the unions continued to collect dues from the replacement workers. Check Eastern where the unions collected the dues from the replacement workers while its previous members were on strike. I'm all for striking but I'm not dieing on this hill, this strike would be a total joke.
Just remember for any sympathizer or striker, when you talk to your wife or husband tell them you did it for "Bill F and Tony G"!
😉 If you or anyone else cross a picket line..it will be a legal picket line, and you will be (and for ever known as)a scab. Also...after about a week of your rants and raves about the past happenings at U, I have begun tol think of you as a TROLL..or Company plant, AKA ...Suck$$s, or you may be one of the infomus 75 that were confused and demanded a second vote....which is it......I think..Troll Alert is called for...BUT..as required by the moderators..You and yours have a nice and posperous week(end). 😉
Typical to start the name calling just because someone has no interest in doing what you intend to do.

Oh so you reduce your argument down to your trump card like calling me a scab is going to make me say, Oh boy I better go out so I can lose my job".
Get real. If you strike so be it and if I decide to go in for a paycheck then so be it.

If we had a solid union that i could trust then maybe but we don't and you know it. I wouldn't trust this union IN ANY SITUATION. But if you go out on strike then it will be the IAM you will be forced to trust. If you're out looking for information and Bill F & Tony G aren't nowhere around to supply it to you while they are still collecting thier paychecks then look in the mirror and you will get a real good picture of who to blame.

It is completely asinine for me to think that the IAM is by some miracle going to fully inform me if I walk.

Go ahead and tell yourself 3 times that the IAM will take care of you and has your best interest in mind. I bet after you say it once you will realize how stupid that sounds.
PITbull said:

Check it out...."Strike Facts poster" is a "newbie". How much to bet its managment trying to divide the group. You know they are going to come out on these boards fast and with much fury......

Brace yourself....its coming!
Dont worry strike facts, anyone with an opinion contrary to PitBull is management. Speak your mind freely. She sure does. Again and again and again.................................................................
and again.

I dont really believe management will utilize this forum to resolve/influence an issue of this magnitude. Some would like to believe so but highly unlikely in my opinion.
strike facts said:
Typical to start the name calling just because someone has no interest in doing what you intend to do.

Oh so you reduce your argument down to your trump card like calling me a scab is going to make me say, Oh boy I better go out so I can lose my job".
Get real. If you strike so be it and if I decide to go in for a paycheck then so be it.

If we had a solid union that i could trust then maybe but we don't and you know it. I wouldn't trust this union IN ANY SITUATION. But if you go out on strike then it will be the IAM you will be forced to trust. If you're out looking for information and Bill F & Tony G aren't nowhere around to supply it to you while they are still collecting thier paychecks then look in the mirror and you will get a real good picture of who to blame.

It is completely asinine for me to think that the IAM is by some miracle going to fully inform me if I walk.

Go ahead and tell yourself 3 times that the IAM will take care of you and has your best interest in mind. I bet after you say it once you will realize how stupid that sounds.
this has nothing to do with a Union..this is only a moral decision..either you are with us, or against us..only U can make that decision. :down:
strike facts said:
Listen up NEWBIE! :blink: I will hold back my true emotions to prevent another suspension from the neo's. Its nothing about name calling or trust for the IAM. Anyone with half a brain knows the company will lie cheat and steal.So you ought to even understand that much. All of our jobs our on the line. We are just the first group to get the additional grenades launched towards us. Every group has realized that dave and company will not stop trying to take more and more. :angry: Its now or never, we must take a stand together or the end will eventually keep rolling down the line. Most of us will be gone anyway so lets just shut it down and prevent the scoundrels from getting any richer off the middle class workers. So you go ahead and cross the line but you might want to step very very carefully. Hey maybe if they keep you and drop your wages to $11 bucks an hour like midatlantic you might get that next foreman promotion. Oh that can't happen since you probably already are one. :shock:
Non Rever said:
As stated above:

I dont really believe management will utilize this forum to resolve/influence an issue of this magnitude. Some would like to believe so but highly unlikely in my opinion.
I reply: They have used this forum in the past. Please see other topics and they continue to review and post here and will post here more often in regards to this issue in trying to convince people to give up their jobs. It will do no good.


It is foolish to think otherwise.

When united together as we are we are driving the car and you are going along for the ride. We have had enough and united together we are taking you down.


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to much time to quit said:
strike facts said:
Typical to start the name calling just because someone has no interest in doing what you intend to do.

Oh so you reduce your argument down to your trump card like calling me a scab is going to make me say, Oh boy I better go out so I can lose my job".
Get real. If you strike so be it and if I decide to go in for a paycheck then so be it.

If we had a solid union that i could trust then maybe but we don't and you know it. I wouldn't trust this union IN ANY SITUATION. But if you go out on strike then it will be the IAM you will be forced to trust. If you're out looking for information and Bill F & Tony G aren't nowhere around to supply it to you while they are still collecting thier paychecks then look in the mirror and you will get a real good picture of who to blame.

It is completely asinine for me to think that the IAM is by some miracle going to fully inform me if I walk.

Go ahead and tell yourself 3 times that the IAM will take care of you and has your best interest in mind. I bet after you say it once you will realize how stupid that sounds.
Listen up NEWBIE! :blink: I will hold back my true emotions to prevent another suspension from the neo's. Its nothing about name calling or trust for the IAM. Anyone with half a brain knows the company will lie cheat and steal.So you ought to even understand that much. All of our jobs our on the line. We are just the first group to get the additional grenades launched towards us. Every group has realized that dave and company will not stop trying to take more and more. :angry: Its now or never, we must take a stand together or the end will eventually keep rolling down the line. Most of us will be gone anyway so lets just shut it down and prevent the scoundrels from getting any richer off the middle class workers. So you go ahead and cross the line but you might want to step very very carefully. Hey maybe if they keep you and drop your wages to $11 bucks an hour like midatlantic you might get that next foreman promotion. Oh that can't happen since you probably already are one. :shock:
Glad to see ya back.. MB
TOOMUCHTIMETOQUIT-glad to see you are back...even though our opinions have differed in the past its nice to see your solidarity as to all members in this debacle. we shall see this through together as one! :up:

Just came in, and saw what the "strike facts" poster is writing. He is now disquising himself as an IAM member....THIS IS PURE BULL_ _ _ _!

This is management. They are coming on here. I have been PM.

And Non Rever, get a grip on reality!


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