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On Time Every Time

Cabin door closed 5 min. before dep. However cargo doors still open 5 min. after dep. So on time or not?
Wow, this is breaking news! I never knew we had to do all of that for one flight!
View attachment 6819

How sadly typical..obviously; just another "slacker" it seems :lol: If all of you worthless employees would all just keep doing the almost impossible with virtually nothing for long enough, and naturally expect nothing for yourselves, or your efforts....Tempe's true genius could finally shine through :up:
Why not preboard Non Rev Employees and let then assist with baggadge and overheads and directing people to their seats? We can also help out with the Switching of seats for the PAX I do this all the time as a non rev.

Now that's an idea but Non Rev employees ARE ...I repeat...NOT on the clock except for deadheading crew members...so if an employee was to get hurt it's a liability to the company...go fish...
Cabin door closed 5 min. before dep. However cargo doors still open 5 min. after dep. So on time or not?

Isn't that the truth! no matter now hard on a 20 min turn I bust my butt to get everything and everyone in a seat you just end up closing the door to sit ANOTHER 20 min with the cargo door open. I gave up a long time ago trying to be the hurry up police. I wear wings. Not a badge.
Why not preboard Non Rev Employees and let then assist with baggadge and overheads and directing people to their seats? We can also help out with the Switching of seats for the PAX I do this all the time as a non rev.

Another one on drugs!!
Why not preboard Non Rev Employees and let then assist with baggadge and overheads and directing people to their seats? We can also help out with the Switching of seats for the PAX I do this all the time as a non rev.
I have a better idea! Why don't we all just work for free, not just when we nonrev!? :up:
Isn't that the truth! no matter now hard on a 20 min turn I bust my butt to get everything and everyone in a seat you just end up closing the door to sit ANOTHER 20 min with the cargo door open. I gave up a long time ago trying to be the hurry up police. I wear wings. Not a badge.

You sure are right on this issue! YOU BUST YOUR ASS TO GET THAT DOOR SHUT AND THEN YOU SIT FOR ANOTHER 20MIN NOT GETTING PAID. Heck we as f/a dont get paid as it is for boarding. I can see this work in small stations but Never in PHL. Ugh! I just hope the agents watch the bag issue.
How sadly typical..obviously; just another "slacker" it seems :lol: If all of you worthless employees would all just keep doing the almost impossible with virtually nothing for long enough, and naturally expect nothing for yourselves, or your efforts....Tempe's true genius could finally shine through :up:
All these years, I've just been standing around twirling my hair and spinning my tail for the fun of it. EastUS, why didn't you correct my ways?
View attachment 6820
Why not preboard Non Rev Employees and let then assist with baggadge and overheads and directing people to their seats? We can also help out with the Switching of seats for the PAX I do this all the time as a non rev.

I also, admittedly, like to help nearby people on flights I'm non reving on...BUT: If you even "think" it'd be at all appropriate to imagine ordering/demanding more from people than they're personally inclined to offer, and for ZERO money/etc....you're not only Koolaide saturated beyond all normally toxic levels...you're flat-out INSANE!!. People non revving are enjoying one of the very few perks yet left here..and are on their own time. Really..words just fail me here :blink:
"All these years, I've just been standing around twirling my hair and spinning my tail for the fun of it. EastUS, why didn't you correct my ways?"

:lol: :lol: :up: :up: Now that was funny as crap USCREW!
Why not preboard Non Rev Employees and let then assist with baggadge and overheads and directing people to their seats? We can also help out with the Switching of seats for the PAX I do this all the time as a non rev.
What a tool. A real honest to God tool. What an a$$.

If you clowns in the castle can not run airline without asking people to work for free and against their contracts, get the hell out, and take the other management trolls who post on this board with you. But just fun of it I have to ask, just how much was your raise and bonus this year? And to ask the hard working front line of this airline to do this to protect your bonus is a new all time low......

What a tool!!!!
Am I the only one that finds this hysterical? :lol: I mean how long have we been flying? AA, UA, DL, SW, NW, ect are all flying around without too much of an issue yet here we sit. "Hello Flight Attendants, this is an airplane! This is how the carry-on goes. This is how you close a door. This how you make an announcement. This is how you move a passenger. What next? This is how you pluck your stray nose hair out? 🙄 Please stop treating us as baboons. We know what the heck we are doing you don't give us the support to do it!
Posters, lanyards, t-shirts, a DVD. All cøst NUTral due to the just announced corporate sponsor of this groundbreaking program.

I Make US Go!