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On Time Every Time

What a joke. Go ahead, close the cabin door 5 minutes prior. Ya still got the cargo equation. And don't forget, you cheep sobs rigged the acars to log an out time during pushback, not the dam door closing!!! So I guess the next move is to continue to have the "wet behind the ears" managers visit the aircraft to "see how things are progressing". All the while the fools are shooting themselves in the foot by being cheep simply for the sake of carving out a few minutes from the flight crews rightful pay.

No one meets an idiot half way.
What a joke. Go ahead, close the cabin door 5 minutes prior. Ya still got the cargo equation. And don't forget, you cheep sobs rigged the acars to log an out time during pushback, not the dam door closing!!! So I guess the next move is to continue to have the "wet behind the ears" managers visit the aircraft to "see how things are progressing". All the while the fools are shooting themselves in the foot by being cheep simply for the sake of carving out a few minutes from the flight crews rightful pay.

No one meets an idiot half way.

You are not an idiot and many here will meet you more than half way. I only wish I could control, in a positive way, the pay for the rampers, most of whom do more than their share.

I have seen them in short sleeve shirts in a snowstorm, a circumstance brought about by moronic managers. We shut the operation down until the bastard management could equip them properly.

I think it is past time for a, um, pause, in the operation. Maybe a little "heads up" then slam the bastards. Problem is, how would they tell the difference from normal operations?

Perhaps were we to know what they drive and where they park????? You know, just a little note on their windshield.......
A few years back wasn't this called "All Together OnTime"? It didn't work then with a great res system and half a$$ed management. It CERTAINLY won't work now with this circus act. I don't like the underlying tone of this letter. I think we all know what needs to be done to achieve an on time departure. Hey guys, did you know this round thing can roll? Yeah it's a wheel and it's ALREADY been invented. I mean really.... 🙄
All these years, I've just been standing around twirling my hair and spinning my tail for the fun of it. EastUS, why didn't you correct my ways?
View attachment 6820

Hey!..I don't never, ever interrupt cute..fair's fair and reasonable life priorites must prevail :lol: Sigh..just don't know about your attitude though young lady 😉

I still can't understand all the whining here though...some pathetic, lower case idjit in "management" DID say that they'd really "appreciate" this...whatever it is..and..isn't that way past enough for everyone? 😉

Can't we all just keep filing all the spokes they're constantly, and brilliantly glueing onto the outside of the wheels off, and continue to kill ourselves for virtually nothing, just to continue making this operation "work"? 😉 Sheesh..one might imagine that no one in the lines is getting big stock options, bonuses, or great pay...ummm...nevermind.
<SNIP> Ann Coulter has publicly advocated flying commercial aircraft into buildings in NYC. Is she (he) a terrorist threat?

I’ll pull the string on my talking Ann Coulter doll and get back to you.

Hey Doug...how about settling all contracts with livable pay and you won't have to worry about on time flights....we'll turn these rockets around in no time. We use to turn fully loaded 727's, in and out in 15 minutes. Thats before we were treated like scum. :angry: :angry:
What a joke. Go ahead, close the cabin door 5 minutes prior. Ya still got the cargo equation. And don't forget, you cheep sobs rigged the acars to log an out time during pushback, not the dam door closing!!! So I guess the next move is to continue to have the "wet behind the ears" managers visit the aircraft to "see how things are progressing". All the while the fools are shooting themselves in the foot by being cheep simply for the sake of carving out a few minutes from the flight crews rightful pay.

No one meets an idiot half way.

Beginning in the 2nd quarter of 2008, the out time is slated to be changed to reflect MCD closure as the official departure time. Heard it from a fairly high source. Depending on the results of "On Time, Every Time", it may change even sooner than that.
*Conduct a passenger count only upon the Captain's request, after aircraft
door closure, but prior to beginning the Safety Demonstration (InFlight
Emergency Manual, Chapter 3). DO NOT DELAY DOOR CLOSURE TO CONDUCT A

I thought it was proceedure on the East side for a pax count to be done by the crew.

I can only imagine the misconnect numbers in PHL after a week of this!

Either way, like everyone says, this will last about as long as All Together On Time, which is still shorter than Project High Ground!
Why not preboard Non Rev Employees and let then assist with baggadge and overheads and directing people to their seats? We can also help out with the Switching of seats for the PAX I do this all the time as a non rev.
It is not a non-revs job to assit in boarding flights or doing any work period.

So you want Mechanics, Rampers and Agents doing work, not getting paid for it?

What if a non-rev gets hurt or in a confrontation with a passenger?

Maybe they should add back the extra F/A instead of being at minimum staffing.

Doug sure is pouring you lots of koolade.
It is not a non-revs job to assit in boarding flights or doing any work period.

So you want Mechanics, Rampers and Agents doing work, not getting paid for it?

What if a non-rev gets hurt or in a confrontation with a passenger?

Maybe they should add back the extra F/A instead of being at minimum staffing.

Doug sure is pouring you lost of koolade.

Thank you...

If they added an extra F/A...more Blockholders...less reserves...this might help things roll at US.
Lets play devils advocate for a few. Can anyone see anything non insulting or positive in this directive? Or shall we say, crack of the whip? :huh:
HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!11 :stupid: I mean these people have got to be totally out of their wig if they think anyone is taking this seriously. I'm so embarrassed to say where I work lately.
I bet the Managers will all be for this...

..it's about their bonuses for getting the originators out on time.

NOT !!!!!
How about this to enhance on-time performance?

Stop making flight crews change airplanes every bloody time they go through a hub.

Every time you schedule an aircraft change -- or worse, when there's an unscheduled change for no apparent reason -- you just upped the odds of making at least two flights late.

And if it's absolutely necessary to change planes (like from a 320 to a 321, or a non-EOW to an EOW), how about looking a little more carefully as to where the inbound and outbound planes are parking? I cannot count the times recently that a crew has come in on C-29 in PHL, only to be scheduled to depart from A-19, 45 minutes later.

A couple of months ago, the very same scheduled trip each week had a crew come into B-16 in CLT, and depart from D-7. Every single time. And the outbound flight departed late. Every single time.

I can assure you that when a crew has to clean the cabin, then trek a mile-and-a-half to another gate, only to encounter an agent with the "Where the hell have you been? I want to board this flight and go on break" look in their eyes, that flight will not depart on time.

And if it's an unscheduled change, that just so happens to coincide with the one between-flight break upon which the crew was planning on eating or putting in their bids, I would encourage the crew to go ahead and do as they had planned. We didn't schedule the aircraft swap between the end of C-Con and the end of A-West.

The flight will depart when we're damn well ready to depart.
This whole initiative (initiative being used loosely here) is a result of the big bosses saying fix it and the underbosses coming up with a 'plan' to do so.

Unfortunately, the 'plan' stays the same. Tell people how to do what they already know how to do without addressing why what they know how to do doesn't get done.

The management daisy chain stays intact. Root problems never get addressed.