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Oil Prices Near $50 Per Barrel...again

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IF your not imposing on me and mine frankly i could care less if your attracted to barnyard beast.

Bingo!!! That's the point. Yet these are the same folks that seem to think they should have the right to tell others the kind of car they drive.
Busdrvr said:
IF your not imposing on me and mine frankly i could care less if your attracted to barnyard beast.

Bingo!!! That's the point. Yet these are the same folks that seem to think they should have the right to tell others the kind of car they drive.

Now Busdrvr,

That in and of itself is a whole other topic. 😛 :lol:
"Have you checked out what is going on in Africa lately with a huge portion of the population being HIV+ mainly through heterosexual transmission?"

What are you slow? RTFP. "CRITICAL MASS"

"About as much as you do, apparently. You are like a lot of people I see these days who really is blind to the fact that the fundamentalist path we are currently embarking on only ultimately ends up in a place no better than Afghanistan under the Taliban. You're living proof."

I guess when you were in Afghan you formed your opinion 🙄 . GMAFB. The "right" isn't the side trying to impose beliefs on the other. As local 12 so elegantly put it, I couldn't care less what you and your's does in your private life. you are the one insisting on sticking it in everyones face. For the record, a public parade is not an appropriate venue for hetero sex either.

"They seem to be going pretty strong, and the actions of the ol' US of A since Afghanistan (which BTW I believe was justified) are inspiring more of the same to pop up in countless other places."

really? where? Tell me so we can go kill em. :up:
Busdrvr said:
Bingo!!! That's the point. Yet these are the same folks that seem to think they should have the right to tell others the kind of car they drive.
Gays as a group go around telling others what kind of car they should drive??? Now you've really lost me. You sure like to pigeonhole "types" of people. I guess if someone is not exactly like you, they are suspect.
"That in and of itself is a whole other topic."

First, are you refering to the Barnyard animals part? If so, the relevent issue is whether or not they should get travel privledges and healthcare... 😛 after all, to each his own, and who are we to judge 😛 😀
Bear96 said:
Gays as a group go around telling others what kind of car they should drive??? Now you've really lost me. You sure like to pigeonhole "types" of people. I guess if someone is not exactly like you, they are suspect.

While it's not surprising that "I lost you", i'll clarify it for you. LIBERALS think they should be able to dictate the car's folks drive. Are you, NxN and Daybefore liberals?
Busdrvr said:
The "right" isn't the side trying to impose beliefs on the other.
Oh really. Who is behind the constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage? (The "right.") What is the purpose of it? (To impose a certain belief about marriage on everyone else.)

I couldn't care less what you and your's does in your private life.
Then why do you seem so obsessed by it?

you are the one insisting on sticking it in everyones face.
How have I done that?

Tell me so we can go kill em. :up:
That strategy is certainly working like a charm. Glad it entertains you.
Busdrvr said:
GMAFB. The "right" isn't the side trying to impose beliefs on the other. As local 12 so elegantly put it, I couldn't care less what you and your's does in your private life. you are the one insisting on sticking it in everyones face. For the record, a public parade is not an appropriate venue for hetero sex either.

YOu might not care...nor do I care, but the "right" most certainly DOES care...witness the strong support for a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT to tell others how they should live. Does the term "gay marriage" ring a bell? It apparently did in 11 states, and I do believe I heard those words, along with "constitutional amendment" and "ban" used by the Bush team. Why is it that anyone who proposes a constitutional amendment to penalize the housewife who chooses to exercise her "right" to drive a Hummer to the grocery store results in an outcry that the "left" cannot impinge the "rights" of what we choose to drive, but it's perfectly okay for the "right" (as a whole) to impinge the "rights" of others over who can stand in front of a justice of the peace and be married?
Busdrvr said:
While it's not surprising that "I lost you", i'll clarify it for you. LIBERALS think they should be able to dictate the car's folks drive. Are you, NxN and Daybefore liberals?

You guys, please don't turn this into a gay topic or liberals vs conservatives...MODERATOR PLEASE...alittle humor was put in there to break what could become a war.

And please remember that the topic of gays has been soooo discussed and either you are fir us gays or agin us...but you can learn more about THAT topic on the INTERNETS...you know, the one Bush-whacked made in his debate? 😛 :lol:
Busdrvr said:
Are you, NxN and Daybefore liberals?
Can't speak for the others. But as for me, yes, and proudly so.

Now, are you a right-wing, closed-minded crackpot who feels threatened by other people who are not exactly like you or who hold differing viewpoints and who, if this were the 1950s and it was still socially acceptable to do so, would be making these types of comments about African Americans or Jews?

My sincerest apologies for my part in getting this thread totally off-topic. Sitting by silently while people like Busdrvr ram their extremist views down the world's throat is a large reason we are in the mess we are in right now. So I will no longer sit by silently when I see such hateful things posted.
BTW, if any of you DON'T want to hear about something that is a part of our lives (sexuality), please don't cram your heterosexuality around me by talking about the last piece of p#### you got or her big tits. Also, I prefer you NOT make reference to your spouses or your kids as that is throwing your heterosexuality in MY face. And while your at it, please change she to he, her to him, girlfriend to boyfriend, and wife to hushand because if you expect me to lie about those things, you should be held to the same standard. And I no more feel comfortable paying MY taxes for your kids to go to school, so I will take my refund in tens and twenties. But I know, your way is "normal".

Friend, through straight people's very existance, they are able and do flaunt THEIR heterosexuality...so give us a break if we take one f##king day out of the year to stand up and basically say I HOLD NO SHAME!!! 😀

Sorry, did I just breach my last posting? :blink:
daybeforecommuter said:
Yes miss bull, it actually is about oil....f-o-l-l-o-w the bouncing ball. BUT, what it is actually about is that you and your issues with what is going on is moot. There are bigger things at stake here besides your "right" to be paid for something you do not do. Show up to work and make 30 bucks an hour. Or is it 1.85 for the majority of the time you're there? Travel is expensive, you're replaceable. Now, that is on-topic. The big boys and girls behind the bullet proof door, not so easily replaceable. Replaceable, yes....but that would mean Doc would have to shut the doors for a few weeks. Oil may not be dictating what happens with Mitchell in the short term, but he has long term on the brain...
so listen sweetums, we covered future geo-political conflict, human rights, health care for the uninsured. Heck, what about this isnt on-topic. I put in the remark to Bear to see u rear your ugly head. right on....

And you're an A** wipe.

You are OFF topic. This is about OIL not sexual preference or how successful your partner is.

You should be happy and content as you portray to everyone on these boards. Your posts appear pretty damn disgruntled and mighty unhappy.

If you look at the topic above ITS ABOUT $50 BARREL OIL; not your love life, CAUSE NO ONE GIVE A FLYING &*&^!

There is a place for that and it is on the "home page" under "Just conversation".
Moderators: Can you shut down this topic....we have a poster that just doesn't understand the RULES. I'm sure they will give you a few lessons soon.
you guys, this is friggin great...jut woke up to a cold morning in SF...probably wont reach 60 brrrr. firstamend/bear, you guys rock. beyond telling the YAHOO what they should/shouldnt drive, lets go further and tell them that they shouldnt eat meat (farm to table fiasco), did someone say being FAT isnt a choice???. Or the gun thing....how are they really necessary? Or organized religion? Necessary in times when control was king and education a dream. Gonna have to go soon, my Organic Chem prof gets pissed if you interupt her lecture...Patrick Clock is ticking in Mitchells courtroom....You guys determined to fight? Or are you cool with whats coming?
This topic has run its course and has gotten way off topic.
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