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On Time Every Time

I've always thought it would be funny for the flight attendants to have a bull horn and yell at the passengers (just like in the movie 'Police Academy') "move it, move it, Today! Today!" You could board a flight in 6 minutes. 🙂

Unfortunately it sounds like US is heading in that direction -- Passenger Academy. 🙄

Can't re-seat people until after take-off? It's getting worse than Greyhound!

I recall at one time Continental was starting the boarding process for a 757 40 minutes prior. But that was back when everyone can (and most did) bring two rolling suitcases plus a small bag.

Boarding a 737 with a limit of one rolling suitcase per person 40 minutes prior is admitting failure when Southwest can do the same thing in half that time.
there is no way in hell f/a's are going to give this company another 10 mins extra to board period!!! pay us for that then will talk.
and besides that there is absolutely no reason to board a 319 or 737 40 minutes early. If it takes us that long to board then there is definately too much incompetence and lack of ability to do this job. Unless there is an exceptional amount of assistance passengers then they can forget 40 minutes or even 35 (except for 321, 757, 767, 330 and International of course)
I can't believe mgmt(or maybe I should have expected it!), sent out this memo. As a FA, Please tell me when was the last time a flight was delayed because of FA's?...it's just another way of HORRIBLE MGMT. NOT KNOWING WHAT TO DO!...AND NOT FIX THE REAL PROBLEMS....like congestion at gates, cramped and tight seats on a/c, carry-ons, bad computer system, that still has problems with dupe seats, wrong pax at exit rows, families not sitting together(and gate agts. passing the problem to FA's), no pause with preflights, and the list goes on....BUT don't take care of the real problems, just pass it on to the FA's. I for one, am tired of this incompetant MGMT. team that won't fix the interior of our planes, broken videos, BAD catering, bad customer service, and than send a memo to FA's about on-time. I will refuse to close that door one minute early, until everything that should be done on the a/c is finished for boarding. If the departure is 1400, the door closes at 1400(unless all procedures are done before that). I will not be intimitated(spelling) by the gate agents, nor MGMT. Where is the union about this memo?
You want a flight to board quicker than you have ever witnessed in your life? Tell the passengers that your going to go illegal with your flight hours if you don't depart EXACTLY on time. I have had honest situations where we had 18 minutes to get out or we wouldn't make our destination before going illegal. Those people were in their seats on a FULL 757 with bins closed and ready to go in about 15. It was amazing. Well we did out part but still had to wait for two poor baggage handlers to finish loading all by themselves.
at our station we never had issues with FA's boarding because we had a lil "deal". We'd always block row 18 of the Mid Atlantic flights. The only time we'd put people back there is when we had 69 passengers on board.

Give the flight attendants a little (non econonic item that means A LOT to them) and they'll give you what you want in return.

Our station figured it out, why can't management?
That last row means the world to most flight attendants on longer flights. Hell all flights actually.
i will beleive it when i see it. until then, it's sounds like just another waist of time .
That last row means the world to most flight attendants on longer flights. Hell all flights actually.

and the MDA Fa's we had all knew that.... that's why when we'd ask for their help, we'd always get cooperation. As a team, we'd all bust our asses to get things done rather than "work by the book". We even ran lunch out to them on the tigther turns (USAirways scheduling didn't really give the crews any time to eat.. they start at 530AM and its 1230pm when they'd get to us, with NO breaks between flights!).. and they still had 2 more legs to do!

Its amazing what you can do when there's cooperation, isn't it travelpro?
It is not a non-revs job to assit in boarding flights or doing any work period.

So you want Mechanics, Rampers and Agents doing work, not getting paid for it?

What if a non-rev gets hurt or in a confrontation with a passenger?

Maybe they should add back the extra F/A instead of being at minimum staffing.

Doug sure is pouring you lots of koolade.

Well said.

It is not the pouring. It is in the drinking.
our station still holds the record for turning a full E170 in 14 minutes 🙂 Had 72 coming off, 68 going on.

when your employees are motivated, you can do a lot.

And this is after the merger was announced, our MDA crews could have been as lazy as they wanted, but they worked their asses off until the last day.
our station still holds the record for turning a full E170 in 14 minutes 🙂 Had 72 coming off, 68 going on.

when your employees are motivated, you can do a lot.

And this is after the merger was announced, our MDA crews could have been as lazy as they wanted, but they worked their asses off until the last day.

Pikers, all.

I counted greater than 100, each direction, three complete 737 cycles in less than 54 minutes, same gate (We were on gate 12 LAX and I was counting gate 10, with John Wilder, the Captain. You non-SWA morons (yeah, that means you HP freaks) are so damn stupid I just cannot believe it. You call yourself "low cost", in fact, you are idiots.

Drawn and quartered executives would be a bare minimum. Feeding your AWA "training" management to Arctic krill would actually benefit the world. I say, restore the death penalty for corporate and union malfeasance. Have a good day Pollock.

I’ll pull the string on my talking Ann Coulter doll and get back to you.


yeah, transvestites who are too cheap to have their adams apple shaved really carry a lot of cred with me.

I will simply ask the slut to repeat what it said. If it conforms with well known truth, then, the it is off. No need to carry a known terrorist, is it?